Comments 191

Re: Hands On: We Went To Japan To Play M2's Amazing 'SenXin Aleste'


Nice to have some mystery again and something exclusive japanese..

alrthough i would love a ps5/switch port ofcourse...

And it would be great in M2 released the GG rom of aleste 3 fro mtheir collection.. i would happily pay for it to play it on the analogue pocket.. (it seems to be impossible to extract until now)

Re: Analogue Pocket Update Adds New Library Function


Spend a nice afternoon putting all my GBA/GC/GB titles in and out to fill the library.. nice little touch to look at your collection.. (on the site it showed that it would be like a wii-style diary too, but it's isn't yet alas)..

and i ended up playing bugs bunny GB for the rest of the afternoon... looks beautiful on it..

Re: The Tale Of Witchwood, Team17's Abandoned Zelda Rival


Nice article, I remember reading about this game back in the day; but let's not forget that team 17 often was technical impressive, but without understanding how a genre really ticket, leaving things like (Amiga: Overdrive which was no patch on super skid marks, Body blows which looks nice, but shadow fighter playing that much better)

Re: Intellivision Amico Trademark Is Live Once Again


@calbeau Good question, had the same with the information on the sega mini 2... apparantly all retro inspired life is now nintendo life......

This was dead from the start i'm afraid.. the intellivision itself was too small for a dedicated revamp, and the new games were clones of flash or phone casual games.....

(and now hoping my playdate will arrive soon)

Re: Hands On: Anbernic RG353P - Shamelessly Inspired By Nintendo


What would a 'true' succesor to the RG351 mean then?.. I have a GPD XD from 2017, and until PSX it works nice, and dreamcast is ok.. When I see that this one still has problems with saturn emulation, I really start to wonder when the true succesor to my GPD will arrive, with everything to the gamecube without a problem.. all these hundreds of devices have slightly better screens etc, but don't see to be game changing..or a reason to upgrade. (I had hoped my analogue pocket - when it will arrive in 6 months time would do that with the fpga cores, but it's so quiet out there)

Re: Review: Playdate - Picking Things Up Where The Game Boy Left Off?


Lovely little niche product, and since my 3ds and switch were getting a bit old I ordered it last year.. am in batch 4.. The 3ds offered for a while new ways of of gaming, but this little crank really trickled me..

Only thing i fear is that because of all the delays it won’t feel that fresh anymore when it finally arrives… this whole season thing is different when other people already are playing i presume….

The whole ‘hipster’ comment is rather funny… it’s been used as a way to call out people trying to be more the authentic then others, and people just following that quest for authenticity just because their friends do it, but don’t forget the people who started making ‘real’ sausages or herd bees (guity as charged) did that for a reason, and that search by itself is something we need in gaming too, in this world of endless freemium misery…

Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions


Nice review, the selection is a bit too focussed on Team 17 for my liking, and just got a retrocade for the bitmap stuff..

Big missing software house is ofcourse sensible software... megalomania, sensible soccer and cannon fodder Top 5 games in my opinion... but i can add them... although, my android tv with retroarch on it emulates sensi just fine, and actually suppords my The Arcade Joystick from back in the day...

Re: Feature: Hidehiro Funauchi Mastered The Game Boy's Sound Chip, Then Seemingly Disappeared


@EarthboundBenjy Thanx for this info, and @Damien @Damo for the article.. since emulating gameboys (early 200-s?) I was missing the Castlevania I remembered from early 90's, and now I realise I was emulating the wrong game... just one second of this music and I was back in my old high school..playing Castlevania, borrowed from a friend.. (I still have his burai fighter, come to think of it)

@charliegirl, which time are you referring too, I remember e.g. that the gameboy robocop sound track was quite immediately used in a commercial, and in the amiga times ( 91-94 where the use of samples in computer games really started) Rob Hubbard of c64 chiptune fame was already a god (admittedly ,the chiptune concerts started 5 years later, but still)

Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Pocket - Potent FPGA Power In Portable Form


@SalvorHardin indeed, me hoping yesterday when I saw the pre-order news it would be sort of quiet and I could slip in for a
Q1 2022 pre-order.. and then saw youtube exploding when fnishing work.. Now just hoping there was some great american football game yesterday night so that america is still sleeping at 8 am pacific,,

Re: Hands On: Retro Handheld Face-Off - Anbernic R351 Vs Retroid Pocket 2


@nessisonett I recently installed retroarch on my androidTV, and this retroachievement felt likem such a present.. making me replay games and giving me a clear target in a retrogame (since often just playing retrogames feels a bit'' yes i can play it again , buty what shall i do'.. Since retroarch for android supports is, at least retroid should support is as well..

(and so happy my android tv supports my xbox 360 hori joystick and my 8-bit do switch pad)