@Sketcz I haven't tried every game but an Army Men GBC game just didn't work properly on the Everdrive. There's probably other games but I haven't tested. I actually picked Army Men as a random test. It worked with other games.
I've been pretty happy with his products so far. The GBA everdrive I have to say however needs more compatibility for games. I'd buy a Mega Everdrive Pro but right now it's the money I need.
Considering the ignorance towards gaming in America towards anything non-Nintendo I think America need more embracing of retro gaming more than any other region, yikes. π
The thing about hardware emulation is that it emulates the base hardware so any game will work while with software you're emulating what games can work. One is obviously better than the other. The Mega SG has issues but the compatibility rate is still higher than something like the Retron 5.
Damien you're protesting about the use of AI here when you've promoted a video last week by BastichB 48K that uses AI art. I understand getting on a soapbox but at least try to be consistent instead of going after specific targets that aren't your friends. I've noticed this isn't the first time you've done this as well. You tend to complain about foreign made products a fair bit.
The dude either lacks self awareness or is a troll. Apparently in his latest video he says he's refunded everyone now? Can't wait for the pointless four hour doc from the guy who got taken for a ride, wow ho!
@GlamorousAlpaca That's a really poor troll comment. Shameful. π
@AJB83 People love drama. Blame the drama enthusiasts who need it like a drug. π
Comments 666
Re: Review: Mega Everdrive Pro - The Best Flash Cart For Your Genesis / Mega Drive
@Sketcz I haven't tried every game but an Army Men GBC game just didn't work properly on the Everdrive. There's probably other games but I haven't tested. I actually picked Army Men as a random test. It worked with other games.
Re: Got A Spare $13,000? You Could Own This "One-Off Dream" Copy Of Harry Potter On PS1
@KingMike Well I've noticed that sealed games have been rising in prices. Not talking graded games, just sealed ones.
Re: Review: Mega Everdrive Pro - The Best Flash Cart For Your Genesis / Mega Drive
I've been pretty happy with his products so far. The GBA everdrive I have to say however needs more compatibility for games. I'd buy a Mega Everdrive Pro but right now it's the money I need.
Re: Legendary's Live-Action Street Fighter Movie Has Found Its Director
@Daniel36 They would need to go in a completely different direction to not make it like the 1994 movie which is awesome.
Re: Legendary's Live-Action Street Fighter Movie Has Found Its Director
You're asking for trouble calling ourself 'Legendary'. π
@Daniel36 It won't be as good as that.
Re: Got A Spare $13,000? You Could Own This "One-Off Dream" Copy Of Harry Potter On PS1
@JJtheTexan Make no mistake, I see how crazy prices for sealed retro games on ebay.
Re: Two More Classic Tomb Raider Adventures Are Coming To Evercade, Along With Bonus Content
@Ristar24 It is indeed.
Re: Two More Classic Tomb Raider Adventures Are Coming To Evercade, Along With Bonus Content
@avcrypt The video does.
Re: Got A Spare $13,000? You Could Own This "One-Off Dream" Copy Of Harry Potter On PS1
@avcrypt This is probably why we're seeing retro games get so expensive. It's not just supply and demand but people buying into high prices.
Re: Got A Spare $13,000? You Could Own This "One-Off Dream" Copy Of Harry Potter On PS1
I had no idea this was so expensive. That's crazy! π²
Re: Feature: The Tale Of Final Fantasy VII's Lost Prequel, And The Fans That Are Trying To Save It
I've seen the letsplay of the original version. I hope we can get a complete playable version of this one day.
Re: Two More Classic Tomb Raider Adventures Are Coming To Evercade, Along With Bonus Content
Yea...erm...apparently this is on the PC release as well so not that exclusive. π€¦ββοΈ
Re: Random: A Giant Telephone Keypad Is Causing Confusion In Tomb Raider's Remaster
Aspyr did this on purpose, it's in case Lara needs to make a call. π
Re: 24 Percent Of Gen Z Brits Own A Classic Gaming System, While 74 Percent Say Retro Is "More Relaxing"
Considering the ignorance towards gaming in America towards anything non-Nintendo I think America need more embracing of retro gaming more than any other region, yikes. π
Re: Blaze's Next Evercade Cart Brings Together 10 Games From Atari & Stern Electronics
They do some good work but I wish they'd sort out their Discord... π
Re: Four Years Later, The Revival Of The SNES Run 'N Gunner 'Nightmare Busters' Gets Its First Trailer
I have my copy as well. It's a tough game but I like the fact it has co-op.
Re: Creator Of New Open-Source Game Boy Disagrees That FPGA Is Superior To Software Emulation
The thing about hardware emulation is that it emulates the base hardware so any game will work while with software you're emulating what games can work. One is obviously better than the other. The Mega SG has issues but the compatibility rate is still higher than something like the Retron 5.
Re: Square Enix Ends Support For Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles iOS Following Unfixable Bug
Seems like Square Enix needs to employ hackers for this.
Re: "This Cartridge Is A Tiny Time Bomb" - Limited Run Accused Of Selling Carts Which Can Damage Your NES
I'm sure this release was put out by babies. π€¦ββοΈ
Re: Why Famitsu's 'Perfect' Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Review Highlights "The Sorry State Of Preservation"
A lot of these are on Old Game Mags thanks to @kitsunebi_the_real and I've been helping out preserve various mags as well.
@HammerGalladeBro I keep saying VGHF don't seem to care about anything not American centric related.
Re: WaterMelon Insists Its Terminally Delayed Brawler Paprium Isn't Dead
@Astropez I always found it odd he sent out the games to some people and not to others. I wonder why? π€
Re: Street Fighter Actor Peter "Navy" Tuiasosopo Has Passed Away At The Age Of 61
"Balrog : Honda, give me a hand.
E. Honda : We've only been in prison two hours. Maybe next month."
He was awesome in that role and his battle with Zangief was legendary. Rest in peace Peter. πͺ
Re: James Bond Producer Didn't Want Guns In 2010's GoldenEye Wii Reboot
"where Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto asked Rare if Bond could visit his enemies in hospital at the end of GoldenEye 007."
This is hilarious! Just goes to show Miyamoto had no idea what he was talking about. π
@Sketcz They took everything good out of the original including Boris.
Re: Random: "This Is Hilarious" - 'New' Iranian PS1 Consoles Cause Amusement Online
This really wouldn't be happening if more companies re-released their consoles.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro Already Has Plans For His Next Game, But It Depends On Earthion Sales
Regardless of who releases it it will still be off brand.
Re: Trump's Tariffs Have "Changed Everything" For Makers Of Essential Retro Gaming Gear
Re: Your Next Retro Emulation Handheld Could Cost You 35% More Than Usual
@RetroGames That Orange Man Bad I don't know... π
Re: Gradius II Comes To Analogue Pocket And MiSter FPGA
@GlamorousAlpaca What orphanage dude??? π
Re: Atari Is Bringing The Former Amico Exclusive 'Breakout Beyond' to PC & Modern Consoles
@axelhander I don't see why Amico Entertainment can't licence the games to be on Amico Home in the future. It might get announced down the line.
Re: 14 Percent Of North Americans Still Play Gaming Systems Released Before 2000
@X68000 ME! π
Re: Italian Version Of Zzap!64 Celebrates 100 Issues By Using Icky AI Cover Art
Damien you're protesting about the use of AI here when you've promoted a video last week by BastichB 48K that uses AI art. I understand getting on a soapbox but at least try to be consistent instead of going after specific targets that aren't your friends. I've noticed this isn't the first time you've done this as well. You tend to complain about foreign made products a fair bit.
@SlangWon Neither did I.
Re: Konami's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles On Game Boy Color? Close, But Not Quite
I would love to see a re-release of the ZX Spectrum and Amiga versions of the first game.
Re: Streets Of Rage Composer Yuzo Koshiro Worked On SNES RPG Terranigma, He Just Forgot About It Until 28 Years Later
Terranigma can't be that memorable if he forgot about it! π
Re: WaterMelon Insists Its Terminally Delayed Brawler Paprium Isn't Dead
@Astropez I got my game, not a scam. π
Re: WaterMelon Insists Its Terminally Delayed Brawler Paprium Isn't Dead
Terrific and rather revolutionary game but he needs to work on his communication updates.
@PinballBuzzbro "Itβs just a bog standard beat em up that does nothing to push the genre forward"
Erm...you just stated the complete opposite of what Paprium is. π€
Re: Dune, Lost Eden And MegaRace Composer StΓ©phane Picq Has Passed Away Aged 59
StΓ©phane Picq was a legend. His music for MegaRace and Lost Eden remain some of the best music I've ever heard.
Re: Review: The Games Of A Lifetime - Jaz Rignall Charts The Evolution Of An Industry
Opinions are good but we should never be beholden to what other people say. Let's experience things for ourselves. π
Re: "I Don't Think Iβd Ever Have Been Able To Guess My Life Path" - Julian Rignall On Five Decades In Gaming
"He would later help to establish IGN as one of the leading video game websites in the world"
That's not necessarily a good thing to promote today. π
Re: Random: Sega's Winter Heat Hides A Chilling Prediction About The End Of The World
A lot of doom mongering there. π
Re: Random: The Gloriously Unhinged SuperSega Saga Now Has Its Own Song
The dude either lacks self awareness or is a troll. Apparently in his latest video he says he's refunded everyone now? Can't wait for the pointless four hour doc from the guy who got taken for a ride, wow ho!
@GlamorousAlpaca That's a really poor troll comment. Shameful. π
@AJB83 People love drama. Blame the drama enthusiasts who need it like a drug. π
Re: Limited Run Games' Gex Trilogy Remake Now Has A Steam Page
I do hope they include the UK voice actors as an option.
Re: Over 30 Years Later, Someone Is Giving Ocean's 'Jurassic Park 2' A Much-Needed Overhaul
Well done Ocean and this hacker! π
Re: Trump's Tariffs Have "Changed Everything" For Makers Of Essential Retro Gaming Gear
Re: Love The Genesis / Mega Drive? Then Check Out This Epic Eleven-And-A-Half Hour Documentary
TheGebs24 is a SNES fan so not sure why include her? Will watch the doc eventually though. π
Re: Funstock Is Freezing The Price Of Evercade Carts For A Limited Time
@koekiemonster Their Discord is a mess as well.
Re: Sega's Retro Channel 'Sega Forever' Appears To Be Rising From The Dead
Oh no, probably for their horrible subscription service! πͺ
Re: What's Happening With Forever Entertainment's 'Panzer Dragoon II Zwei' Remake?
Poor marketing and no support from Sega is not helping them.
Re: With The 233-Year-Old WH Smith's Future In Doubt, We Could Be Losing A Gaming Print Media Institution
WH Smith has been terrible for years. They used to be good but they've over the years sucked out all the good stuff it once had.
Re: Sega CD Titles Earnest Evans And Anett Returns Are Getting English Releases For The First Time
Off brand and off region, no thanks.
Re: "An Absolute Genius" - Team17 Remembers The Studio's Late Co-Founder Martyn Brown
Maybe I missed it but did it say why he passed away?