Comments 73

Re: Analogue Pocket Is Getting A Game Boy Micro-Style FPGA-Based Handheld Rival


I wouldn't have a prayer trying to play a handheld that small, but it is really nice finally seeing the beginnings of a budget fpga market forming. their convienence and accuracy can't be beat but not to the extend to justify the prices things like MiSTeR command. if they made one of these with no screen or buttons and two controller ports i betcha these would fly off the shelves

Re: "Tap To Play" NFC Tags Give MiSTer FPGA A Much-Needed Physical Connection


i wonder how much information can be stored on an NFC tag. it'd be cool if for systems with smaller ROM sizes if the entire game itself could be on the card as opposed to just a trigger to select it, allowing homebrew devs to easily make physical copies without needing to produce PCBs and get ROM chips and all of that jazz. of course they'd only work on MiSTer unless future everdrives also had NFC readers

Re: Best Handheld Consoles Of All Time, Ranked By You


it was wise to leave the Milton Bradley MicroVision off, because it's hard to make a ranked list if 100% if the votes went to the obvious winner. hopefully someday Nintendo will wake up and add superior Paddle Technology(tm) to their so-called "handhelds"

Re: Analogue Pocket Is Getting An MSX FPGA Core


thank you for your service Boogerman o7

the MSX and FPGAs have a long and proud history together, with most modern MSX cores tracing back to official 1chipMSX ones from ASCII just past the turn of the century. i wonder how much of a hand that had in FPGA gaming becoming what it is today- if so this is a very nice closing of the circle moment

Re: Anniversary: Pokémon FireRed And LeafGreen Are 20 Today


i did have Colosseum for the GameCube before it, so it wasn't quite my first taste, but FireRed was my first main-series pokemon game! i remember beating half the game on Christmas morning under the tree, unmoved from where i opened it! like any good kid i trained my Blastoise up to absurd levels while neglecting the rest of my team and Lorelei swiftly ended my elite four ambitions

Re: Going Back In Time - Do You Play Retro Games To Reconnect With Your Past?


I'm probably one of the younger commenters here and also wasn't allowed to play videogames until I was older than most, so I missed the boat on being able to be nostalgic for the kinds of games everyone can agree are retro. My thing not just with games but with any form of art is that there is more good old art than new good art, just by virtue of the fact that there is more old art than new art. i have plenty of gripes with the modern AAA game industry but even if every major release of the year was catered specifically to my tastes, that's still a drop in the bucket compared to decades of amazing games that came before. i think it's a terrible shame how we as a society now seem to treat art as having an expiration date. all that said, i'd be lying if i didn't say returning to the first games i ever played don't give me a specific warm and fuzzy feeling, and my favorite games since then that i didn't play as a schoolkid are the ones that somehow manage to replicate that feeling anyway. i also adore listening to people talk about their experiences with games as a kid. i used to volunteer at a big yearly retrogaming event (shoutout to the Long Island Retro Game Expo!) and by far my favorite thing was seeing a parent introduce their child to the games they grew up with, it's always a much more moving sight to behold than you'd think!

Re: Gaming's Best 'Leftfield' Control Interfaces, Ranked


I feel like we gave up on paddle controllers way too quickly. The 2600 library is chock-full of awesome ideas that really haven't been iterated on because subsequent systems didn't have appropriate controllers aside from the odd pack-in paddle for an Arkanoid rerelease. Something like Warlords or Circus Atari might seem primative now but so were Donkey Kong and Lode Runner and look at what a marvelous and rich history platformers have now. The PlayDate and this latest wave of revival Atari products is promising, though- hopefully it all snowballs from there!

I'll also go against the grain and say I loved the wiimote. It still feels futuristic even today while also harkening back to a time before controllers were overengineered with 72 different buttons. That said it was sometimes frustrating when a game underutilized them treating a shake as a button and didn't us let us just use a gamecube controller instead for the sake of your wrists or your supply of AA batteries, so I get the frustration.

Re: Atari Gamestation Portable Comes With Built-In Paddle And Trak-Ball


the mini console trend was neat but basically any device can throw an emulator up on a TV now. bespoke hardware like mini arcades and handhelds at least to me are much more interesting, especially when you throw unique arcade controls like paddles and trackballs into the mix. with this and that dockable mega drive handheld back to back it really does feel like we're in a golden age of handheld gaming

Re: Best Sega Game Gear Games Of All Time


suprised to see sonic 1 on here. ancient always does good work but it's got some early installment weirdness like the autoscrolling stages and no loops that imo make this a poor choice for anyone's first or only 8-bit sonic. sonic 2 on the gamegear is rendered needlessly hard by the small screen, but sonic chaos' bite-sized levels are perfect for quick handheld pick-up-and-play sessions and it has a better soundtrack than the SMS version, and triple trouble was purpose-built for the game gear's smaller screen. i'd definitely recommend both over the numbered titles at least on the game gear.

for anyone looking for more rpg experiences on the game gear, there are translations of some of the madou monogatari releases. they share names with the MSX/PC-88 games but i believe 2 and 3 are completely different games from the original

Re: Nights Into Dreams Soundtrack Is Coming To Vinyl For The First Time Ever


nice to see this OST finally getting some love, it's definitely one of the all-time greats. it's very difficult to piece together a running order for this game because the stages have adaptive music, which previous CD box set releases handled by doing ten minute medlies for each stage! not super feasible on vinyl but it looks like they put together a great listening experience in spite of that, and the discs themselves look gorgeous.

Re: Best MSX Games Of All Time


Awesome list, and very nice to see Pampas and Selene on there, the MSX homebrew scene does one heck of a job. i'd definitely recommend Shoulder Blade Overdrive, Relevo's Snowboarding, Tina's Island Adventure, and Lilly's Saga for anyone looking for more modern classics

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