Comments 260

Re: Here's The Logo For The Upcoming Live-Action Street Fighter Movie


@-wc- I enjoyed Detective Pikachu and The Super Mario Bros. Movie for what they are - "junk food" entertainment for kids and the young at heart. Hardly great films, but I liked them. The recent Mortal Kombat film was OK. I felt it was really carried by Sub-Zero as opposed to the forgettable protagonist. The Sonic movies were fine, and it seems like hardcore Sonic fans are pleased by them.

The bar is pretty low, I will admit. The 1993 Super Mario movie is definitely interesting but incoherent and a poor representation of the source material. The most recent direct-to-streaming DOOM film was awful. Wing Commander was one of the worst movies I ever saw. Double Dragon was really bad. I didn't care for any of the Resident Evil movies I saw.

I haven't watched any of Uwe Boll's game-to-movie adaptations (House of the Dead, Alone in the Dark, BloodRayne, Postal, Far Cry, Rampage, etc.) but it seems like they had mostly negative reviews.

I've never read a kind word about Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.

So I guess my point was that it feels, to me, like gaming movies have mostly been better-received over the past several years, wtih Detective Pikachu being something of a turning point.

Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It


I have purchased dozens of Nintendo Switch releases from Limited Run. My biggest complaint is that, as a collector with a finite budget, I have to make tough decisions on which games I will buy because I only have a few weeks to buy from Limited Run, whereas I can usually wait months or years to order a copy of games from major publishers. I don't like being forced to make this choice, and in the last couple of years I have basically given up on getting physical editions of every game that I really want.

I have never had a problem with any Limited Run merchandise I've received, but I have grown weary of their anti-consumer practices. As a collector, I used to get excited when a game I wanted was announced to be getting an LRG release; now, I cringe and wait until the last possible minute to order (if I do at all).

One thing I've found that helps is the discovery that many Limited Run games are also getting physical releases from other publishers in Asia. I check PlayAsia to see if they're taking pre-orders and go with them whenever that option is feasible.

Re: Here's Some Footage Of A Young Matt Berry Exploring CeX's Legendary Retro Shop


I only recently learned about Matt Barry in the absolutely brilliant What We Do in the Shadows. One of the funniest shows I have EVER seen. After binging the entire first five seasons / series, my girlfriend and I are now watching through Toast of London and Year of the Rabbit.

I can't recommend Matt Barry enough to my fellow Americans. He is extremely funny and talented!

Re: "I Didn't Want Mario Lemieux Hockey, I Wanted Super Mario Hockey"


Nintendo's trademark on "Super Mario" for all video games and related products would easily have defeated this guy's misguided idea.

Reminds me of the situation on the opposite end of the legal spectrum, when Edge Games studio founder Tim Langdell forced Namco to rename Soul Edge as Soul Blade (later Soulcalibur). He claimed, dubiously, that he owned all gaming-related trademarks to the word "Edge."

Re: Best MSX Games Of All Time


I will also recommend Pleasure Hearts, a jaw-dropping 1999 homebrew shmup from the designer who would go on to create cult favorites Eschatos and Judgment Silversword. I played Pleasure Hearts on an MSX-2 and I was astonished by by what they were able to do with that hardware. It's REALLY fun, too!

Re: Anniversary: Castlevania Classic Dracula X: Rondo Of Blood Is 30 Today


This is a wild coincidence, because I played through Rondo of Blood today on my TurboGrafx-16 Mini, oblivious to the anniversary. It is a stellar game and one of my favorites in the Castlevania series.

I have Dracula X on the Wii U Virtual Console, and started playing that as well, just to compare the two. It is definitely the lesser game, but still quite good.

I think what I like the most about the four 16-bit era Castlevania games is that they are all so very different from each other (except Rondo of Blood and Dracula X). Super Castlevania IV has giant setpieces and perfectly precise control. Bloodlines looks fantastic, has great bosses, and introduces new characters. Rondo of Blood has immense replay value and a perfect challenge. All four games have absolutely phenomenal soundtracks. It really was peak Konami.

Re: Anniversary: Game Boy Color Turns 25 Today


I still have my original Atomic Purple Game Boy Color, a Christmas gift in 1998. I was in college at the time.

I never got many GBC-exlcusive games, but it did really add new life to my existing Game Boy library.

My favorite GBC game isn't even exclusive to that platform — The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX. I still prefer it to the 2019 remake. (Tetris DX is pretty great, too.)

Re: Strictly Limited Games Issues Statement On Lengthy Shipping Delays


I used to get excited when a game was announced as getting a physical release through a boutique publisher like Limited Run, Strictly Limited, Super Rare, etc. Now, I just cringe and sigh heavily.

I have bought dozens of games from these publishers because I really love collecting physical editions. But I am completely fed up with the limited order windows, years-long waits for shipments, and even worse, seeing the same games go up for sale on Playasia or Best Buy or even Amazon at the same price, with no wait.

My #1 gripe with these companies is how horrible they are at communication. If they just posted regular shipment updates - even only once a month! - and perhaps made some videos or long-form posts explaining the production process and why it takes so long to fulfill orders, that would go a long way toward easing tensions and keeping customers happy.

I have three pending game orders affected by the Strictly Limited delays, nine with Limited Run, and two others with smaller companies, making 14 games I bought earlier this year that I won't get until next year. Idiots like me are part of the problem. I just wish there was an alternative, and unfortunately it has increasingly been "don't buy games, just accept the fact that you can't / won't be able to own them physically unless you support bad business practices."

Re: Flashback: Xbox Got Its Name Because The Other Suggestions Were "F**cking Appalling"


Unpopular opinion: most of the rejected names aren't THAT bad, though "Xbox" is definitely superior to all of them. Regardless, it seems to have foreshadowed Microsoft's trend of giving each generation a worse name than the last: Xbox (not terrible), Xbox 360 (OK), Xbox One (what), Xbox One X (stop), Xbox Series X (PLEASE STOP)

My favorite rejected name is "P2 / Power Play." Nintendo and Sony fans would have had a field day with that one, mocking the Microsoft PP console.