Comments 159

Re: Insane Bundle Includes 70 Capcom Classics Worth $200 For Just 20 Bucks


If ever there was a deal to be described as “insane” this is it. I don’t think anyone would have even been bothered had Damian thrown an F-bomb in front of “insane”in the headline.
What a deal! All those games and on top of it all, you get “The Speed Rumbler” , which is essentially priceless.
The Speed Rumbler is Capcom’s greatest arcade game. If you don’t believe me, then shut up.

Re: Poll: What's The Best King Of Fighters Game?


My history with this series is of such substance that i am unable to choose which is best.
The first KoF that i adored was KoF ‘97 , so it remains my sentimental favorite.
‘98 was incredible and it ensnared a close friend who i have been lucky enough to share the series with, lo these many years. We occasionally still play it online, along with other fighters , including KoF ‘02, XIII and XV.
The only installments i never really got on with were ‘94 (love those chunky sprites tho) , ‘99 and i never played XI or XII.
Forced to choose, i would select King of Fighters XIII as the series’ champion.

Re: Anniversary: Final Fantasy VIII Is 25 Years Old


I see a lot of love for this game online which contrasts to how it was received by the online community i was part of back when it released (#GF_Tavern).
I didn’t hate it then(i kinda do now after replaying it a couple of years ago) , but had to keep my positive opinions to myself lest i be flamed to a cinder.
I think the story is fun, the music is excellent as well as the art, and the characters are goofy, but i just despise the junction system with all my heart.
I think VII is the only 3d FF i can stand playing through anymore.

Re: Poll: What Is Rare's Best Game?


Here’s mine:
1. Blast Corps (N64)
2. Jet Force Gemini (N64)
3. Killer Instinct (SNES)
4. Diddy Kong Racing (N64)
5. Battletoads (NES)
6. RC Pro Am (NES)
7. Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
8. Starfox Adventures (GC)
9. Wizards & Warriors (NES)
10. Goldeneye 007 (N64)