Comments 159

Re: BAFTA Poll Declares Lara Croft The Most Iconic Video Game Character


I think Pikachu is the most known video game character, but that lil shockmouse is more associated with Pokemon multimedia than with actual gaming.
I would guess that more people globally are familiar with Pac Man and Mario than Lara. And i think one of the one of the criteria for icon status should be a certain amount of visibility outside of your immediate sphere.
I would not have picked Lara. Mrs. Pac Man would have been a better choice even.
(Note- i might of gone too far on that last sentence)

Re: How Namco Tried To Stave Off Coin-Op's "Impending Doom"


@JackGYarwood In the second image on this page after the first two paragraph there is an image with this caption: “Alpine Racer, released in 1994, featured a handlebar controller with rotating foot pedals to emulate real skis”
Yet the image shown is of the Prop Cycle cabinet. I’m just wondering if this is an error or if you are just using that image ‘cuz it’s the only one available and Prop Cycle had the same control mechanism?

Re: Flashback: That Time Miyamoto Said He Could Make Halo, But Didn't Want To


I remember reading this back when. Not Miyamoto’s finest moment.
1. He could only make Halo if someone showed him how to
2. Clearly a response from a man who feels threatened by Halo
3. Not a good look when someone who has so many incredible achievements in the industry, verbally diminishes someone
else’s work
4. Bungie’s response was a class act

Re: Poll: What's The Best Shinobi Game?


Never really was a Shinobi fan. Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 on the NES were sublime experiences for me and when i finally played Revenge of Shinobi on the genny, it differed too much from what i loved.
I never did play Shinobi 3 back then and recently had a go.
Shinobi 3 is incredible.

Re: You Won't Believe How Little Ocean Paid For RoboCop's Global Video Game Rights


@OldManHermit lol Yeah it was a pretty elaborate death for him not being the main baddie. I did see it in the theatre when i was young. Back then in my town, they let kids in R rated moves if they(the kids) were with an adult.
My dad took me and my younger brother and he hadn’t realised the depth of violence the film would portray. He held his hand over my brother’s eyes for most of the film, but he needed his other hand to consume his popcorn, so i got to see the whole thing.
Love the Resident Evil monsters you are illustrating btw!

Re: Best Street Fighter Games, Ranked By You


Here’s mine: (haven’t jumped into 6 yet)
1. Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Not the gba version tho wtf)
2. Ultra Street Fighter 4
3. Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
4. Street Fighter Alpha 2
5. Street Fighter 5 (final iteration)

Re: Best Resident Evil Games, Ranked By You


@OldManHermit I have two friends who are more into the franchise than i, and i had to listen to them both complain about Code Veronica for years after it was released.
Because of this, i had assumed it wasn’t very good, and was surprised when they didn’t remake it before 2, 3 and especially 4.

Re: Best Resident Evil Games, Ranked By You


Oh man, list time!
Here’s my fave Resident Evil games. The list is a bit different from most fans of the franchise, i think.

1. Resident Evil: Revelations
2. Resident Evil 5
3. Resident Evil 4
4. Resident Evil: Revelations 2
5. Resident Evil 6
6. Resident Evil VII
7. Resident Evil
8. Resident Evil 0
9. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3d
Those are all the ones i’ve played, and i don’t like the bottom 4.

Re: 1994's Maligned Street Fighter Movie Is Free To Watch On YouTube, But Only In The US


I rewatched this film recently and had a good laugh. The article Damien references (from The Guardian) has a lot of interesting anecdotes on the production.
It was plagued with budget problems(because they had to have Van Damme), logistical problems (location), and problems with the cast (Van Damme allegedly firing 10,000 clams worth of blow up his nostrils a week and a very sick Raul Julia, as well as a green and confused rest of the cast).
Watching it though, i got the feeling that had there not been so many problems, the film still would have not been great. And much less entertaining.

Re: This Dreamcast Controller Full Of Ants Is Your Nightmare Fuel For Today


I fancied myself as something of an entomologist at one point, and spent a few summers cataloging and studying various species at a local nature park (i lost all that research when my backpack fell in a river while i was trying to photograph an ichneumon wasp on a tree branch that overhung the river).
While the world of video games and insects rarely collide, it is a thrill for me when they do, so i thank you for the article.

Re: Best Rare Games, Ranked By You


@Damo I read the header and therefore i know that.
I wanted to type a comment about how everyone who voted on this was an idiot, but in the interest of not wanting my comment deleted by mods, went with a more general complaint, which managed to imply that i didn’t read the header.
Someday i hope to find that perfect comment that manages to let you know that i read the header, insults the people who don’t agree with me, and doesn’t get me in trouble.
Until then!

Re: Anniversary: Nintendo's Punch-Out!! Is 40 Years Old


Never played the original arcade version, though it was at my arcade. Just didn’t intrigue me at that point.
But adored Tyson’s on the NES, and was the only person in my clique to beat the titular final opponent.
Super Punch Out!! is one of my favorite games of all time, and one of the few titles (from that era) that i still boot up occasionally and run through.
I’d wish for a new title in the series, but i know it would be awful, so i’ll just be happy the games exist at all.
Happy Birthday, Punch Out!! , you’re one of the good ones.