Nightstalker Is Castlevania In All But Name, And We Can't Wait To Sink Our Teeth In 1
Image: Bad Landed

A team of indie coders is producing an amazing-looking Castlevania-inspired title for the MSX2 home computer, and it feels like the closest thing we're going to get to a new entry in Konami's vampire-hunting series.

Developed by the Bad Landed team, Nightstalker: Shadow of the Ancestors is an action platformer which clearly takes a massive amount of influence from the classic Castlevania titles on the NES. Some of the sprites are very similar, as is the music.

Coded by Frederik Boelens with visuals by Joël Verdonck, level design by Patrice Verstichel and audio by Jorrith Schaap, Nightstalker is currently in development but is shaping up very nicely indeed.

We haven't had a 'new' Castlevania since 2014's Lords of Shadow 2, although Konami has kept the series alive with collections of classic titles and ventures such as Haunted Castle Revisited. Netflix's animated series has also given the franchise fame beyond the world of video games.
