Cyber Arms Val-Kaizer
Image: Silence

An English fan translation has been released for the 1992 adventure game Cyber Arms Val-Kaizer (otherwise known as Kikou Soushin Val-Kaizer).

This is a short, roughly 2-hour ADV from the developer Silence that was released for the NEC PC-98 exclusively in Japan, and is said to feature "partial nudity and a couple adult themes", according to the patch's developers: , , and .

It focuses on a sci-fi story about a young woman who survives an explosion at her brother's laboratory and contains "scantily clad exoskeletons, housekeeping robotos, and family bonds", as well "an absurdly overpowered mecha". It features very little in the way of interaction, with some online having previously compared the experience to watching an OVA due to the lack of fail states and the potential for getting stuck.

In a description posted on their website, the creators of the patch have warned people interested in checking it out not to "expect something stellar in the writing department", but called the character design, animations, and soundtrack "awesome" and also highlighted a "couple light dungeon crawling sections that work surprisingly well".

They also went on to give some context about how the title was translated:

"We used Kirinn's awesome SGS graphical toolset again for this one. However, Alpharobo had to write a new text routine because of the engine differences. As an added bonus, the game has been converted to HDI, the graphics and animations recompressed to save space, and all the CG display times fine-tuned so you actually have the time to read the text before it vanishes. The original release was too much tied to CPU speed and disk access time ; now you should be able to play it without issue regardless of your setup."

The patch is available to download now from GBATemp and Romhack Plaza. You can check out more of the team's translations over on their site.

[source, via]