Xbox 360 Recompilation Tool Will Give Lost Classics A New Chance To Shine 1
Image: Sega

The recently-released XenonRecomp tool has already given us a PC port of Sonic Unleashed, but it could be put to (arguably much better) use by reviving many delisted Xbox 360 titles.

XenonRecomp converts Xbox 360 executables into C++ code, which can then be recompiled for any platform. "Currently, it only supports x86 platforms due to the use of x86 intrinsic," says the developer.

There are over 500 delisted Xbox 360 games, and this tool will give them the chance to live on as PC ports.

Notable examples include After Burner Climax, Daytona USA, Jet Set Radio, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Guardian Heroes, OutRun Online, Sonic the Fighters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled, The Simpsons Arcade Game and many, many more. Many of the games are digital-only releases and not available in physical form.

As well as delisted games, this tool also opens up the chance for unreleased games–such as the famous XBLA port of GoldenEye 007—to get released natively on PC.