Several new homebrew titles are currently in development for the Game Boy Advance's e-Reader, from the developer Matt Greer (better known online as Retro Dot Cards).
The Game Boy Advance e-Reader, in case you've never heard of it, was essentially a large black device that attached to the back of the handheld system via its cartridge port.
It was released in North America, Japan, and Australia in the early 2000s, and allowed its owners to read data off a bunch of collectible cards using a built-in LED scanner. This enabled players to download a variety of old NES titles (such as Balloon Fight, Excitebike, and Donkey Kong. Jr, etc) to their Game Boy Advance or to access special content within titles released for the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo GameCube (including most notably, Animal Crossing).
While popular in Japan, the device was considered to be a bit of a failure outside the country, which is likely one of the reasons why it never ended up being released in Europe. It has since mostly faded into obscurity in the years that have passed from its original launch, with the device typically only making headlines whenever a new rare card goes on sale. Because of this, it's understandably never had a particularly vibrant homebrew scene, with most developers instead choosing to gravitate to more conventional hardware.

Greer, however, seems to be setting out to try and change all that, announcing two new series of "Dot Cards" for the GBA e-Reader, which will give players a bevy of new games to download and play.
The first series is currently in development, according to the developer's website, and will feature a Minesweeper clone named Bombhunter; a sidescrolling shoot 'em up about a naked man in a bathtub called Exo Attack; the card game Solitaire; a version of the Nokia classic Snake called E-Snake; and a Magic 8-Ball style toy called Franny Answers.
The second series, meanwhile, is currently in the planning stages with Greer hoping that it will feature 10 games, including a platformer, a calculator, a fishing game, a trivia game, and a new take on Picross.
No release date has been revealed yet, but Retro Dot Cards has stated that when it is ready it will be a commercial product that will likely be sold on their website and will be released in a pack, similar to "a booster pack".
The cards are expected to support both the US e-Reader and the Japan e-Reader+.
You can follow Retro Dot Cards on BlueSky for more updates, or to offer suggestions on the kinds of titles you'd like to see in future series.