Comments 1,065

Re: Resident Evil-Inspired Steam Game 'Flesh Made Fear' Is Bringing Survival Horror Back To Its Roots



haha fair enough, but that is the turn of phrase, and imo and they messed up 😂

and yes, I'm sure there is a Lamb of God type metal band that refers to this haha!

"what even does Resident Evil mean?"

FWIW, it means "the evil that lives (or exists) there"

For example, if you worked with someone who happened to be really into books, you might say that person is the "resident bookworm" of the office.

and, it's a play on the fact that the first game takes place in a mansion (a residence)

and of you want to think even more than anyone ever should, in my mind it has always been a twist of the title of its inspiration, "Sweet Home."

I really, really like words 😊✌️

Re: Resident Evil-Inspired Steam Game 'Flesh Made Fear' Is Bringing Survival Horror Back To Its Roots



that's fair!

to me, something can be said to be "made flesh" when it becomes real, or alive. I'm not a religious person, but I believe that the bible says something about Jesus being "the word of God made flesh.'

there is no saying that goes "[blank] made fear." what would that even mean? It's like they are trying too hard to sound scary, but if a fleshy thing turns into just a feary thing, isnt that actually less threatening? 😆 idk!

Re: This Week's Arcade Archives Game May Be Worth Skipping



"I'm not really sure where you're getting the hostility from."

not so much hostility, as negativity.

and you need only look at your headline. the news is,

"Hamster is doing Othello next"

but you chose to write

"This Week's Arcade Archives Game May Be Worth Skipping"

😂 see my point?

"It's just pretty obvious that the market for this is likely incredibly niche,"

yes, that is obvious 👍 good reporting I guess?

thanks for replying, and being game for the chat. no harm done obv and i mean nothing personal, to you. ✌️

Re: This Week's Arcade Archives Game May Be Worth Skipping


"Unless you're a really big fan of the [sic] Success or a huge strategy fan, we imagine this is probably one you will want to skip out on."

Is this a review or a news article? What does this writer have against Othello?

"unless you like Driving Sims, you'll probably want to skip Gran Turismo"

"unless you are a fan of 1 on 1 fighters, Street Fighter 2 probably isnt for you."


There are people that like different games than you. 👍✌️

Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment



i just took a quick look at the striker DC, a couple thoughts:

1) looks very functional, and I'm sure it's better than the OG pad, which I didn't/don't actually hate (id give it a b+)

2) with all that real estate, they couldn't have put two more face buttons on there? 😂

Unless I see something else rather compelling I'll probably go for these, thanks again for the rec. 👍

edit - i said all this and more in the comments for the striker DC review here on TE exactly one year ago! 😬💀 I'm getting old, kids.🫠

Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment



this appears to be the case! so many situations like this exist, and you dont know til you know! 👍 I will say, the "DC stick" definitely appeared "official" even here in NA, with only some "agetec" branding on the label to give that part away ✌️ i just happened to be at the nerd level where i noticed stuff like that, even at 13 y.o. 😆 cheers!

I will look into the wireless striker DC as im getting back into my DC lately and need to 4p up! 🤘

Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment



I did not know that! 😎 👍

PS - The DC stick is my all-round favorite controller ever made, just totally natural and intuitive to use, flawless performance, random green color 😍 I had two at one time and sold them when they started to get a little valuable and I had "moved on" to ps2/wii by then 🙄 yes regerts!

It has never been topped for me personally simply because manufacturers lack the courage to release a 6 button arcade stick these days, even though 8 button sticks are unnecessary, unergonomic and unwieldy IMO.

(and because they are all irredeemably confused about where the buttons go, particularly the R and L buttons 😆)

Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment


"To its credit, Sega was aware of this. It released an excellent arcade stick alongside the console, which is perhaps the weapon of choice for many Dreamcast fighting game aficionados. For those who prefer gamepads, ASCII Corporation created the brilliant Pad FT"

IIRC, ascii/agetec made both of these (officially licensed) devices. ✌️👍 great review, thanks for saving me from another DPAD disappointment 😅

Re: Your Next Retro Emulation Handheld Could Cost You 35% More Than Usual



"Just remember to say the same thing when the other side wins."

1) Don't assume you know what my "side" is, thanks.

2) I have no problem saying "more people didnt vote for X than did" when it's a factual statement, nevermind who X might be.

regardless, it's blatantly false to say that everyone wanted X policy when a fraction of people voted for it in the affirmative. no "math" required. 👍

Re: "The Most Bafflingly Poor Products We Have Ever Reviewed" - Marseille's mClassic RGB Collection Fails To Impress The Experts



I truly believe that audiophiles listen to speakers, not music. and with their eyes and brains, not their hearts and ears.

I consider myself a music lover, a musicophile. I need good amp + speakers to be satisfied, but audiophiles pretend there's no such thing as diminishing returns. or double blind testing 😂

anyway, I have no point but I liked seeing someone else pontificate about audiophilia. ✌️ cheers

Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?



I'm being a bit hyperbolic: CE plays GREAT and was in fact the first SF game I ever played. and of course the arcade Hyper Fighting is essentially a perfect game and I've had hours of fun on that machine throughout the years.

OTOH, Turbo sounds BEAUTIFUL in my opinion! far better than any other version! I'm a "music guy" and that really matters to me. Im happy to whoop someone if i can, but I'm really there for the vibes 😎

I'll put it another way: if I could have only one version of II, it's Turbo, no contest ✌️

Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?


many ports by the big players in the golden era were superior to the arcade in at least a couple ways, imo.

DC ports are > arcade, generally. soul calibur, crazy taxi, marvel vs capcom, et al. lots of NES games from "the big 3" were improvements or at least evolutions if the OGs. Contra. strider. Bionic commando comes to mind. capcom did it again with un squadron on snes, as well. 👍

(btw this is an old favorite talking point of mine and ive taken a good deal of abuse in these comments elsewhere for expressing it.)

Re: Flashback: One Of Gaming's Worst Pads Almost Led To A Controller That Promised To Change Gaming Forever


i had the snes one - yes, it was bad! it was only the second aftermarket pad I ever tried out ( the first being a SNES "Quickshot - for professional players" that was equally bad, almost worse) and like others, I saw an ad (I think on tv!) and my imagination ran wild! i bought in and immediately realized my mistake. 😂

i will say, the dpad had a small raised "dead zone" in the center that you could "park" the tip of your thumb on, so the claim that it was impossible to rest your thumb is not quite true (but just barely haha.)

in all, it was an early encounter with a "solution in search of a problem," and by the end of the 16 bit era i was coming around to the idea that 1st party is top tier and very few 3rd parties (that arent called ascii/agetec) could compete at the time.

Re: Taki Udon's Groundbreaking FPGA PS1 Gets Detailed, Pricing Starts At $149



I gave it to a girlfriend's little brother a very long time ago 😂 part of me wishes I hadnt, but he was already 10x the guitarist I ever ended up being, and it felt like the right move at the time 👍✌️

for the record it was a ~late 90s big muff pi NYC, which i believe was designed by the woman who founded Frantone ($$$ these days) shortly after.