Comments 140

Re: Powkiddy RGB30 - A $90 Analogue Pocket Rival? You'd Better Believe It


@DestructoDisk I didn't read anything endorsing piracy. He was explaining how having all the box art, short video demo, and description makes it a more immersive experience. Legal or illegal roms are not the point and I can tell you first hand that it's nice to have the box art for your curated list of favorite games on one device. Can you add art/video to the Pocket? Can you play SNES/MD/NES carts on your Pocket or are you playing ROM files? How about PSX/Saturn or other disc based systems? I'd say the comparison is justified.

Re: HyperMega Tech's 'Super Pocket' Is A Game Boy-Style Handheld Which Plays Evercade Carts


For $60 there are much better handheld options out there. The design of this looks really cheap imo and the d-pad looks like those $10 "child's toy" emulators that are all over Amazon. I do like the clear shells but this thing looks really awkward in terms of form factor.
If this was only competing against something like an AtGames handheld, 10 years ago, this would be amazing.

Re: Hollywood Actors In Video Games


@-wc- It's a strange phenomenon in our society that we can't just accept things for what they are. It's like nothing is good enough until Hollywood blesses it and gets their greedy finger prints on everything. People pining away for a Hollywood adaptation of their favorite book, comic/manga, anime, video game, etc.. Which is usually a watered down version at best. Just let art exist as it was intended by the people that created it.

Re: Hollywood Actors In Video Games


@sdelfin The first 2 Wing Commander games had really nice pixel art and animation. I'm almost positive the "puppets" you're referring to are actors wearing prosthetic make-up. It does look good but man they are over doing it with all the movements imo.

Re: Guilty Gear Almost Used The Same 3D Graphics Technique As Donkey Kong Country


So glad they went with 2D instead of pre-rendered 3D. Especially since Guilty Gear X raised the bar with its clean anime sprites. Really blew my mind back in the day. It had the clean ink line integrity that went beyond anything Capcom or SNK had been able to achieve.

With the exception of the arcade Killer Instinct games and maybe a few shoot 'em ups, pre-rendered 3D sprites don't hold up at all in my opinion.

Re: Poll: What's The Best Sega System Of All Time?


@UK_Kev I had a launch version of the Genesis and I would have agreed with you back in the day that the SNES was superior and in terms of tech specs, it was. I really wanted a SNES and SF2 after playing SF2 in an arcade and I all but forgot about my Genesis.

However, it's not just nostalgia, I find myself going back to the Genesis way more than the SNES and I play on original hardware a lot of the time. I couldn't care less about high scores, unless I was in an arcade, it just didn't matter and I would say it still doesn't.

As someone said, the game quality is subjective. There's good and bad on both consoles. The Genesis model 1 is also one of the coolest console designs ever.

Re: Greyfox Books Release Mega Drive Book For Free After Sega Issues "Cease And Desist"


Can't download it at the moment but hopefully it will be back soon. Looks like an awesome book. No doubt took a lot of work.

I can only speculate but I'm guessing Sega and other companies want to protect their IP from things like Kickstarter, who make a profit from these kinds of campaigns. Sometimes things get funded into the hundreds of thousands of dollars beyond their original goal. Kickstarter then takes a percentage of a large sum of money, in this case from an unlicensed(?) IP.

Not defending Sega, I wish they were cool with things like this that honor their products, but did the author(s) attempt to get a licensing deal before making the book? If so, what was Sega's response?

Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good


@-wc- yeah it seems to be one of the only retro gaming sites that actually posts daily so it's pretty disappointing.

Good design, good pictures but I just can't stand the clickbait stuff. I fall for it as well but I'm getting sick of it. It's kind of manipulative when you know people feel strongly about prices and their favorite video game franchises... then you tell them their opinion is wrong.

It might as well have SEX in the title.

Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good


@-wc- I don't think they care, in fact they want people to be triggered. Get more clicks, more comments, and sell more ads. I've only been coming to this site for a couple of months but I notice that there's a clickbait article about once a week.
Say something inflammatory and get more clicks.

It's status quo for the internet unfortunately. The only thing to do is stop visiting this site.

Re: Random: Michael Jackson Was A Fan Of Sega's Altered Beast


The colorful screenshot of the wolf transformation on the box looked so cool to me in 1989 and it was a huge leap forward to someone that had only played Atari 2600, NES, and some primitive PC games.
I played Altered Beast a lot and still appreciate it today but it is like an old B movie that's trash by most people's standards. I'm not sure if Sonic would have sold me on the console tbh even though it's a million times better than Altered Beast.

Also considering the amount of just ugly/bad games that came out for the system, you could do much worse than Altered Beast. The music is good, the colors are nice and bright but it's the game people love to hate these days.

Re: Sega Of America Thought Sonic Was "Unsalvageable" As A Character


Typical American hubris. The Japanese are unparalleled in visual arts. It's hard to imagine an American company lecturing them on character designs today, let alone in the 90's when the west was making horrible cartoons and replacing video game box art with uninspired trash.

The only thing Sega of America got right was the grey/black grid motif of the Sega Genesis but they abandoned that after a few years.

Re: Best Castlevania Games - Every Castlevania Game Ranked


@RetroGames Yeah I agree. I think people have really praised Bloodlines disproportionately in recent years. I love the Genesis but Bloodlines looks downright ugly at times and it's basically "more of the same". I like it but Super Castlevania IV is the superior game with much deeper game play. If I'm remembering the making of video from strafefox correctly, Bloodlines was rushed to market so it was incomplete in a lot of ways and it shows.

Re: Promising New Fangame Golden Axe Returns Releasing Later This Month


@sdelfin I agree that the newer video looks better. Don't get me wrong, it looks like they did an amazing job putting this together. However, in my opinion the sprites look a little cheap and more cartoon like, which could work with the right pixel artist but I think they missed the mark.

It might be higher resolution and have more animation but it's kind of a step backwards in terms of aesthetics. I guess I'm saying this looks more like a fan game and less like a beloved Sega arcade game.

Re: "If HBO Made Zelda" - The Untold Story Of Legacy Of Kain: Dead Sun


They should remake the original with graphics on par with something like Diablo 4. I understand why they went 3d/3rd Person at the time but there are a thousand games now that do 3rd person very well. The original Legacy of Kain was unique and holds up well after all this time but the 3d cut scenes are hideous to look at.