Comments 666

Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend


@happydeathman That you Pat? 😊

@mjparker77 "to a user called Kevtris over on AA, who had launched two consoles at that point, has launched two more since, and is revving up for a fifth."

Oh Kevtris. Well I thought you meant ACTUAL consoles, not clone consoles. Any respect I had for that guy went out the window. I wish he would get off his arse and make the Codemasters SMS games compatible instead of hanging out obsessively on the anti-Amico Discord where they leak screenshots of people and generally act toxic. Maybe you're into that, I'm not. Listen to RetroGames, he seems to be one of the saner voices in this comments section. I know you can do better. 👍

Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend


@mjparker77 I'm not talking "complete and utter crap." People like you do not understand how a business can set out to achieve something and fail. Are you really gullible and naïve enough to think they planned this as a scam?

"I saw him being incredibly rude to a guy who has now successfully released.... three? four consoles?"

Also who are you referring to? I don't remember TT being rude to anyone who's released game consoles.

Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend


Why are Retro Games comments being deleted? For all the insensitive comments on here you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. YOU are the reason the console was not released. You can't put the blame entirely on TT. Look at your own behaviour first.

@happydeathman The one with inaccuracies and being and him being hypocritical?

@RetroGames Exactly! The truth is this happens all the time. People in the comments need to grow up.

Re: Grand Theft Auto Dev Pays Tribute To "The Unsung Hero Of The Franchise"


I wonder if Scott Maslen knows about this anniversary? Obviously he went onto bigger fame with Eastenders but that makes it even cooler he was in GTA in live action.

As for the game itself I have to admit finding the gang alignment very confusing as it was never clear which gang controlled where. I should at some point play the full game.

Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games


All these comments about editing are kind of stupid. He's clearly playing something. I have no doubt he's using the hardware he showed off but I'm not there yet with its capabilities. Mega Drive emulation looks fine but Saturn and SMS emulation really needs more work. If he gets Codemasters games to work for SMS he will manage to out beat Kevtris who hasn't even bothered yet to get those games working on the Mega SG.