@NinChocolate At least it's not the same old tired box with rounded corners or Mega Drive esq design. You are correct though it does look like a aquarium lid.
The funny thing is when all the drama calms down the instigators are always the same people. Like this current drama was started when Atrac tried to start an argument with Jotego and Pramod came in with his 10 cents. Then as always Pramod digs himself a hole he can't get out of and he limits his X account and starts crying he's being attacked.
To those who stay away from the FPGA community because of all the drama you should really ignore these articles because they just blow all of the so called drama out of proportion. I've been a fan of the mister and other FPGA platforms for a long time and if you stay out of the so called official discord and away from Atrac and Pramods socials theres no drama at all.
Pramods bored and looking for attention and the way he can get it is attack the MISTER community because he knows he will get plenty of bites. This article will make him froth and as can be seen from the Twitter thread hes milking it for all its worth.
If you read between the lines of his posts it's just a case of Mister = Bad whilst he sits on his high horse acting like his ***** doesn't stink.
Comments 55
Re: Alan Sugar Wants Your Help To Build An Online Amstrad Museum
@Axelay71 It would still be 100ft long and require the front room window removing to get it in the house.
Re: SuperSega Wants To Answer Your Questions About Its All-In-One FPGA Console
@NinChocolate At least it's not the same old tired box with rounded corners or Mega Drive esq design. You are correct though it does look like a aquarium lid.
Re: SuperSega Wants To Answer Your Questions About Its All-In-One FPGA Console
Unless the interview includes a working demo of the hardware it's still vaporware and the interview is pointless.
Re: "I Am Tired Of Receiving Death Threats Over A Video Game" - FPGA Dev Explains Why Mortal Kombat Is Skipping MiSTer
The funny thing is when all the drama calms down the instigators are always the same people. Like this current drama was started when Atrac tried to start an argument with Jotego and Pramod came in with his 10 cents. Then as always Pramod digs himself a hole he can't get out of and he limits his X account and starts crying he's being attacked.
To those who stay away from the FPGA community because of all the drama you should really ignore these articles because they just blow all of the so called drama out of proportion. I've been a fan of the mister and other FPGA platforms for a long time and if you stay out of the so called official discord and away from Atrac and Pramods socials theres no drama at all.
Re: Egads, There's More Drama In The FPGA Retro Gaming Community
Pramods bored and looking for attention and the way he can get it is attack the MISTER community because he knows he will get plenty of bites. This article will make him froth and as can be seen from the Twitter thread hes milking it for all its worth.
If you read between the lines of his posts it's just a case of Mister = Bad whilst he sits on his high horse acting like his ***** doesn't stink.