Comments 666

Re: Former Amico Exclusive 'Breakout Beyond' Comes To PC & Modern Consoles This March


@mjparker77 "'Stalking' you massively overestimate your importance."

Please stop lying. We can see how narcassisitic people such as yourself are. I've exposed people like yourself for harassment and bullying. People outside of this drama can clearly see what you're doing. You don't want to admit you're stalking me yet you find accusations on a video or a subreddit about me just like that?

Please don't insult my intelligence and stop lying. Fraud indeed... πŸ˜†

Re: "These Short Games Mean Nothing To Me" - Retro-Bit Translator Denies Wrongdoing In "Baffling" Rant


@PinballBuzzbro I have to take this in bits...

"between the game taking 10 years to come out"

I agree to an extent. Fonzie really messed up when it came to communication. But that doesn't mean that people who worked on Paprium didn't pour their hearts and souls into the game.

"Fons constantly going on psychotic Joker mental breakdowns online"

I have no idea what you're talking about here? Did someone have a mental breakdown? How is that Watermelon's fault?

"the EXHORBENT price tag the game has ESPECIALLY if trying to buy it second hand"

People selling the game for high prices on ebay is not Watermelon's fault.

"it’s horrible creator"

He's horrible due to poor communication? πŸ€”

"when I could get streets of rage 1-3, final fight cd, hyperstone heist, golden axe, and SO many more on the same console for (mostly) 5x less the price?"

Not sure where you live but PAL Hyperstone Heist is like Β£150 now.

"all the AMAZING modern beat em’ ups nowadays like streets of rage 4 and shredder’s revenge that similarly cost less too."

Those aren't physical releases on cartridge and while they're good they pale in comparison to the new things Paprium does.

Re: Former Amico Exclusive 'Breakout Beyond' Comes To PC & Modern Consoles This March


@-wc- It wasn't so much the console I was interested in (although I liked that it was different) but more the idea they planned whereby physical product games would be redeemed digitally but you could still go on to resell your games. Even if the console never comes it this is our best way forward to keep games physically in stores. Going forward, if not Intellivision it should be the big companies who use that idea. It's a dream but maybe we could get physical PC games again this way. So my interest was always selfish but also altruistic.

With the angry mob mentality you speak they have a hate Discord and Reddit to stalk and shame people. It's been crazy what I've been through in terms of online stalking and intimidation. If I come across as being snappy it's because the user above us is one of those people. Not just me either but others have had that abuse. They literally went as a mob onto a late diagnosis autism podcast I was on and left comments to harass me, the podcaster and his followers for supporting him. At least one of them have admitted the drama is like a drug for them. The whole Amico project has really attracted the worst corners of the gaming community.

Re: Former Amico Exclusive 'Breakout Beyond' Comes To PC & Modern Consoles This March


@-wc- "thought they were being oddly aggressive towards you."

Would you believe me if I told you people online have gone to extreme, obsessive lengths to harass, bully and shame me because I showed interest and was defensive over the console? Imagine being obsessed with something you hate so much you want to control others to the point of intimidation? The hysteria about the Amico is just crazy and it's nearly all from people that hate it. What you describe here in your quotes isn't just that user, it's a common trait of all those people. It's very weird behaviour to the average person looking in.

Re: Review: Mega Everdrive Pro - The Best Flash Cart For Your Genesis / Mega Drive


@Sketcz "I went to the Goomba site and downloaded the latest version (2019). I put it on my GBA flashcart, along with the Army Men games.

The emulation is awful. The title screen has garbled graphics, the digitised sound is wrong. It's just awful."

I think that's where I got to as well before I gave up. It's a shame there isn't a better GBC emulator for the GBA everdrive. I was told just to put the rom on the Pocket and run it from there although I haven't tried doing that type of thing yet so not sure how it works.

I hope pocketnes is a little better with overall compatibility of NES.

Re: Review: Mega Everdrive Pro - The Best Flash Cart For Your Genesis / Mega Drive


@Sketcz I'm a bit confused. So the GBA Everdrive isn't running an emulator? I was using it on the Analogue Pocket. I thought at first it was Analogue but I'm pretty sure it's the Everdrive emulation. The game runs but doesn't display anything correctly. When I asked online about this they told me it's best to add roms to the Pocket and just run it from there. The thing is that's a workaround rather than a fix.

I can't remember which Army Men game it was but it was definitely GBC. My point is I imagine a number of games have compatibility issues on the everdrive. There's probably a list somewhere.