i really wish theyd have just released salamander III as a standalone game rather than saddle it with these tired old classics ive bought many times before.
ps thanks for letting me know about the gamecube version! I think I'd rather play it on there to be honest, just barely. I love sega games on gamecube! 👍
I'm realizing now for the first time in my life that i do indeed want the game for my sega dreamcast 😆 insane how you just can't get to everything, or even close, no matter how hard you try.
I'm getting my dreamcast going again, damnit! ✌️im so close, now
Some people are ignoring it ('ignorant people," it's in the name.)
Others take a look, realize it's largely not what they are into, and move on to things that do interest them 👋✌️ life is short and we all have our bias and perspective.
This is cool! Never thought id see the day. Long Live Dreamcast!
Dreamcast was the single most exciting thing of my gaming childhood, and with SNES, PSX, and PS2 in there that's some stiff competition.
(SO glad they went with orange for the spiral here. The blue is cool but the orange was such a cool motif ✌️ and i cant think if any other "orange" consoles besides turbo off the top of my head.)
i think it depends on the model or even the idividual controller, but yeah I agree the gen/md design is one of the good ones ✌️👍
I like the turbografix dpad, the ps1-3 dpad, the saturn dpad, the NES and SNES dpads... and thats about all I can think of! unless we get into handhelds.
I'm convinced that the best 6 button layout would be the typical "snes" layout... but with two additional buttons 😆 amazingly I feel like ive almost never seen it attempted. Does anybody ever think about the og xbox black and white buttons anymore? I was such a hater at the time but thinking back they mightve been onto something. I missed out on xbox didnt I? With all my hating? it had pressure sensitive buttons, and no one ever talks about that, either. Grandpa's tired.
EDIT - Grandpa had another thought about this handheld: as a gamer you likely have feelings about what is the "best" dpad, analog stick location, erc etc, and with this setup, you are paying for all of the ones that you already decided are worse than the one youll be using all of the time. thank you.
Damo, is it actually comfortable to use a six button layout in that particular arrangement? my first thought was the the angle is too steep... my second thought is that even the saturn 6 button layout is not perfect imo. so why not? 🤔
I was still about 6 years off from my first 16:9 TV (50" Samsung Plasma, still works!) so I probably didnt spend too much time pondering the "widescreen" options in settings 😊👍
PS - there aren't even dozens of us it seems but I genuinely prefer a more square display for videogames, and if I start an actual good movie on a 21" CRT I will basically instantly forget what I'm watching on regardless. Thanks I felt like getting that off my chest. ✌️
I cant decide between the two! obv some games require 6 buttons, and its more rare to find. OTOH, I like 4 buttons better 😂 I guess it's a good problem to have!
Would'nt this screen actually be quite tall for tate mode? I might guess that a 1:1 device like the rgb30 would be just as good or better for tate mode, and also great for a whole lot else (besides DS of course 😅)
It's not about having "a gimmick." SNES and GameCube were paradigm shifts forward from their predecessors. it's not even close to comparable, sorry. ✌️
PS - yes, I know that killer games are a given with Nintendo! It's why I love them so 😊👍 but sometimes I get REALLY excited for the new nintendo console itself. This isn't one of those times. oh well!
"Have you tried the Series or DualSense? Aside from the stick drift issues that plagues all three companies, they both are great controllers."
I have heard great things! Ive thought about giving the dualsense a try, as obv I have a soft spot for sony's controllers. thanks for the recommendation! 👍😊
Among modern consoles, I only play Switch. Just for context.
The original dualshock design is the perfect controller, imo. pretty much the only controller ever to have a great dpad AND analog stick imo. best analog stick top ever designed, underrated unique dpad that worked perfectly.
completely versatile and comfortable, imo.
The switch Pro controller has excellent ergonomics except for the average/workable stick and bad dpad. I use it for most games and i do enjoy it!
I have the first version of the sn30 pro+ (i think, it was the first ine that took the snes one with the sticks, and added handles.) Initially, I was in love with this controller, but the dpad and left stick have worn down a bit and are not very fun to use imo. still, if I am playing switch and need a dpad, this is what I'm working with.
as far as ergonomics, I consider this a comfortable thing to hold, but it forces the "snes" layout into an angle relative to my hands that is not as natural as a normal snes pad without handles. maybe i should try that version?
I feel like I'm rambling! I hope this answers your question!
(oh, and i have the 8bd "sega" controller, and I LOVE the feel and concept but the dpad is not right! compared to my saturn controller, it's mushy when you press down in the middle, and even worse, "right" on the pad has no tactile feedback compared to the other directions, like ibe been playing sonic on it for 30 years 😂 ✌️)
(PS - i also love the gamecube controller besides the slightly undersized handles and triggers, and of course the saturn controller.)
We are lucky to have you around, and posts like #17 really demonstrate why. ✌️ I personally have really appreciated your perspective socially, and geographically.
this kind of thing is why a straight iterative followup for switch just doesnt cut it for me.
pay 400+ dollars just to continue having essentially the same experience I've been having for 8 years already. no ty til i see some killar apps. ✌️ rant over lol
I've seen it! there's some kind of "angry mob" psychology going on with Amico - people just love to hate. ✌️
I thought the thing looked cool initially, and I'm all about the unique consoles and oddball ideas! Sometimes it feels like the Wii U will be the last one.
Comments 1,121
Re: Konami Announces A New Gradius Collection Featuring An All-New Sequel To Salamander
i really wish theyd have just released salamander III as a standalone game rather than saddle it with these tired old classics ive bought many times before.
or Gradius V.
Re: Sega's Super Monaco GP Has Just Got A Handy New SRAM Hack
I wish someone would make a handheld that looks exactly/very close to like Nomad but very thin.
Re: Nike's Newest Sneaker Pays Tribute To One Of The N64's Finest
once you switch to wide/flat shoes youll never even think about putting your foot in a shoe like this again. ✌️
Re: One Of The Worst Games Of All Time Is Coming To Steam
good dad ✌️☺️
ps thanks for letting me know about the gamecube version! I think I'd rather play it on there to be honest, just barely. I love sega games on gamecube! 👍
Re: One Of The Worst Games Of All Time Is Coming To Steam
I'm realizing now for the first time in my life that i do indeed want the game for my sega dreamcast 😆 insane how you just can't get to everything, or even close, no matter how hard you try.
I'm getting my dreamcast going again, damnit! ✌️im so close, now
Re: One Of The Worst Games Of All Time Is Coming To Steam
this one?
i played it once in an arcade, it was cool! had the sega/AM2 thing going strong. 99/2000 was such a great time. ✌️
Re: "Poorly Analyzed US-Centric Garbage" - Why Do Americans Keep Ignoring European Gaming History?
Hot take:
Some people are ignoring it ('ignorant people," it's in the name.)
Others take a look, realize it's largely not what they are into, and move on to things that do interest them 👋✌️ life is short and we all have our bias and perspective.
Re: I Love The Neo Geo, But This Tiny Arcade Cabinet Is A Hard Pass
"I Love The Neo Geo, But This Tiny Arcade Cabinet Is A Hard Pass"
the editorializing of "News" (")Headlines(") is wild around here, lately. 😆✌️
this is... underwhelming. i like it 10% more than a normal clock, but MANY% less than my $4 thrift store SONY dream machine in "Xplōd" red 😂
Re: 32 Years Later, A Previously-Unknown NES Port Of Sensible Soccer Has Been Found
I've wanted to get into these games for a long time. An NES copy would be amazing! 😆
looks great
Re: This New Atari Watch Sets Out To Combine The Worlds Of Retro Gaming & Fitness Tracking
admittedly I'm 39 but I'd never wear a 300 dollar watch around.
... but I wouldnt wear this thing either! 😆
I guess I'm a Casio kind of guy 😂✌️
Re: SEGA's Genesis Classic 'Phantasy Star II' Is Getting An (Unofficial) Commodore Amiga Port
"SEGA's Genesis Classic 'Phantasy Star II' Is Getting An (Unofficial) Commodore Amiga Port"
(unofficial) editor's note: no need for parentheses in this headline.
edit - ✌️😎👍
Re: OneXPlayer's OneXSugar Handheld Can Transform Into A Next-Gen Nintendo DS
"Transformers toy that transformed from a handheld."
that is a "10 concept, 2 execution" if I've ever seen one! 😂✌️
Re: OneXPlayer's OneXSugar Handheld Can Transform Into A Next-Gen Nintendo DS
that's possibly the worst looking handheld I've ever seen in my entire life 😳
Re: 23 Years After Sega Pulled The Plug, Every Online PAL Dreamcast Game Is Live Once More
This is cool! Never thought id see the day. Long Live Dreamcast!
Dreamcast was the single most exciting thing of my gaming childhood, and with SNES, PSX, and PS2 in there that's some stiff competition.
(SO glad they went with orange for the spiral here. The blue is cool but the orange was such a cool motif ✌️ and i cant think if any other "orange" consoles besides turbo off the top of my head.)
Re: You Can Now Add Seamless HDMI To One Of Nintendo's Most Sought-After Consoles
i really doubt that this is one of the most "sought after" Nintendo consoles. one of the rarest, sure. 👍
Re: 30 Years Later, Konami Has Repeated The Same Mistake With Its Suikoden Remasters
coming in kinda hot, there. Did you join today just to get that off your chest? I'm not really in the mood, frankly. ✌️
Re: GoRetroid To Offer Limited Returns For The "Unfixable" Pocket Mini
add willie to the list of retroid pocket-curious potential Retroid customers no longer curious. 👎
willie doesn't hold grudges though, so as far as willie is concerned, the ball is in Retroid's court.
willie wants that 6 button pocket.
Re: Review: AYANEO 3 - A Remarkable (And Pricey) Modular Gaming Handheld
it's been a long time for me, as well 😅 cheers
Re: Review: AYANEO 3 - A Remarkable (And Pricey) Modular Gaming Handheld
mine must just be worn out! its the only one ive ever used and it is not at all what i would call "responsive"
Re: Review: AYANEO 3 - A Remarkable (And Pricey) Modular Gaming Handheld
i think it depends on the model or even the idividual controller, but yeah I agree the gen/md design is one of the good ones ✌️👍
I like the turbografix dpad, the ps1-3 dpad, the saturn dpad, the NES and SNES dpads... and thats about all I can think of! unless we get into handhelds.
Re: Is This Really Japan's Worst Video Game?
i will always think of "cosmic race"as the worst game ever but idk if it's Japanese.
Re: 30 Years Later, Konami Has Repeated The Same Mistake With Its Suikoden Remasters
in before the labor haters. 😅 Just name everyone that worked on your dumb (brilliant) game. 👍
Re: Review: AYANEO 3 - A Remarkable (And Pricey) Modular Gaming Handheld
thanks, Damo. I'm interested in this entire deal just for that weird 6 button, ngl!
...but not (checks article) $700-1800 interested! 😅 I'm just in shock, boys.
Re: Review: AYANEO 3 - A Remarkable (And Pricey) Modular Gaming Handheld
I'm convinced that the best 6 button layout would be the typical "snes" layout... but with two additional buttons 😆 amazingly I feel like ive almost never seen it attempted. Does anybody ever think about the og xbox black and white buttons anymore? I was such a hater at the time but thinking back they mightve been onto something. I missed out on xbox didnt I? With all my hating? it had pressure sensitive buttons, and no one ever talks about that, either. Grandpa's tired.
EDIT - Grandpa had another thought about this handheld: as a gamer you likely have feelings about what is the "best" dpad, analog stick location, erc etc, and with this setup, you are paying for all of the ones that you already decided are worse than the one youll be using all of the time. thank you.
Re: Review: AYANEO 3 - A Remarkable (And Pricey) Modular Gaming Handheld
Damo, is it actually comfortable to use a six button layout in that particular arrangement? my first thought was the the angle is too steep... my second thought is that even the saturn 6 button layout is not perfect imo. so why not? 🤔
Re: Review: AYANEO 3 - A Remarkable (And Pricey) Modular Gaming Handheld
IMO Nintendo has been trying to kill the dpad almost since they invented it. 😐 And almost no one else can do it right in the first place.
Re: Almost 25 Years Ago, Gran Turismo 3 Offered Ultra-Widescreen Support On PS2
"could he not just have switched the position of the monitors rather than rewire them all when they appeared in the wrong order?"
This sounds like another one of your riddles, Jimmy.
Re: Almost 25 Years Ago, Gran Turismo 3 Offered Ultra-Widescreen Support On PS2
good eye! i guess I stand corrected. 👍
I was still about 6 years off from my first 16:9 TV (50" Samsung Plasma, still works!) so I probably didnt spend too much time pondering the "widescreen" options in settings 😊👍
PS - there aren't even dozens of us it seems but I genuinely prefer a more square display for videogames, and if I start an actual good movie on a 21" CRT I will basically instantly forget what I'm watching on regardless. Thanks I felt like getting that off my chest. ✌️
Re: Almost 25 Years Ago, Gran Turismo 3 Offered Ultra-Widescreen Support On PS2
my first thought is, cool! 😎👍
my second thought is, surely this mode was designed for 3 x 3:4 displays, not 3 16:9 HD panels... 🤔
Re: Director Of Upcoming House Of The Dead Movie Says It "Reflects The Experience Of Playing The Video Game"
I'm pretty sure the rule is you cant make a VG film unless you've never played or at least absolutely hate the source material.
Re: Director Of Upcoming House Of The Dead Movie Says It "Reflects The Experience Of Playing The Video Game"
HOTD movie should just BE a light gun game. seems possible. 😅👍
Re: Suikoden I & II HD Remaster Missed The Chance To Be Even Better Than It Is
you got it, thanks Damien ✌️👍
Re: Suikoden I & II HD Remaster Missed The Chance To Be Even Better Than It Is
Re: GoRetroid Unveils More Info About The Retroid Pocket Classic, Including A Six-Button Variant
I cant decide between the two! obv some games require 6 buttons, and its more rare to find. OTOH, I like 4 buttons better 😂 I guess it's a good problem to have!
Re: This $75 Handheld Could Be The Best Way To Emulate Nintendo DS In 2025
yeah... i think a "wonderswan" style design would look and work better, and be more versatile ✌️ this one looks kinda odd to me too.
Re: This $75 Handheld Could Be The Best Way To Emulate Nintendo DS In 2025
Would'nt this screen actually be quite tall for tate mode? I might guess that a 1:1 device like the rgb30 would be just as good or better for tate mode, and also great for a whole lot else (besides DS of course 😅)
Re: This $75 Handheld Could Be The Best Way To Emulate Nintendo DS In 2025
it's one screen, as per the article. 👍
Re: GoRetroid Unveils The Retroid Pocket Classic, A New Game Boy-Style Handheld
With that music, they better hope Boomerang Fu isnt feeling litigious 😂 these look great! 1:1 screen i think?! 👍👍
edit- post update: looking at the resolution, I'm guessing its some multiple of OG GB resolution. cool.
Re: "Might Be Time To Go Back To A Corporate Job" - Trump's Tariffs Come Into Effect
So many of y'all are thoroughly snowed already. God help us.
Re: In Memory Of Memory Cards
You're half right, but It was called the "Expansion Pak." There is no "Memory Pak" afaik. 👍
Re: 8BitDo Has Announced The Successor To Its Ultimate Wireless Controller
It's not about having "a gimmick." SNES and GameCube were paradigm shifts forward from their predecessors. it's not even close to comparable, sorry. ✌️
PS - yes, I know that killer games are a given with Nintendo! It's why I love them so 😊👍 but sometimes I get REALLY excited for the new nintendo console itself. This isn't one of those times. oh well!
"Have you tried the Series or DualSense? Aside from the stick drift issues that plagues all three companies, they both are great controllers."
I have heard great things! Ive thought about giving the dualsense a try, as obv I have a soft spot for sony's controllers. thanks for the recommendation! 👍😊
Re: 8BitDo Has Announced The Successor To Its Ultimate Wireless Controller
Among modern consoles, I only play Switch. Just for context.
The original dualshock design is the perfect controller, imo. pretty much the only controller ever to have a great dpad AND analog stick imo. best analog stick top ever designed, underrated unique dpad that worked perfectly.
completely versatile and comfortable, imo.
The switch Pro controller has excellent ergonomics except for the average/workable stick and bad dpad. I use it for most games and i do enjoy it!
I have the first version of the sn30 pro+ (i think, it was the first ine that took the snes one with the sticks, and added handles.) Initially, I was in love with this controller, but the dpad and left stick have worn down a bit and are not very fun to use imo. still, if I am playing switch and need a dpad, this is what I'm working with.
as far as ergonomics, I consider this a comfortable thing to hold, but it forces the "snes" layout into an angle relative to my hands that is not as natural as a normal snes pad without handles. maybe i should try that version?
I feel like I'm rambling! I hope this answers your question!
(oh, and i have the 8bd "sega" controller, and I LOVE the feel and concept but the dpad is not right! compared to my saturn controller, it's mushy when you press down in the middle, and even worse, "right" on the pad has no tactile feedback compared to the other directions, like ibe been playing sonic on it for 30 years 😂 ✌️)
(PS - i also love the gamecube controller besides the slightly undersized handles and triggers, and of course the saturn controller.)
Re: "These Short Games Mean Nothing To Me" - Retro-Bit Translator Denies Wrongdoing In "Baffling" Rant
We are lucky to have you around, and posts like #17 really demonstrate why. ✌️ I personally have really appreciated your perspective socially, and geographically.
Re: Toki's Commodore 64 Port Is Getting A Fan Remaster, And It Looks Great
hey thanks! 👍
ive always been a little C64 curious, maybe I'll give it a go. ✌️
Re: 8BitDo Has Announced The Successor To Its Ultimate Wireless Controller
yeah the ergonomics are like B+ maybe. as much as i want them to be my favorite.
Re: 8BitDo Has Announced The Successor To Its Ultimate Wireless Controller
this kind of thing is why a straight iterative followup for switch just doesnt cut it for me.
pay 400+ dollars just to continue having essentially the same experience I've been having for 8 years already. no ty til i see some killar apps. ✌️ rant over lol
Re: 8BitDo Has Announced The Successor To Its Ultimate Wireless Controller
hang on, will my switch controllers not work on switch 2? 💀 I never even thought about it.
Re: Here Are The Specs For The Retroid Pocket Flip 2
the more i look at this, the more i want it... and the less i like the looks of it 😂 theres something just "wrong" about it, to me.
Re: Former Amico Exclusive 'Breakout Beyond' Comes To PC & Modern Consoles This March
I've seen it! there's some kind of "angry mob" psychology going on with Amico - people just love to hate. ✌️
I thought the thing looked cool initially, and I'm all about the unique consoles and oddball ideas! Sometimes it feels like the Wii U will be the last one.
Re: Former Amico Exclusive 'Breakout Beyond' Comes To PC & Modern Consoles This March
whoops, sorry i was trying to be clever ✌️ I'm 100% on your side, thought they were being oddly aggressive towards you.
btw the best possible outcome would be that those amico games eventually come out on other consoles! what could possibly be wrong with that? 😂👍