You Can Now Add Internal HMDI To One Of Nintendo's Most Sought-After Consoles 1
Image: Damien McFerran / Time Extension

Released back in 2001, the Panasonic Q is one of the most collectable Nintendo consoles. Developed in collaboration with the tech giant, the Q is effectively a GameCube which is capable of playing DVDs, Video CDs, audio CDs, and MP3 CDs.

It cost around $300 when it was initially released and never left Japan. Around 100,000 units are believed to have been sold, and today, it fetches insane prices on the secondary market thanks to its rarity, enhanced features over the stock GameCube and the fact that it looks utterly, utterly gorgeous.

Like the other systems of this generation, though, the Panasonic Q lacks HDMI-out. While it's possible to add HDMI via the EON GC-HD adapter, you'll need to modify the adapter itself in order to install it. A much cleaner and more seamless option is this new internal mod, which has been shown off by Martin Refseth:

It's a 'drop-in' installation, but you'll still need to crack open that rare and valuable Panasonic Q in order to fit it. You can see footage of the output below.

We're not sure we're brave enough to install this on the Panasonic Q we have in the office, but you might personally find it's the ultimate solution for your AV needs—if you're not already using a fancy upscaler, of course.

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