Update []:
The Video Game History Foundation's Frank Cifaldi has actually found Joe Hoops himself—AKA "angry black man" stock photo:
Original Story: Mon 15th Aug 2022
"Sir Charles" Barkley is one of basketball's all-time greats. He was voted the NBA's 'Most Valuable Player' in 1993 and has been named as one of the 50 greatest players in NBA history. Like so many popular sports personalities, "Chuck" got his own video game in the '90s in the form of 1993's Barkley Shut Up and Jam! for the SNES and Mega Drive / Genesis, which was followed by a Sega-only sequel in 1995.
Both titles are included in the Piko Interactive Collection 2 for the Evercade handheld, but, due to the nature of licencing, they've undergone some pretty drastic changes, as spotted by Twitter user @gosokkyu.
Charles Barkley is no longer the star and has been replaced by "Joe Hoops" – who, to our knowledge, hasn't been part of the NBA All-Star team at any point. In fact, we have reason to believe he doesn't even exist. Shocking, right?
Just in case you weren't aware, Piko Interactive is a company that hoovers up lapsed IP and repackages it for modern audiences. In addition to the Evercade cart – which contains several other games, such as Soccer Kid, Top Racer 2 and Power Football (formerly known as Mike Ditka's Power Football) – Piko has previously republished SNES titles in physical form. In fact, it recently announced that four lost NES, SNES and N64 games are on the way this year.
As well as getting the Mega Drive sequel, Barkey Shut Up and Jam! inspired the fan-made PC RPG Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden in 2008, which mixed the original game with the plot of Space Jam – the 1995 Michael Jordan movie which recently got a sequel itself.
This article was originally published by nintendolife.com on Fri 23rd July, 2021.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 43
You get shut up and jam
Videogame licensing needs to change, if you paid for the license for a movie, show, comic, sports league or celebrity to use in a videogame, 20 or 30 years later, even if you don't have the license anymore, you should still be allowed to sell that game unchanged, you just won't have the rights to use it in another videogame, that's how most Hollywood movies work.
This is even more important now, since games are sold in digital stores, and the end of the license means the whole game is removed, and this isn't a problem of physical vs. digital because the physical copies are rotting away, videogames should not be treated the same way as licensed toys, companies need to demand a lifelong license that allows licensed games to be preserved.
LOL! They used the same face for both the title screens and selcet screen. Hahaha. That's hilarious!
@victordamazio this for sure. i’d love to get modern ports of wwf no mercy and goldeneye and it’ll likely never happen
Pity we're never getting the fan made RPG sequel to this classic... it has the greatest title ever:
The Magical Realms of Tír na nÓg: Escape from Necron 7 – Revenge of Cuchulainn: The Official Game of the Movie – Chapter 2 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa
Basketball Licensing Matters.
I was scared until the very end that you'd go without mentioning Tales of Game's Presents Chef Boyardee's Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa.
@Muddy_4_Ever Crap, beat me to it. That's what I get for dawdling on the Hoopz Barkley SaGa Wiki.
Joe hoops for smash
They should have made up a character that sounds real, such as Wade Hixton. (There's a great boxing game on GBA called Wade Hixton's Counterpunch).
@Muddy_4_Ever In case anyone is wondering, this is verifiable:
Why does Joe Hoops have the same stank face in every one of his pictures? Is there a time when he isn't angry? I want to know more about this character's emotional state. Does he have this same face when he's a party? Hanging with the family? Out at the beach?
Silly. Games like these were once just a source of pocketmoney for these sports celebrities. But in the end, it carries on your legacy for a new generation. Mr. Barkley should insist on his name & likeness to stay attached to this project.
ngl out of all the video game characters, Joe Hoops is definitely one of them
You're not Charles Barkley you're just a wannabe who looks like em... BEGONE..you wannabe....BEGONE!!!
"I am not a mentor figure" - Joe Hoops
These were the good ole days when 10 different basketball games could release on a console and none of them were very good. You kids don’t know what you missed.
This is why you don't do stupid licenced games, the benefit is short-lived.
@Muddy_4_Ever If that's the real title, then it has just become my most wanted Switch port.
@TheWingedAvenger I have a good friend named Joe Hoops who loves basketball. Pretty authentic as far as I’m concerned.
If I was the dev, I would have re-named the character Basketball Jones.
@CptProtonX The description of the picture killed me hahahaha:
"young casual black man wearing blue tshirt on white background". How is that look on the eyes "casual".
@victordamazio As annoying as it is for us consumers, it makes sense legally, given that some forms or delivery systems of the media didn't even exist when the original contracts were signed. Streaming or digital distribution are 2 examples of complications. It's like when actors had in their contracts royalty checks for tv shows in syndication on tv channels, then getting screwed back in the early 2010s when they were getting zilch for shows they were in streaming on Netflix or Hulu. It's easy to not feel for the rich ones, but for some actors who put a ton into the daily grind of tv, to not get those checks was crappy.
"Just in case you weren't aware, Piko Interactive is a company that hoovers up lapsed IP and repackages it for modern audiences."
So the only difference between them and Nintendo is that Nintendo still owns the IP they repackage.
@CptProtonX Perhaps the more accurate description of "angry black man" was considered racist.
I prefer his brother Spaghetti.
@Enigk Hula, his cousin is okay too.
I remember this game. It was the reason Charles Barkley was removed from later editions of NBA Jam. NBA Jam/TE Edition and NBA Live 95 were about the only two (three) good basketball games that ever came out for the SNES.
That angry black man's face looks kind of creepy.
That's sad. I'm not sure if I can play sport games with fake characters.
Despite the fact that I'm from Brazil and my favorite soccer player was Allejo instead of Ronaldo. And before Ronaldo, Allejo was Bebeto.
This is turrible.
@CptProtonX Ahh...if you scroll down, there's some "Same Model" pictures. There, now he doesn't look so casual, I mean angry.
@Mountain_Man In case you hadn't noticed, "repackaging" old IP's is big business for practically every console game publisher with a back catalog worth half a damn these days.
Look I know you have good intentions, but this coming from such a place of ignorance that you end up on the wrong side of the argument.
These aren't LAWS, they are CONTRACTS. If the developer wants to shell out for a unrevokable, unlimited licence, that is totally a thing they have the option of doing. They want it for 30, 40, 100 years? Sure, just put that on paper and make an offer.
The problem here is that (almost entirely because of the mindset you are promoting here) developers know they don't have to treat IP or rights holders with even a shred of respect, because for some reason the audience they are selling to think that asking people to pay money to get access to something you created or cash in on a brand you brought to life over decades is a worse crime they blowing up a school full of children. So they come to the table with a 1 year, limited offer so they can exploit the rights holder as much as possible without having to pay them a fraction of what they should know that, as this thread painfully shows, you'll all blame the rights holder for not "letting" their content be used longer, not the developer for not PAYING the rights holder to use their content longer.
THAT'S the reason the licence runs out. Because they didn't pay for a longer one. They could have. They USED TO, before public opinion was that all content creators and IP holders are evil for wanting to eat. Now they don't.
Like most bad things in video games, you didn't just bring this on yourself, you literally begged for it.
Joe hoops: shut up and jam! Featuring commentary from the man himself... Joe hoops! Featuring Mr dream!
@victordamazio tv shows on DVD will pull music.
Dang. This is almost as bad as the way the NES Pyramids of Ra was updated compared to the proto. The proto used a grayscale palette and had no music on sound, but had a menu for choosing between music only, music and fx, and silence. The "final" version uses a SGB style red, black, and white color palette, removes the music options, and only has one tune taken from the GB version that plays non stop. No sound effects either.
@HeadPirate Why are you so rude? You didn't understand what I said in my original post, I know this happens because contracts made between companies, not actual laws that dictate that licenses for videogames and movies work differently, and I think I said that pretty clear when I finished my post saying "companies need to demand a lifelong license that allows licensed games to be preserved".
And your post is even worse later, I never blamed the rights holder for this, I think I made pretty clear that videogame companies are responsible for this, not movie/TV/comic/sports companies, you're assuming a bunch of things I never said and there's nothing in that post that even hints I meant that, and even if I was blaming them, this has nothing to do with the situation we have now, blaming the owners of the license for this doesn't mean that videogame companies will keep asking for a temporary license.
Sad. It looks like the era of Barkley is over, as told by B.L.O.O.D.M.O.S.E.S.
@tendonerd Yes, TV shows also suffered through this because there was no such thing as shows getting all their episodes on DVDs, it was impractical with VHS tapes that only got a few episodes, the contracts only covered actual TV broadcasts, not home video.
And it seems like the cycle is repeating, even shows made during the DVD era, are from a time there was no streaming services like Netflix or Amazon Prime.
But I still claim that videogame companies are even worse, at least in most cases, TV companies can still broadcast these shows on traditional TV channels with the original music, meaning they had a lifelong contract at least for that.
@Muddy_4_Ever I was looking forward to The Magical Realms of Tír na nÓg: Escape from Necron 7 – Revenge of Cuchulainn: The Official Game of the Movie – Chapter 2 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa for a long time and was bummed out nothing ever came of it. But there's a pretty cool demo/alpha for it and I guess all the source code is available as well, guess they gave up on it after it being too overly ambitious. YOu can try it out here https://talesofgames.itch.io/barkley-2/devlog/262720/the-future-of-barkley-2
NGL I miss the era of sports games with licenses of individual athletes, and in basketball alone we got Michael Jordan Chaos in Windy City (an action platformer), Shaq Fu (a fighting game), Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball (a futuristic basketball game), and many others. Nowadays almost every sports game is sanitized and recycled yearly by corporations like EA or Take 2.
TBH If I was doing a faceswap for the game, I'd have just got one of my mates to pull a silly face and slap it on top.
Then again I find stupid stuff like that hilarious
"...Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden in 2008, which mixed the original game with the plot of Space Jam..."
That's not even remotely what the game's like. Even if you never played the game OR seen the trailer, that's not an easy conclusion to jump to.
@Babsy3D yeah it’s moreso like “Evangelion but with Basketball Players”
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