Valkyrie no Densetsu
Image: Namco

There are very few preservation groups online that are as active as the community devoted to the rescue of old Japanese "keitai" games.

Shortly after announcing the discovery of titles like Monster Hunter i, Chokkan Crash Bandicoot, and Xenosaga Pied Piper, the community has revealed on social media that it has made another exciting breakthrough, successfully recovering and dumping a game in Namco's Valkyrie series that was previously considered lost to time.

According to RockmanCosmo, The Glory of Valkyrie 2 was released in Japan in March 2009 for i-Mode-compatible Japanese feature phones (and for EZWeb-compatible phones a few months later) and features top-down gameplay similar to the 1989 arcade action-adventure RPG Valkyrie no Densetsu.

From what we can gather from contemporary news articles, it follows the story of the warrior Valkyrie who receives a new order from the Great Goddess to stop a conflict that has broken out in Marvel Land over a magical tree that has been gifted by the heavens.

The game is the sequel to the side-scrolling action RPG The Glory of Valkyrie, which was originally released for i-Mode-compatible phones in 2007, and was later brought over to Softbank, and EZWeb-compatible phones in 2009, as well as some Android phones in 2012.

As RockmanCosmo states, the group has yet to preserve the original version of this previous title. However, it appears the later Android version is already preserved.

If you want to learn more about Keitai games and the efforts that are being undertaken to rescue them for future generations, we recommend checking out the Keitai Wiki Discord server.