Can You Match These Start Buttons With Their Consoles? 1
Image: Damien McFerran / Time Extension

Ah, the humble Start button – an essential part of the video game landscape for decades, we'd arguably be in a tight spot without it.

This most essential of commands not only allows you to begin your game – a pretty important feature, we'd say – but it has also had other additional functions over the years, such as pausing the game or bringing up a menu.

Given how vital this button is on any controller or console, we thought it might be fun to test your knowledge of Start buttons through the ages. We've assembled a selection of buttons across gaming's rich history and challenge you to identify as many as possible as quickly as possible.

Can You Match These Start Buttons With Their Consoles?
How about an easy one to start with?
Image: Damien McFerran / Time Extension

The answer is NES.

Can You Match These Start Buttons With Their Consoles? 2
Image: Damien McFerran / Time Extension

This is, of course, the iconic NES controller. See, told you this one was easy!