Something Just Happened In GoldenEye 007 That Has Never Been Seen Before 1
Image: EON / MGM

GoldenEye 007 is fast approaching its 30th birthday, but Rare's iconic FPS is still offering up interesting pieces of info—including an event which, according to seasoned player Graslu00, has never been witnessed previously (thanks, Games Radar).

"Last night we were playing GoldenEye Netplay and we experienced something that was only theorised, never actually seen before all this time playing online," says Graslu00, who is one of the GoldenEye community's leading experts. "We both shot and hit at the exact same frame when our scores were 9-9, earning both of us a 1st place!"

He adds that "the extremely rare part here is it happened with a Pistols LTK scenario which requires both players to shoot at the exact same frame while being on match point - in other scenarios like Explosives or Slappers Only this is far more common."

"So the game increases your score and doesn't check if you lived or not," replies geovani60624. "That's interesting, also doesn't check if the other player is second or not."

"I expected it to have port priority or something but it's nice they actually considered these outcomes," replies Graslu00, to which geovani60624 responds with the opinion that Rare didn't simply expect the event to happen. "They just programed it in a very simplified way good enough for the game not to crash, the code is not checking much it seems."

"Glad this was recorded," adds THOneTwoSix. "Extremely rare indeed! This has been a myth in the GE netplay community since I started playing 15 years ago. Myth busted."

[source, via]