Have one of the very early everdrives where you had to cannibalize a cartridge to complete it. Would love to get this one day but it’s not been a priority so far
Games have done a lot of things since the days of early consoles, but the old classics retain all the pleasure they had back when they were new. Sure, many old games need to be understood with some context, some knowledge of what hadn’t yet been done at the time they were made. But for the amount of experimentation that was being done in those days, it’s amazing how much is still the best example of what a well made game should feel like, and the fundamentals that it should have.
Arcade Archives getting literal, I like it. More history bits and bites from them about Japanese arcade development and manufacturing would be just great
@sdelfin that’s true about directional inputs. The degree of rigidity hits different for different folks or for different styles of game. I’ve got a NES controller with a super tight d-pad, my cousin loves it where I go for one that’s mushier to the feel
Interesting to read the d-pad isn’t a joy as the first review I took in for this from YouTube’s Madlittlepixel gave it just heaps of praise for Street Fighters. Maybe the success is dependent on a person’s particular grip?
@BionicDodo later eras of 3D are very suitable for expressive visual remakes, but the 32 bit era needs to be approached like 2D pixel art where the original geometry needs to be respected in order for the original gameplay to feel connected to it. Ocarina of Time 3D is a good example of how to do such an update. Or recent work by Nightdive Studios is an example of it
Documenting is a great service but I don’t know about demand for building more PS1. My original PS1 from my younger years is proudly still going, but when the day of failure comes I don’t feel like clone hardware will replace the original in my heart, which is all I would need it to do since simply playing PS1 games can be done in other forms
Looks fantastic, especially that composite and component out ports, just swell. I made an order as soon as the site was open for business. I’m feeling like this is finally the FPGA device that gets me fully on board for the tech. Especially because if there’s one original controller I’d want to have wired into a new “clone” device, it’d be the PS1 dual shock controller, far and away. Looking forward to hooking it up to my tube TVs and retiring a few original consoles for now
Sad to lose more and more of these guys that defined 20th century comics. Imamura’s own stylization certainly reflects that now vintage illustration of western graphic fiction
After the sunset of the 3DS i installed CFW on my systems as well as imported a Japan-only model of the original version to convert to English. The first thing I did was instal the Japan-only Sega 3D Classics 3rd collection (Sega 3D Fukkoku Archives 3: Final Stage) Some of the best rereleases ever made with M2 in their prime. I’ll for sure load that extra SoR2 mode into the memory of my Everdrive
A nice read about a long-time Sega dev, what a career. I hope Mr. Uchida has some influence within Sega today with his experience.
I’m curious about the ‘Sega New Era’ project that was announced in 2023. Sega showed nothing further after that preview ad. Perhaps it was marketed earlier than they normally would have for some reason. But indeed I’m looking forward to seeing a new Golden Axe in particular.
If anyone could do it justice it would be LizardCube. Half the battle is drawing great looking explosions and we know they’ve got that. I’d love to see LizardCube stick with Sega’s back catalog because there’s more there, but I can already picture their take on Metal Slug and it’d be a great one
Must be doing something right because I personally know dormant atari fans that have been buzzing about this or that to me recently.
Of course the company that should really be reporting that they’re capitalizing greatly on ‘retro’ these days because of an equally deep history and then some, has recently said they are not a retro company. But good for Atari fans
Still like using the Vita as it is a well designed handheld console. One of my favorites, in fact. Even if it was cheaper at launch with twice the Sony support in its lifetime, hard to see it selling 7-8 times more than it did. It was also Nintendo’s last generation with a traditional dedicated handheld so times had changed from the PSP and DS years.
“ We also have built-in analog output, which is notably absent from other consoles.”
I’ve felt at times like the lone commenter on the lack of this feature, but that’s okay because FPGA gaming is still finding the majority of it’s audience and I know that plugging a system with the outputs of original 90’s consoles is something there will be fans of as things go along. Great stuff.
I’ve enjoyed my Psio for years now and it should be kicking for a long while yet, but this really appeals to me in every way from what I can gather. An approachable, well themed and designed, cost conscious FPGA device is what I was holding out for and this seems to be ringing in that era, and I’d like to simply support it
Big Ecco nostalgia. Love everything about the Genesis game but not because it’s the greatest game, but it just seemed back then like exactly the game you’d play on Genesis and nowhere else.
Amazing Sega “not a retro company”never finds a use for outrunners themselves..
Well if I saw this in a shop I’d have bought it just for the marquee title but an excellent double feature. Too bad it’s debuting in a crappy bit of plastic but that’s how it goes… thinking of Aliens vs Predator and Revenge of Death Adder still stuck in limited release plastic hardware
Anything that came out on NEC branded hardware would be awesome to see. I know they work with Konami so maybe working with them to make Hudson stuff more available than it has been. I don’t know why Konami is just sitting on all that stuff with the exception of the recent PCE mini, however that’s not ideal for regular software availability
I don’t have a problem with the partisan feelings for Nintendo, there are certainly a lot out there. But I do appreciate more those who can celebrate the innovation and uniqueness of the broader industry. Those that can point out interesting facts about a range companies with genuine enthusiasm for the plurality of business and creativity that existed and still exists.
The deeply loyal Nintendo fan, i can agree with their views about Nintendo.
Those who bring to light gaming history no matter the name or the place, I admire that effort.
@Blast16 that’s an excellent find. At the arcade I visited they also had that x-men 4P cabinet and it is indeed an awesome installation all these years later. Also played the Avengers arcade which is not too shabby itself. And in multiplayer playing close up to the monitor, I more appreciated the smaller character sprites than I would playing in Mame for example, gave it a roomier feel. Very interesting
Coming back to this article and seeing my comment, I’ll update it by saying I’m currently visiting family in another city which has multiple classic arcade locations (no redemption machines or Raw Thrills, hurray). Played a bunch of cabs for the first time with games I regularly play via emulation. In particular I’ll mention Final Fight, a game I’ve played a ton through official and unofficial emulation. But getting to play the original format of that game in a public space felt really cool, like a time capsule find. And I think these now ridiculously big and bulky units that house games just a mega byte in size, will always have an impactful presence. So good for those who are still insistent on keeping these machines in public spaces and venues.
Hard to believe we’re now midway through the 2020’s. 30 years ago does not seem that distant in memory, but it’s forever ago in terms of the game industry. It was the culmination of 2D gaming with console 3D graphics coming like a just offshore hurricane. At that time I was very much getting into JRPGs. Games like Final Fantasy III (VI) and Chrono Trigger were just blistering the pages of game mags with high detail sprite based graphics. Despite everything the future of gaming would do after that period, I was being taken everywhere I wanted to go in games in the 16-bit generation. When I play my old favorites it’s still that way. Good for all those who have helped in keeping those games playable over the years since. Both officially, and unofficially (especially). It’s an exciting time for old favorites these days (and old consoles). 2025 should bring some of the best yet from modders to big publishers. Looking forward to the new year. Peace and love to the retro gaming community.
I’d not seen these but they look like the kind of thing offered in the Scholastic book club. I like the covers. I was at a shop the other week and flipped through a Mario Golden Book i spotted. I was disappointed that the art was ‘Nintendo-issue’. Nintendo should let more outside artists present in their media again
Hamster is another company that put out (another) 50 games this year. I’d like to throw out RIOT as my game of the year from them with Metamorphic Force and Viper Phase 1 as runners up. But lots to choose from this year for sure.
Comments 474
Re: Review: Mega Everdrive Pro - The Best Flash Cart For Your Genesis / Mega Drive
Have one of the very early everdrives where you had to cannibalize a cartridge to complete it. Would love to get this one day but it’s not been a priority so far
Re: 24 Percent Of Gen Z Brits Own A Classic Gaming System, While 74 Percent Say Retro Is "More Relaxing"
Games have done a lot of things since the days of early consoles, but the old classics retain all the pleasure they had back when they were new. Sure, many old games need to be understood with some context, some knowledge of what hadn’t yet been done at the time they were made. But for the amount of experimentation that was being done in those days, it’s amazing how much is still the best example of what a well made game should feel like, and the fundamentals that it should have.
Re: Special Ninja Squad Is A New 16-Bit Action Platformer For Your PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16
Shaded kind of like an amiga game
Re: GoRetroid Teases GameCube-Themed Retroid Pocket Flip 2 And A Second Mysterious Handheld
Gives me flashbacks of my old GPD XD which I loved in its time for a short while
Re: Nintendo DS Emulator DraStic Pulled From Google Play Store
DS games probably coming to NSO with the next gen, but I won’t be renting from Nintendo again in order to play my beloved Spirit Tracks
Re: 14 Percent Of North Americans Still Play Gaming Systems Released Before 2000
Probably a decent few that have pinball and arcade hardware in the home as well
Re: Yuji Naka Updates Eight-Year-Old Smartphone Title, Pirates Of Coin
A classic addict’s game. The legend Yuji Naka will buy your first drop
Re: Hamster Reveals Incredible Early Footage Of Namco's 1988 Arcade Game 'Märchen Maze'
Arcade Archives getting literal, I like it. More history bits and bites from them about Japanese arcade development and manufacturing would be just great
Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment
@sdelfin that’s true about directional inputs. The degree of rigidity hits different for different folks or for different styles of game. I’ve got a NES controller with a super tight d-pad, my cousin loves it where I go for one that’s mushier to the feel
Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment
Interesting to read the d-pad isn’t a joy as the first review I took in for this from YouTube’s Madlittlepixel gave it just heaps of praise for Street Fighters. Maybe the success is dependent on a person’s particular grip?
Re: Namco's Alice In Wonderland-Inspired Platformer 'Märchen Maze' Is Coming To Switch & PS4
I see 2D isometric and I’m all in
Re: Italian Version Of Zzap!64 Celebrates 100 Issues By Using Icky AI Cover Art
Even the art of someone who considers themselves an unpracticed artist would be preferable to Gen AI’s vapid imagery
Re: Taito's Genre-Mashing Beat 'Em Up 'Thunder Fox' Hits Arcade Archives This Week
Nice when AA hits these Taito titles
Re: What's Happening With Forever Entertainment's 'Panzer Dragoon II Zwei' Remake?
@BionicDodo later eras of 3D are very suitable for expressive visual remakes, but the 32 bit era needs to be approached like 2D pixel art where the original geometry needs to be respected in order for the original gameplay to feel connected to it. Ocarina of Time 3D is a good example of how to do such an update. Or recent work by Nightdive Studios is an example of it
Re: Almost 20 Years After It Ended Production, A Brand-New PS1 Motherboard Is In Development
Documenting is a great service but I don’t know about demand for building more PS1. My original PS1 from my younger years is proudly still going, but when the day of failure comes I don’t feel like clone hardware will replace the original in my heart, which is all I would need it to do since simply playing PS1 games can be done in other forms
Re: What's Happening With Forever Entertainment's 'Panzer Dragoon II Zwei' Remake?
Made forever, by Forever..
Re: Here's Your Best Look Yet At Taki Udon's SuperStation One FPGA PS1, And You Can Order It Now
Looks fantastic, especially that composite and component out ports, just swell. I made an order as soon as the site was open for business. I’m feeling like this is finally the FPGA device that gets me fully on board for the tech. Especially because if there’s one original controller I’d want to have wired into a new “clone” device, it’d be the PS1 dual shock controller, far and away. Looking forward to hooking it up to my tube TVs and retiring a few original consoles for now
Re: M2 And Compile Heart Are Working On A New Shmup
Could be pretty good although if it’s a danmaku style it might not be for me
It was about 5-6 years ago Gematsu revealed Zerodiv was working on a Strikers 2020 game. Guess that’s long gone at this point, too bad
Re: Review: Laser Bear Industries Sega Nomad Pak - Free Your Handheld From The Wall Socket
I have always wanted a sega nomad. As an old piece of hardware it’s fantastic looking.
Re: Taki Udon Teases FPGA PS1's "SuperDock"
This is a beauty
Re: Tecmo's 1992 Shoot 'Em Up 'Final Star Force' Is Heading To Arcade Archives
Just my kind of stg
Re: The Artist Behind F-Zero's Legendary Japanese Cover Has Passed Away
Sad to lose more and more of these guys that defined 20th century comics. Imamura’s own stylization certainly reflects that now vintage illustration of western graphic fiction
Re: Streets Of Rage 2's Delisted 3DS Port Lives On Thanks To This Genesis Patch
After the sunset of the 3DS i installed CFW on my systems as well as imported a Japan-only model of the original version to convert to English. The first thing I did was instal the Japan-only Sega 3D Classics 3rd collection (Sega 3D Fukkoku Archives 3: Final Stage) Some of the best rereleases ever made with M2 in their prime. I’ll for sure load that extra SoR2 mode into the memory of my Everdrive
Re: Celebrating Makoto Uchida, Golden Axe Creator And One Of Sega's Longest-Serving Staffers
A nice read about a long-time Sega dev, what a career. I hope Mr. Uchida has some influence within Sega today with his experience.
I’m curious about the ‘Sega New Era’ project that was announced in 2023. Sega showed nothing further after that preview ad. Perhaps it was marketed earlier than they normally would have for some reason. But indeed I’m looking forward to seeing a new Golden Axe in particular.
Re: Metal Slug 2 Artist Finally Explains The Reason Behind Its "Ugly" Character Portraits
Definitely very 90’s whatever the intention
Re: Wonder Boy And Streets Of Rage Studio Lizardcube Turned Down Chance To Work On Metal Slug
If anyone could do it justice it would be LizardCube. Half the battle is drawing great looking explosions and we know they’ve got that. I’d love to see LizardCube stick with Sega’s back catalog because there’s more there, but I can already picture their take on Metal Slug and it’d be a great one
Re: Face It, You'll Never Be As Good At Light Gun Games As This Dude
No, no I don’t reckon I will.. lol
Re: Koei Once Created A $250 Handheld Console, And You're Forgiven For Not Knowing About It
The sides of the console should cut out not cut in. Not that that anyone will ever shape a handheld that way ever again
Re: Atari Says Its "Retro-Focused Strategy" Has Paid Off
Must be doing something right because I personally know dormant atari fans that have been buzzing about this or that to me recently.
Of course the company that should really be reporting that they’re capitalizing greatly on ‘retro’ these days because of an equally deep history and then some, has recently said they are not a retro company. But good for Atari fans
Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?
The Genesis conversion did wonders for Atomic Runner
Re: Shuhei Yoshida Explains Why The PS Vita Flopped
Still like using the Vita as it is a well designed handheld console. One of my favorites, in fact. Even if it was cheaper at launch with twice the Sony support in its lifetime, hard to see it selling 7-8 times more than it did. It was also Nintendo’s last generation with a traditional dedicated handheld so times had changed from the PSP and DS years.
Re: Flashback: One Of Gaming's Worst Pads Almost Led To A Controller That Promised To Change Gaming Forever
Found my NES maxx pad in a drawer the other day. Need to get rid of that, I thought to myself lol
Re: Yes, Knuckles Was Supposed To Sound Like He Was Swearing In Sonic Heroes
Knuckles talking shift, eh?
Re: Interview: Taki Udon Explains How His FPGA PS1 Aims To "Remove Barriers" To FPGA Gaming
“ We also have built-in analog output, which is notably absent from other consoles.”
I’ve felt at times like the lone commenter on the lack of this feature, but that’s okay because FPGA gaming is still finding the majority of it’s audience and I know that plugging a system with the outputs of original 90’s consoles is something there will be fans of as things go along. Great stuff.
Re: Interview: Taki Udon Explains How His FPGA PS1 Aims To "Remove Barriers" To FPGA Gaming
I’ve enjoyed my Psio for years now and it should be kicking for a long while yet, but this really appeals to me in every way from what I can gather. An approachable, well themed and designed, cost conscious FPGA device is what I was holding out for and this seems to be ringing in that era, and I’d like to simply support it
Re: Sega Appears To Be Reviving Ecco The Dolphin After 25 Years
Big Ecco nostalgia. Love everything about the Genesis game but not because it’s the greatest game, but it just seemed back then like exactly the game you’d play on Genesis and nowhere else.
Re: Cancelled Sega Neptune Rises From The Dead, Gets Its Own Promo Video
Now there’s a super Sega console. A shame Sega couldn’t get that era straight but at least it left an opening for Sega fans to do something about it
Re: 8BitDo's Solution For Smartphone Retro Gaming Is Revealed
Reminds me of something I’d have rigged myself years ago when you had to cobble more technology together for anything remotely custom
Re: My Arcade's OutRun Mini-Arcade Will Include The Legendary OutRunners
Amazing Sega “not a retro company”never finds a use for outrunners themselves..
Well if I saw this in a shop I’d have bought it just for the marquee title but an excellent double feature. Too bad it’s debuting in a crappy bit of plastic but that’s how it goes… thinking of Aliens vs Predator and Revenge of Death Adder still stuck in limited release plastic hardware
Re: IP Owners, Hamster Wants To Release Your Classic Games To "Future Generations"
Anything that came out on NEC branded hardware would be awesome to see. I know they work with Konami so maybe working with them to make Hudson stuff more available than it has been. I don’t know why Konami is just sitting on all that stuff with the exception of the recent PCE mini, however that’s not ideal for regular software availability
Re: Best Of 2024: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?
I don’t have a problem with the partisan feelings for Nintendo, there are certainly a lot out there. But I do appreciate more those who can celebrate the innovation and uniqueness of the broader industry. Those that can point out interesting facts about a range companies with genuine enthusiasm for the plurality of business and creativity that existed and still exists.
The deeply loyal Nintendo fan, i can agree with their views about Nintendo.
Those who bring to light gaming history no matter the name or the place, I admire that effort.
Re: Best Of 2024: Meet The Man Who Supplies Netflix, Disney And EA With Vintage Arcade Cabinets
@Blast16 that’s an excellent find. At the arcade I visited they also had that x-men 4P cabinet and it is indeed an awesome installation all these years later. Also played the Avengers arcade which is not too shabby itself. And in multiplayer playing close up to the monitor, I more appreciated the smaller character sprites than I would playing in Mame for example, gave it a roomier feel. Very interesting
Re: Best Of 2024: Meet The Man Who Supplies Netflix, Disney And EA With Vintage Arcade Cabinets
Coming back to this article and seeing my comment, I’ll update it by saying I’m currently visiting family in another city which has multiple classic arcade locations (no redemption machines or Raw Thrills, hurray). Played a bunch of cabs for the first time with games I regularly play via emulation. In particular I’ll mention Final Fight, a game I’ve played a ton through official and unofficial emulation. But getting to play the original format of that game in a public space felt really cool, like a time capsule find. And I think these now ridiculously big and bulky units that house games just a mega byte in size, will always have an impactful presence. So good for those who are still insistent on keeping these machines in public spaces and venues.
Re: You Can Now Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Sega Genesis, For Free
I will try this out then. Very cool.
Re: Editorial: Merry Christmas, You Filthy Animals
Hard to believe we’re now midway through the 2020’s. 30 years ago does not seem that distant in memory, but it’s forever ago in terms of the game industry. It was the culmination of 2D gaming with console 3D graphics coming like a just offshore hurricane. At that time I was very much getting into JRPGs. Games like Final Fantasy III (VI) and Chrono Trigger were just blistering the pages of game mags with high detail sprite based graphics. Despite everything the future of gaming would do after that period, I was being taken everywhere I wanted to go in games in the 16-bit generation. When I play my old favorites it’s still that way. Good for all those who have helped in keeping those games playable over the years since. Both officially, and unofficially (especially). It’s an exciting time for old favorites these days (and old consoles). 2025 should bring some of the best yet from modders to big publishers. Looking forward to the new year. Peace and love to the retro gaming community.
Re: Best Of 2024: The Making Of Nintendo Adventure Books, Mario's 'Fighting Fantasy' Period
I’d not seen these but they look like the kind of thing offered in the Scholastic book club. I like the covers. I was at a shop the other week and flipped through a Mario Golden Book i spotted. I was disappointed that the art was ‘Nintendo-issue’. Nintendo should let more outside artists present in their media again
Re: Game Of The Year: UFO 50 Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Hamster is another company that put out (another) 50 games this year. I’d like to throw out RIOT as my game of the year from them with Metamorphic Force and Viper Phase 1 as runners up. But lots to choose from this year for sure.
Re: We're Not Getting Saturn And Dreamcast Minis, But We Are Getting More Sega Mini-Arcades
Oh dang, there’s a Walmart grocery run impulse buy. Or two.. or three.. lol
Re: Anniversary: 30 Years Ago, NEC Rolled The Dice With PC-FX And Lost
Good old NEC and Hudson. They deserved more, in our hearts.
Re: SuperSega Boss Puts His Beloved Lamborghini Up For Sale After All Pre-Orders Are Refunded
Super Sega: A Real Life FPGA Story.
Critics ask, “does it suck?”.
“No, it doesn’t suck”.