Agree with Lara - she was absolutely everywhere, and hasn't really let up with games or movies. But she could easily be interchangeable with Mario, Sonic or Pikachu. The rest of the list though? There's some bizarre choices in there. Sackboy???
Looks great, but I'd love to see this without the HD-2D filters, effects and lighting. If it was straight-up 2D sprites in a 3D engine, I think it would look brilliant. I'm always a fan of that SEGA Saturn/PSX style
This is FANTASTIC news for NES owners. I'll never own a physical unit again, but opening up new controller options and all the rest is brilliant for NES fans
Yeah, this looks AWESOME! From Steel Talons (on the Lynx) to all the shareware flight sims I tried to play when I was younger, this looks like it'll hit a very specific spot.
@alexybubble Didn't know they had a Discord, will check it out! And thanks for the info
This definitely sucks though, one of the few genuinely great sites on the internet. An absolute treasure trove of forgotten gems and hacks that deserve to be out there and loved by everybody.
The most successful was obviously the Mega Drive, but my number one will always be the Saturn.
The Saturn had an amazing software library. People talk ***** on the PAL experience, but I had many, many games I adored... I had more than enough to play during its life-time. Then when I was a little bit older, I got myself a Japanese Saturn and got educated on the Japanese library.
Also, you rarely find it mentioned much these days, but the Redbook CD soundtracks you found on the discs were GOLD. That was as much a part of the experience for me. Making mix-tapes, then mix CDs and finally building MP3 libraries was a whole heap of fun. I'd listen to many of them in my Discman while I was going to sleep. I ripped all my Saturn soundtracks years ago now, and have a huge collection of amazing music. I've even contributed some of them to KH Insider
Gave this a crack just now. Controls are great - most definitely getting there. It needs some fine-tuning, but for a Beta, it's very impressive.
My only issues are with the visuals. They're going for that PSX look, but the textures are a bit bland and clinical. Some shading and texture variation will do wonders.
The music is OK, but definitely needs work too.
Will keep an eye on this one - hopefully it can develop a personality of its own, because it's screaming 'Indie Ridge Racer Clone' at the moment, which is fine, but there's so much promise here that I'd like for it to aim higher than that.
I voted 'somewhere in the middle', but really, I never ditch anything that I like. Movies, music and games that I love don't every disappear into the past; they stay in rotation with me forever.
I don't chase trends, so I don't drop things for the next shiny thing, I keep enjoying what I love.
Nostalgia is only ever a part of it because it's inevitable - a certain game will have memories and feelings attached to it over time, but even then, it's never just in one state - those memories evolve.
I think time has proven that it was most definitely a Final Fantasy movie. It was its own thing, just like every subsequent game. This one was militaristic sci-fi, and all the games have had their own setting; steam punk, dark fantasy, high fantasy, time-travel.
I think the movie would have worked better with better characterisation, because the basic plot was fine.
I did love the movie though, and that Lara Fabian song was great!
@RadioHedgeFund I used to be a d-pad die hard too until I discovered BallisticNG. Before it even hit Steam and was buried in the WipeoutZone forums, people had healthy debates on d-pad vs analog. It took me a while to learn, but yeah, analog is my preference now. I still love the d-pad controls though, they've always been super playable that way
Also, Wipeout 64 has very different controls to the main games. The physics are a bit different, maybe that's why you don't get along with it either? EDIT: Or you do... I should learn to read properly
@RadioHedgeFund Not quite - Saturn 2097 and Wip3out both have analog stick control. There's also NegCon support for the first two PSX titles, so really, there's been analog options since the beginning
Yeah, pretty much! I played that game for years on end. When Pulse came out, I was kinda disappointed in it.
There are some amazing PSP iso hacks for both.
One for Pure that includes all the DLC content, and another for Pulse which includes ALL THE PURE CONTENT. Insane, and unarguably the best versions of both, since you can either play them on real hardware, or emulate
It warms my heart to see 2097 and Wip3out in the top two spots, but Wip3out SE is the version of the third game I'm seeing instead of the vanilla version.
I'd also put 64 waaaay up at third, just above WipEout in my fourth, Pure in my fifth spot and and the Omega collection in my sixth.
Wow, it looks pretty stunning! Loving the colour and design, and the boss sprites are pretty enormous too!
That music is pretty terrible though. It sounds like a really bad amiga game, which bizarre percussion panning. And every track has that grating pipe lead instrument.
AC IV Black Flag for SURE! I loved my Wii U, and it was one of the first games I got with it. Ended up grabbing it on PC, Xbox 360 and Xbox One too, eventually
Looking forward to this! I ended up getting a Powkiddy RGB10Max3 Pro to compliment my RGB30 recently. It feels great, but sadly I got a dud screen out of the box, so I'm waiting on a replacement screen at the moment. I got it mostly for PSP and Dreamcast, and also for multiplayer.
The Retroid Pocket 4 Pro might be my first Android handheld console though... I've been waiting for something with the Retroid aesthetic that can handle PS2 and Gamecube well, so I might get this for myself as a birthday present next year.
Then I'm done with buying handhelds... everything I want to emulate will be fully covered
@-wc- I just don't think they had much identity initially. I didn't like the gameplay in the first game, and the second game didn't grab me either. I feel like Tekken 3 was when it found it's groove and became a series to be absolutely mentioned in the same breath as Virtua Fighter 2. I felt the same way about Soul Edge... Calibur changed that series forever.
I wish it was simple brand loyalty to SEGA, but I really dig the PSX at the time too, so I can't blame my teenage brain, haha.
Don't take me too seriously, I'm not very good at fighters, but I love them all the same, haha! Hell, I still love the first couple of Toshinden games to this day, although I think that's more because of the character designs and stellar music, if I'm being honest
@Ryu_Niiyama Yeah, it's a great game, and it is still gorgeous
What I love about the VF series is that you can go all the way back to the first game and still have an experience that is fantastic. They nailed it right from off, which was an astounding achievement, considering it was the first 3D fighter out there! VF1 is just pure arcade goodness, and VF2 is just as brilliant now as it was on release. The same goes for 3 and mostly 4. 5 is timeless also.
I didn't like Tekken until Tekken 3, and I stopped caring about the series after Dark Resurrection.
@-wc- I was a SEGA kid, and owned a Saturn, and therefore, lots of Saturn Magazines ( ) , so I knew the Dreamcast was coming well in advance. Man, the hype, haha! It was very, very real.
Amazing launch too, there were so many games at release, making choices was HARD.
@-wc- Agreed! The Dreamcast was the first console I purchased with my own hard earned money.
I remember back when just standing in Electronics Boutique, ogling the Sonic Adventure demo. And then SoulCalibur started to play and my jaw hit the floor. I'd never seen anything like it, and neither had anybody else. That's what made it so special. It made VF3 look a generation behind, and that's saying something, because VF3 was the gold standard!
I love Demons of Asteborg. It's a great game that plays really, really well. I do wish the audio (including the amazing SavagedRegime OST) were in this one too, as I really don't get along with roguelikes like Astebros, but what's there is great, just not as refined as Astebros, unfortunately.
RecalBox comes with the Astebros demo, and I really tried to give it a shot, but yeah, the roguelike nature of it is incredibly off putting to me.
@UK_Kev You can use analog controls with pretty much any emulator these days, so give it a try if you want!
It took me a while to come around to Wip3out, but when I did, it quickly became my favourite, just piping out 2097 to the post.
To be honest, I really loved Pure when I got it at the PSP launch, but I am not really a fan of the floaty controls these days. The controls are FANTASTIC, they're just not for me. The Pure vibe though, is brilliant. I love its' style, it's got it's own thing going on. Pulse, not so much... never got along with that one for some reason.
@UK_Kev The original games did have analog control. Neg-con support for the first two, but Wip3out had full dual-shock support.
The digital controls are great, but the analog control options for the original trilogy are superlative.
@UK_Kev Respectfully completely disagree. The control system of the earlier WipEout trilogy was and is still amazing. Pure is great, but I don't revisit it nearly as often as the older titles.
Although gameplay-wise, BallisticNG outdoes both kinds of WipEout, since it has refined and contains each style of gameplay.
@BulkSlash I'm genuinely curious to as what the ROM size would be in that particular case, haha!
I mean the Road Rash games legit scaled its sprites, but in software, so it was super slow. But yeah, having lots of versions of the sprites to smooth out the steps in between appearances would be killer to see somebody tackle!
I'm equally excited, for sure. Finally - a homebrew racing game!!!
I would love to see more. Raster, Mode 7 style, all the styles
And in relation to the nonsense above, didn't somebody create a homebrew port of Sonic for the SNES to prove that it could be done for that system? Hmmmm. I thought that was a great technical achievement, personally.
What is with people in the comments sections here crapping on any homebrew effort that attempts to push the hardware? All of this stuff should be celebrated.
@-wc- Yeah, I think I'm gonna want one of those FunnyPlaying things too eventually. I actually like the kit form, and enjoy putting stuff together as long as it's not ridiculously difficult to do.
I will wait until the bugs are sorted and the firmware is better, and also when the other handhelds are playable on it
@bobathefett So you're discounting all the additional processors NES carts had which ran on the original hardware. SuperFX and SuperFX2, all which ran on and enhanced the original hardware. Right.
This will only require a flashcart because it's the easiest way to run rom files on legit hardware. Just because it's new technology doesn't discount it. This IS playing on original hardware. Using these carts to play roms on original hardware is legit - the hardware doesn't know any different.
Anyways, agree to disagree or whatever, I don't care.
@bobathefett Gabriel Pyron is a scene legend, and you can go out and download his stuff and run them all on stock hardware. He's been doing these large sprite tests for a while now. Seriously, you should educate yourself and actually follow his work and the scene if you're interested. Blanket statements like 'it can't be done' will make you look a little silly when it comes out working on real hardware.
Also, it's not 'clearly running with emulation', because he's got video editing software in the background of that vid, likely capturing from his own hardware.
Started making my way through it today. I'm not usually into visual novels games, but I like the heavy 90s favour and atmosphere of this one. Recommended!!!
Haha! Cosmic timing and al that; I am almost finished up an arrangement of one of the tracks from the FM Towns version! Saw it on a YouTube video and instantly became enamored with the art and the music.
I've been wanting to give the PC-98 version a spin, but I'm not having much luck with my emulator, so I might give this a go!
Dracula is my favourite book of all time (along with the novelization of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie ), and the 1992 film is tied with Blade Runner as my favourite film of all-time. So this is very, very cool for me. Awesome to see something legit tied to the legacy.
EDIT: Since the whole 'Stokerverse' is a thing, I assume it takes place in the exact universe as 'The Last Voyage of the Demeter'? This game is all about Harker's escape, and the movie is the Demeter's voyage to Whitby. That would be neat!
I've downloaded the demos for this, Dragonhym and Zephyr's Pass to give them all a go today.
Also, the GB/GBC scene is just exploding right now, and I'm totally here for it. In particular, it's great seeing what people can do with the colour palette for the system. I always felt most Japanese developers back in the day were, by and large, very conservative with their use of colour on the system. At least in comparison to companies like Way Forward and VD-dev.
EDIT: Yeah, this is totally legit. Loving the demo. It goes for about 5 minutes, but it's pretty spectacular. Great visuals, music and gameplay. Shot right to the top of my 'wants' list!
I would have jumped at this, but given the chip, it's under-powered for Saturn and Dreamcast. If it could play the entire SEGA home catalogue flawlessly, I'd be on it. Super happy the form factor exists though! Here's hoping for a revision down the line
Comments 314
Re: BAFTA Poll Declares Lara Croft The Most Iconic Video Game Character
Agree with Lara - she was absolutely everywhere, and hasn't really let up with games or movies. But she could easily be interchangeable with Mario, Sonic or Pikachu. The rest of the list though? There's some bizarre choices in there. Sackboy???
Re: This Fanmade Terranigma Prototype Has Us Once Again Wishing For A Remake
Looks great, but I'd love to see this without the HD-2D filters, effects and lighting. If it was straight-up 2D sprites in a 3D engine, I think it would look brilliant. I'm always a fan of that SEGA Saturn/PSX style
Re: Has This Indie Dev Completely Maxed Out The Genesis / Mega Drive?
@mariteaux Spell Effects for an RPG would be a good one! š
Re: 'Mega Final Fight' Dev Shows Off His Hexen-Style RPG FPS In New Footage
Very early footage, but it's very impressive so far. If he can keep the framerate where it is right now, then yeah, I'm all for this
Re: Someone Has Finally Found A Use For The NES Expansion Port
This is FANTASTIC news for NES owners. I'll never own a physical unit again, but opening up new controller options and all the rest is brilliant for NES fans
Re: Anniversary: Daytona USA Is 30 Years Old This Month
Aaaand I haven't stopped playing it in all those 30 years.
From the Arcade, to the Saturn ports/versions, the Dreamcast game, the Xbox 360 port and also via Model 2 Emulator, I've never not had Daytona on tap.
Classic gameplay, timeless visuals and tech and amazing music; I'd say Daytona is in a class of its own, but SEGA Rally Championship also exists
Re: Colin McRae And Sega Rally Fans Take Note: This PS1-Style Racer Looks Amazing
@_NetNomad Yeah, it totally looks very Dreamcast to me with the higher-res sprites!
This looks amazing; I'll jump on this when it goes early access. It looks like it plays well, so I'm pretty hopeful!
Re: Thunder Helix Is An Indie Tribute To Games Like LHX & Desert Strike
Yeah, this looks AWESOME! From Steel Talons (on the Lynx) to all the shareware flight sims I tried to play when I was younger, this looks like it'll hit a very specific spot.
Wishlisted instantly.
Re: Poll: Should Retro Game Remasters Carry Warnings About "Offensive" Content?
The easiest 60-odd comments ever
Re: Fan Translation And ROM Hack-Sharing Site CDRomance Forced Underground After Legal Threat
@alexybubble Didn't know they had a Discord, will check it out! And thanks for the info
This definitely sucks though, one of the few genuinely great sites on the internet. An absolute treasure trove of forgotten gems and hacks that deserve to be out there and loved by everybody.
Re: Retro-Bit Bringing SNES Cult Classic 'MajyūŠ- King Of Demons' To The West For The First Time
@wiiware not if you're into 80s/90s anime it isn't!
Re: Japanese Saturn Fans Pick The Console's Best Games
Not really surprising, since that whole Top 10 is GOLD. SEGA Rally would be my number 1, for sure.
There's too many games I love for me to make a Top 10. Keio Flying Squadron 2 would definitely be Top 3 , though!
Re: Best Sega Console - Every Sega System, Ranked By You
The most successful was obviously the Mega Drive, but my number one will always be the Saturn.
The Saturn had an amazing software library. People talk ***** on the PAL experience, but I had many, many games I adored... I had more than enough to play during its life-time. Then when I was a little bit older, I got myself a Japanese Saturn and got educated on the Japanese library.
Also, you rarely find it mentioned much these days, but the Redbook CD soundtracks you found on the discs were GOLD. That was as much a part of the experience for me. Making mix-tapes, then mix CDs and finally building MP3 libraries was a whole heap of fun. I'd listen to many of them in my Discman while I was going to sleep. I ripped all my Saturn soundtracks years ago now, and have a huge collection of amazing music. I've even contributed some of them to KH Insider
Re: Midnight Challenge Is An Awesome Ridge Racer Homage Created In Game Maker Studio
Gave this a crack just now. Controls are great - most definitely getting there. It needs some fine-tuning, but for a Beta, it's very impressive.
My only issues are with the visuals. They're going for that PSX look, but the textures are a bit bland and clinical. Some shading and texture variation will do wonders.
The music is OK, but definitely needs work too.
Will keep an eye on this one - hopefully it can develop a personality of its own, because it's screaming 'Indie Ridge Racer Clone' at the moment, which is fine, but there's so much promise here that I'd like for it to aim higher than that.
Re: Going Back In Time - Do You Play Retro Games To Reconnect With Your Past?
I voted 'somewhere in the middle', but really, I never ditch anything that I like. Movies, music and games that I love don't every disappear into the past; they stay in rotation with me forever.
I don't chase trends, so I don't drop things for the next shiny thing, I keep enjoying what I love.
Nostalgia is only ever a part of it because it's inevitable - a certain game will have memories and feelings attached to it over time, but even then, it's never just in one state - those memories evolve.
Re: Batman Artist Calls Sonic The Hedgehog Casino Similarities A "Coincidence"
"No, the Casino was an original idea from my imagination. Any similarity is a coincidence."
A pretty galling statement. I don't see any coincidence here. The monitor and lights are nigh-on carbon copies.
Re: Review: Piko Interactive Collection 1 - One Evercade's Best-Value Carts
Cheers for the review! Just a bit of a nitpick, though...
"Now, it's fair to say that not all of the bundled games are worth your attention or time, but despite a few bum notes, the vast majority are decent."
It's a shame that there's no mention of all the actual games on the cart here, that way I could decide this for myself
For those interested:
Re: The Making Of: Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within, Square's Groundbreaking Box Office Bomb
I think time has proven that it was most definitely a Final Fantasy movie. It was its own thing, just like every subsequent game. This one was militaristic sci-fi, and all the games have had their own setting; steam punk, dark fantasy, high fantasy, time-travel.
I think the movie would have worked better with better characterisation, because the basic plot was fine.
I did love the movie though, and that Lara Fabian song was great!
Re: 20 Years Later, It's Now Possible To Beat Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3
Talk about a series that needs a comeback!!!
Lucky there are indie devs willing to keep this particular candle burning; hat TXR-inspired game Night Runners is shaping up super nicely
Re: Best WipEout Games, Ranked By You
@RadioHedgeFund I used to be a d-pad die hard too until I discovered BallisticNG. Before it even hit Steam and was buried in the WipeoutZone forums, people had healthy debates on d-pad vs analog. It took me a while to learn, but yeah, analog is my preference now. I still love the d-pad controls though, they've always been super playable that way
Also, Wipeout 64 has very different controls to the main games. The physics are a bit different, maybe that's why you don't get along with it either? EDIT: Or you do... I should learn to read properly
Re: Best WipEout Games, Ranked By You
@RadioHedgeFund Not quite - Saturn 2097 and Wip3out both have analog stick control. There's also NegCon support for the first two PSX titles, so really, there's been analog options since the beginning
Re: Best WipEout Games, Ranked By You
Yeah, pretty much! I played that game for years on end. When Pulse came out, I was kinda disappointed in it.
There are some amazing PSP iso hacks for both.
One for Pure that includes all the DLC content, and another for Pulse which includes ALL THE PURE CONTENT. Insane, and unarguably the best versions of both, since you can either play them on real hardware, or emulate
It warms my heart to see 2097 and Wip3out in the top two spots, but Wip3out SE is the version of the third game I'm seeing instead of the vanilla version.
I'd also put 64 waaaay up at third, just above WipEout in my fourth, Pure in my fifth spot and and the Omega collection in my sixth.
Everything else can go underneath
Re: New SNES Game 'Dottie Flowers' Is Getting A Physical Release This Year
Wow, it looks pretty stunning! Loving the colour and design, and the boss sprites are pretty enormous too!
That music is pretty terrible though. It sounds like a really bad amiga game, which bizarre percussion panning. And every track has that grating pipe lead instrument.
One to play on mute, I think
Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game Of Christmas 2013?
AC IV Black Flag for SURE! I loved my Wii U, and it was one of the first games I got with it. Ended up grabbing it on PC, Xbox 360 and Xbox One too, eventually
Re: Guide: How To Install WipEout Phantom Edition On Steam Deck
@cyxceven Yep, I hope the whole entire original trilogy leaks
Re: Say Hello To The Retroid Pocket 4 And 4 Pro
Looking forward to this! I ended up getting a Powkiddy RGB10Max3 Pro to compliment my RGB30 recently. It feels great, but sadly I got a dud screen out of the box, so I'm waiting on a replacement screen at the moment. I got it mostly for PSP and Dreamcast, and also for multiplayer.
The Retroid Pocket 4 Pro might be my first Android handheld console though... I've been waiting for something with the Retroid aesthetic that can handle PS2 and Gamecube well, so I might get this for myself as a birthday present next year.
Then I'm done with buying handhelds... everything I want to emulate will be fully covered
Re: Sega Is "Evaluating" A New Virtua Fighter
@-wc- I just don't think they had much identity initially. I didn't like the gameplay in the first game, and the second game didn't grab me either. I feel like Tekken 3 was when it found it's groove and became a series to be absolutely mentioned in the same breath as Virtua Fighter 2. I felt the same way about Soul Edge... Calibur changed that series forever.
I wish it was simple brand loyalty to SEGA, but I really dig the PSX at the time too, so I can't blame my teenage brain, haha.
Don't take me too seriously, I'm not very good at fighters, but I love them all the same, haha! Hell, I still love the first couple of Toshinden games to this day, although I think that's more because of the character designs and stellar music, if I'm being honest
Re: Sega Is "Evaluating" A New Virtua Fighter
@Ryu_Niiyama Yeah, it's a great game, and it is still gorgeous
What I love about the VF series is that you can go all the way back to the first game and still have an experience that is fantastic. They nailed it right from off, which was an astounding achievement, considering it was the first 3D fighter out there! VF1 is just pure arcade goodness, and VF2 is just as brilliant now as it was on release. The same goes for 3 and mostly 4. 5 is timeless also.
I didn't like Tekken until Tekken 3, and I stopped caring about the series after Dark Resurrection.
Re: 26 Years Later, Virtua Fighter 3tb Is Returning To Arcades
@-wc- I was a SEGA kid, and owned a Saturn, and therefore, lots of Saturn Magazines ( ) , so I knew the Dreamcast was coming well in advance. Man, the hype, haha! It was very, very real.
Amazing launch too, there were so many games at release, making choices was HARD.
Re: 26 Years Later, Virtua Fighter 3tb Is Returning To Arcades
@-wc- Agreed! The Dreamcast was the first console I purchased with my own hard earned money.
I remember back when just standing in Electronics Boutique, ogling the Sonic Adventure demo. And then SoulCalibur started to play and my jaw hit the floor. I'd never seen anything like it, and neither had anybody else. That's what made it so special. It made VF3 look a generation behind, and that's saying something, because VF3 was the gold standard!
Re: 26 Years Later, Virtua Fighter 3tb Is Returning To Arcades
@-wc- I have two games like that, haha; the Saturn port of SEGA Rally Championship and SoulCalibur on the Dreamcast.
Re: Review: Demons of Asteborg / Astebros - Two Excellent Mega Drive Games On Evercade
I love Demons of Asteborg. It's a great game that plays really, really well. I do wish the audio (including the amazing SavagedRegime OST) were in this one too, as I really don't get along with roguelikes like Astebros, but what's there is great, just not as refined as Astebros, unfortunately.
RecalBox comes with the Astebros demo, and I really tried to give it a shot, but yeah, the roguelike nature of it is incredibly off putting to me.
Re: Poll: What's The Best WipEout?
@UK_Kev You can use analog controls with pretty much any emulator these days, so give it a try if you want!
It took me a while to come around to Wip3out, but when I did, it quickly became my favourite, just piping out 2097 to the post.
To be honest, I really loved Pure when I got it at the PSP launch, but I am not really a fan of the floaty controls these days. The controls are FANTASTIC, they're just not for me. The Pure vibe though, is brilliant. I love its' style, it's got it's own thing going on. Pulse, not so much... never got along with that one for some reason.
Re: Poll: What's The Best WipEout?
@UK_Kev The original games did have analog control. Neg-con support for the first two, but Wip3out had full dual-shock support.
The digital controls are great, but the analog control options for the original trilogy are superlative.
Re: Poll: What's The Best WipEout?
@UK_Kev Respectfully completely disagree. The control system of the earlier WipEout trilogy was and is still amazing. Pure is great, but I don't revisit it nearly as often as the older titles.
Although gameplay-wise, BallisticNG outdoes both kinds of WipEout, since it has refined and contains each style of gameplay.
Re: CoLD SToRAGE Releasing Remastered Album Of His Classic WipEout Music On CD & Vinyl
I'll be getting the CD pack as a Christmas gift for myself... I've had this on my wishlist since he announced it.
I've got the the previous remastered releases too, but this one looks to sound even better.
I looooove WipEout and Tim Wright, a more perfect pairing there never was.
Re: Gears Of Rage Brings "Mode 7-Like" Scaling To Sega Genesis / Mega Drive
@BulkSlash I'm genuinely curious to as what the ROM size would be in that particular case, haha!
I mean the Road Rash games legit scaled its sprites, but in software, so it was super slow. But yeah, having lots of versions of the sprites to smooth out the steps in between appearances would be killer to see somebody tackle!
Re: Gears Of Rage Brings "Mode 7-Like" Scaling To Sega Genesis / Mega Drive
I'm equally excited, for sure. Finally - a homebrew racing game!!!
I would love to see more. Raster, Mode 7 style, all the styles
And in relation to the nonsense above, didn't somebody create a homebrew port of Sonic for the SNES to prove that it could be done for that system? Hmmmm. I thought that was a great technical achievement, personally.
What is with people in the comments sections here crapping on any homebrew effort that attempts to push the hardware? All of this stuff should be celebrated.
Re: Yep, More Analogue Pocket Limited Editions Are On The Way
@-wc- Yeah, I think I'm gonna want one of those FunnyPlaying things too eventually. I actually like the kit form, and enjoy putting stuff together as long as it's not ridiculously difficult to do.
I will wait until the bugs are sorted and the firmware is better, and also when the other handhelds are playable on it
Re: Footage Of Marvel Super Heroes Running On Sega Genesis Raises Eyebrows
@bobathefett So you're discounting all the additional processors NES carts had which ran on the original hardware. SuperFX and SuperFX2, all which ran on and enhanced the original hardware. Right.
This will only require a flashcart because it's the easiest way to run rom files on legit hardware. Just because it's new technology doesn't discount it. This IS playing on original hardware. Using these carts to play roms on original hardware is legit - the hardware doesn't know any different.
Anyways, agree to disagree or whatever, I don't care.
I said hardware a lot.
Re: Footage Of Marvel Super Heroes Running On Sega Genesis Raises Eyebrows
@bobathefett Sigh.
Re: Footage Of Marvel Super Heroes Running On Sega Genesis Raises Eyebrows
@bobathefett My mistake on the video editing software thing.
I hope you'll also eat humble pie when you're proven wrong.
Re: Footage Of Marvel Super Heroes Running On Sega Genesis Raises Eyebrows
@bobathefett Gabriel Pyron is a scene legend, and you can go out and download his stuff and run them all on stock hardware. He's been doing these large sprite tests for a while now. Seriously, you should educate yourself and actually follow his work and the scene if you're interested. Blanket statements like 'it can't be done' will make you look a little silly when it comes out working on real hardware.
Also, it's not 'clearly running with emulation', because he's got video editing software in the background of that vid, likely capturing from his own hardware.
Re: Footage Of Marvel Super Heroes Running On Sega Genesis Raises Eyebrows
@BobaTheFett It says in the very first paragraph that it's running on stock hardware, not via emulation
Pyron is a wizard and totally legit. Can't wait to see where this goes, almost purely for the sheer spectacle of it.
Re: Dark Chambers Joins The Atari XP Line, Just In Time For The 2600+
One of my favourite Atari games... been putting some time into the 7800 version... it's great!
Re: OverClocked ReMix Founder Steps Down From Leadership Role After Almost 24 Years In Charge
Daveis a great guy. Wish him the absolute best!!! Which reminds me, I gotta finish off my Dead of the Brain ReMix for submission!
Re: Cult Horror Title 'Dead Of The Brain' Gets English Fan Patch For PC Engine Super CD-ROMĀ²
Started making my way through it today. I'm not usually into visual novels games, but I like the heavy 90s favour and atmosphere of this one. Recommended!!!
Re: Cult Horror Title 'Dead Of The Brain' Gets English Fan Patch For PC Engine Super CD-ROMĀ²
Haha! Cosmic timing and al that; I am almost finished up an arrangement of one of the tracks from the FM Towns version! Saw it on a YouTube video and instantly became enamored with the art and the music.
I've been wanting to give the PC-98 version a spin, but I'm not having much luck with my emulator, so I might give this a go!
Re: 'Dracula: Dark Reign' Is A Castlevania-Style Adventure Authorized By The Stoker Family
Dracula is my favourite book of all time (along with the novelization of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie ), and the 1992 film is tied with Blade Runner as my favourite film of all-time. So this is very, very cool for me. Awesome to see something legit tied to the legacy.
EDIT: Since the whole 'Stokerverse' is a thing, I assume it takes place in the exact universe as 'The Last Voyage of the Demeter'? This game is all about Harker's escape, and the movie is the Demeter's voyage to Whitby. That would be neat!
I've downloaded the demos for this, Dragonhym and Zephyr's Pass to give them all a go today.
Also, the GB/GBC scene is just exploding right now, and I'm totally here for it. In particular, it's great seeing what people can do with the colour palette for the system. I always felt most Japanese developers back in the day were, by and large, very conservative with their use of colour on the system. At least in comparison to companies like Way Forward and VD-dev.
EDIT: Yeah, this is totally legit. Loving the demo. It goes for about 5 minutes, but it's pretty spectacular. Great visuals, music and gameplay. Shot right to the top of my 'wants' list!
Re: Anbernic's RG ARC Handheld Looks Like A Sega Saturn Pad
I would have jumped at this, but given the chip, it's under-powered for Saturn and Dreamcast. If it could play the entire SEGA home catalogue flawlessly, I'd be on it. Super happy the form factor exists though! Here's hoping for a revision down the line