@mjparker77 "to a user called Kevtris over on AA, who had launched two consoles at that point, has launched two more since, and is revving up for a fifth."
Oh Kevtris. Well I thought you meant ACTUAL consoles, not clone consoles. Any respect I had for that guy went out the window. I wish he would get off his arse and make the Codemasters SMS games compatible instead of hanging out obsessively on the anti-Amico Discord where they leak screenshots of people and generally act toxic. Maybe you're into that, I'm not. Listen to RetroGames, he seems to be one of the saner voices in this comments section. I know you can do better. 👍
@mjparker77 I'm not talking "complete and utter crap." People like you do not understand how a business can set out to achieve something and fail. Are you really gullible and naïve enough to think they planned this as a scam?
"I saw him being incredibly rude to a guy who has now successfully released.... three? four consoles?"
Also who are you referring to? I don't remember TT being rude to anyone who's released game consoles.
"Perhaps the most withering takedown of the entire project comes from Kevtris,"
Well I wish the "expert" Kevtris would get off his rear and provide compatibility for Codemasters SMS games instead of spending his time on the anti-Amico Discord to laugh at random Facebook/Twitter screenshots of people. 😆
@RetroGames "Too many people are far too willing to jump on whatever the new bandwagon is. The Internet generation is utterly desperate to be seen as all virtuous and pure."
Yeah I've been on the receiving end of these lovely people. Scum bags, the lot of them.
Why are Retro Games comments being deleted? For all the insensitive comments on here you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. YOU are the reason the console was not released. You can't put the blame entirely on TT. Look at your own behaviour first.
@happydeathman The one with inaccuracies and being and him being hypocritical?
@RetroGames Exactly! The truth is this happens all the time. People in the comments need to grow up.
@KingMike 1993 had a ton of SMS releases so I'm not surprised their games were released that year. 1994 was a slower year for releases in comparison. It would be nice with the Mega SG to play my Codemasters cartridges on the thing.
@poyo_pie To be fair I never got on with Mario because the controls are so slippery either in 2D or 3D. Croc I remember having a little more grip or at least not requiring crazy jumping.
Treat the customers like idiots and hope they don't notice? Check. Be cheap because it's only 3DO? Check. Mismanage a company because you're too arrogant to accept differing opinions? Check.
Begs a question why they didn't just sell CD-Rs but price them cheaper. Limited Fun Games indeed. 😆
I wonder if Scott Maslen knows about this anniversary? Obviously he went onto bigger fame with Eastenders but that makes it even cooler he was in GTA in live action.
As for the game itself I have to admit finding the gang alignment very confusing as it was never clear which gang controlled where. I should at some point play the full game.
@Digglerdig Some of these are really good points I'll keep in mind. The idea of him running a pre-recorded video however baffles me unless he's pretending to have difficulties inserting his cartridges.
@Digglerdig So what's he running the games on if not the board? He clearly has it plugged in. I suppose we can wait for more videos to show the board again.
@Razieluigi We'll see if it's a scam but at least so far what we've been presented seems to have some emulation results. I'm sure more videos will become available that aren't edited.
All these comments about editing are kind of stupid. He's clearly playing something. I have no doubt he's using the hardware he showed off but I'm not there yet with its capabilities. Mega Drive emulation looks fine but Saturn and SMS emulation really needs more work. If he gets Codemasters games to work for SMS he will manage to out beat Kevtris who hasn't even bothered yet to get those games working on the Mega SG.
Classic game! I really did complain to one emulator maker though about having a 50fps toggle for the game which he implemented. The music runs way too fast in 60fps.
The video is way too blurry. They're not going to attract people with amateur recordings. The only way we'll see if it works is when it's up and running.
Comments 666
Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend
@mjparker77 "We're both wrong, he's been identified on Reddit as a 40-year old incel that expressed sympathy for a UK based woman murderer.
And thought Amico was going to 'make physical media safe'."
See, it's people like you that are the problem. You deserve to get outraged over a failed console. I'm not a scumbag like you thankfully. 😊
Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend
@happydeathman That you Pat? 😊
@mjparker77 "to a user called Kevtris over on AA, who had launched two consoles at that point, has launched two more since, and is revving up for a fifth."
Oh Kevtris. Well I thought you meant ACTUAL consoles, not clone consoles. Any respect I had for that guy went out the window. I wish he would get off his arse and make the Codemasters SMS games compatible instead of hanging out obsessively on the anti-Amico Discord where they leak screenshots of people and generally act toxic. Maybe you're into that, I'm not. Listen to RetroGames, he seems to be one of the saner voices in this comments section. I know you can do better. 👍
Re: Hands On: Rebellion's Shock Speedball Reboot Is Off To A Promising Start
This is the most logical way to revive Speedball but I wonder if it's lacking the speed of the sequel.
Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend
@mjparker77 I'm not talking "complete and utter crap." People like you do not understand how a business can set out to achieve something and fail. Are you really gullible and naïve enough to think they planned this as a scam?
"I saw him being incredibly rude to a guy who has now successfully released.... three? four consoles?"
Also who are you referring to? I don't remember TT being rude to anyone who's released game consoles.
Re: Anniversary: Killer Instinct Is 30 Years Old
@smoreon I think a collection for modern platforms would be cool. Maybe they'd be able to include the non-console ports this time.
Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend
@happydeathman Hbomberguy's video wasn't accurate and his video did the exact thing he accused TT of doing which is not crediting people.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Gets A New Design, Is "Closing In" On 200 Pre-Orders
The real test will be when they're reviewed. This will be the turning point when it could go either way.
Re: Anniversary: Killer Instinct Is 30 Years Old
We need a collection of all the games. 😊
Re: Gallery: Remembering Legendary Sega And Data East Artist Jun Satoh
"were often replaced with lacklustre Western artwork"
Hang on, Golden Axe II had good cover art. 🤔
Re: Rebellion Is Bringing Back The Amiga Classic Speedball As A Steam Early Access Title
I wouldn't mind seeing a complete collection of the previous games.
Re: "The Project Is A Complete Scam" - The Internet Isn't Convinced By The SuperSega FPGA Console
"Perhaps the most withering takedown of the entire project comes from Kevtris,"
Well I wish the "expert" Kevtris would get off his rear and provide compatibility for Codemasters SMS games instead of spending his time on the anti-Amico Discord to laugh at random Facebook/Twitter screenshots of people. 😆
@Honkshot Get a better hobby... 😆
Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend
@RetroGames "Too many people are far too willing to jump on whatever the new bandwagon is. The Internet generation is utterly desperate to be seen as all virtuous and pure."
Yeah I've been on the receiving end of these lovely people. Scum bags, the lot of them.
Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend
@Damo Time to step in unless you knew people were going to be insensitive over someone's death?
Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend
Why are Retro Games comments being deleted? For all the insensitive comments on here you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. YOU are the reason the console was not released. You can't put the blame entirely on TT. Look at your own behaviour first.
@happydeathman The one with inaccuracies and being and him being hypocritical?
@RetroGames Exactly! The truth is this happens all the time. People in the comments need to grow up.
Re: The US Copyright Office Doesn't Want To Give You Access To Video Game History
We need more than the Video Game History Foundation on this. Those guys are clueless to gaming outside of physical gaming.
Re: Three More Sought-After Toaplan Shmups Are Resurrected On Genesis / Mega Drive At Bargain Prices
The off branding re-releases continues...
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games
@KingMike 1993 had a ton of SMS releases so I'm not surprised their games were released that year. 1994 was a slower year for releases in comparison. It would be nice with the Mega SG to play my Codemasters cartridges on the thing.
Re: Grand Theft Auto Dev Pays Tribute To "The Unsung Hero Of The Franchise"
@ralphdibny I forgot about The Bill. I think I stopped watching the show before he came on. I know him more from GTA 2 and Eastenders.
Re: Croc Legend of the Gobbos Remaster Confirmed For Switch, PS4, PS5, PC, & Xbox Consoles
@poyo_pie To be fair I never got on with Mario because the controls are so slippery either in 2D or 3D. Croc I remember having a little more grip or at least not requiring crazy jumping.
Re: New Playdate Update Showcase Airs This Halloween
@AJB83 Made by hipsters for hipsters. 😊
Re: New Playdate Update Showcase Airs This Halloween
@N00BiSH It does seem very novelty. Cool it's found an audience.
Re: Limited Run Co-Founder Claims Selling CD-Rs To Customers Was Always The Idea
Treat the customers like idiots and hope they don't notice? Check. Be cheap because it's only 3DO? Check. Mismanage a company because you're too arrogant to accept differing opinions? Check.
Begs a question why they didn't just sell CD-Rs but price them cheaper. Limited Fun Games indeed. 😆
Re: Evercade Games And Hardware - All Evercade Cartridges And Systems Released So Far (2024 Edition)
Helpful guide but I can't support the company after how I was treated online. 👍
Re: Croc Legend of the Gobbos Remaster Confirmed For Switch, PS4, PS5, PC, & Xbox Consoles
@PZT Nintendo is why gamers in general have ignorance.
Re: Croc Legend of the Gobbos Remaster Confirmed For Switch, PS4, PS5, PC, & Xbox Consoles
This is turning out really well. I hope the sequel gets a remaster as well. 👍
@RossoftheRobots I honestly don't see a problem.
@poyo_pie Mario 64 was always overrated.
Re: Random: Here's The Story Of Why Capcom's SNES Aladdin Game Didn't Feature A Sword
Sorry Dudley but the MD version will always be the superior game. 😉
@Guru_Larry Yes they did. Artwork was sent over and Virgin digitised everything.
@Sketcz It's a good game but I wish the sprites had more detail.
Re: Grand Theft Auto Dev Pays Tribute To "The Unsung Hero Of The Franchise"
I wonder if Scott Maslen knows about this anniversary? Obviously he went onto bigger fame with Eastenders but that makes it even cooler he was in GTA in live action.
As for the game itself I have to admit finding the gang alignment very confusing as it was never clear which gang controlled where. I should at some point play the full game.
Re: New Playdate Update Showcase Airs This Halloween
I had no idea this was still a thing. I never saw the point of this handheld.
Re: Worms 2 Is Now Playable Again On Modern PCs, And Better Than Ever
I'm surprised to hear the GOG version runs so poorly. Nice fans have been able to fix this. 👍
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games
@Digglerdig Some of these are really good points I'll keep in mind. The idea of him running a pre-recorded video however baffles me unless he's pretending to have difficulties inserting his cartridges.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games
@Digglerdig So what's he running the games on if not the board? He clearly has it plugged in. I suppose we can wait for more videos to show the board again.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games
@Stegosaur1589 I had a feeling it wasn't a pre-recorded video although with these things people tend to move goalposts to call it a scam so... 🤷♂️
@KingMike It uses its own VDP and that hasn't been emulated yet. Would be cool if the SuperSega ran them since Mega SG so far can't.
Re: The Making Of: The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, Capcom's SNES Classic
@HammerGalladeBro Well y'know not everything has to be on Switch. 😉
Re: Random: The Story Behind Final Fantasy VII's "Worst" Translation
@Sketcz Definitely.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games
@Razieluigi We'll see if it's a scam but at least so far what we've been presented seems to have some emulation results. I'm sure more videos will become available that aren't edited.
Re: Blaze Announce Dual Cart Featuring Mega Drive Titles Metal Dragon & Life On Mars
Great games, crappy company. At least going by their Discord and mods. 😆
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games
All these comments about editing are kind of stupid. He's clearly playing something. I have no doubt he's using the hardware he showed off but I'm not there yet with its capabilities. Mega Drive emulation looks fine but Saturn and SMS emulation really needs more work. If he gets Codemasters games to work for SMS he will manage to out beat Kevtris who hasn't even bothered yet to get those games working on the Mega SG.
Re: Random: That Time Sega Got Donald Duck In Trouble With Disney For Animal Cruelty
Classic game! I really did complain to one emulator maker though about having a 50fps toggle for the game which he implemented. The music runs way too fast in 60fps.
Re: Worms' Creator Shows Off Impressive Easter Egg-Filled Red Dwarf Level
This is quite cool and pretty fitting actually. 😂
Re: Random: The Story Behind Final Fantasy VII's "Worst" Translation
@Sketcz Europe has never been considered an important territory by Japanese companies.
Re: Obscure Beat 'Em Up 'Metamorphic Force' Is This Week's Arcade Archives Release
No doubt they were hoping for an animated cartoon series tie-in.
Re: The Making Of: The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, Capcom's SNES Classic
A shame it was never released in PAL MD.
@HammerGalladeBro Disney Afternoon Collection?
Re: Evercade Reveals New Toaplan Arcade 4 Collection Featuring Six Classic Titles
A shame Evercade's Discord doesn't have the same quality... 🙄
Re: Triple Impact Is A Promising New SNES Beat 'Em Up
I feel it needs some work.
Re: A Rare VHS From Data East & Capcom's 'Fighter's History' Trial Has Been Found
I love the fact they made a video for the lawsuit. 😂
Re: Doom CD32X Fusion Is The First Non-FMV Game To Utilize The Sega's Tower Of Power
Now that looks interesting! 👍
Re: Here's Your First (Blurry) Look At SuperSega's PCB
@KitsuneNight Okay I apologise. I didn't know the video was added later.
Re: Here's Your First (Blurry) Look At SuperSega's PCB
@KitsuneNight Photo? There's a video linked.
@Honkshot Do more with your life I guess?
The video is way too blurry. They're not going to attract people with amateur recordings. The only way we'll see if it works is when it's up and running.
Re: The GBA Version Of Xeno Crisis Will Start Shipping Early Next Month
This turned out rather nice. Well done team! 👍
Re: Worms' Original Creator Is Set To Release A New Director's Cut Next Year For Amiga
It does beg the question how can they improve on the DC?