Comments 666

Re: Sega Admits It Doesn't Know How Many Games It Owns


This kind of goes with Sega not caring about its history. If it's done such a poor job keeping its assets then I have no doubt they have ignorance of what they own. They have A LOT of work ahead of them. 😆

@KingMike That's the least of it's problems. NOLFE is split between about four different companies.

Re: It's A Christmas Miracle, SuperSega Now Claims Sega Is Totally OK With Its FPGA Console


"We actually approve of your projects and appreciate your contributions to the gaming communities/industries across/around the whole world.

Please understand that some of our legal team employees/associates behind the false takedown requests intentionally made false reports in order to commit crimes in the names of your group members for no reason."

Okay this guy is trolling now. 😂

Re: SuperSega Boss Puts His Beloved Lamborghini Up For Sale After All Pre-Orders Are Refunded


The whole thing at times felt like a troll. At times I thought it was a language barrier but even the Spanish gamers are confused by this guy. It's good that Iain Lee has been putting this into some neutral context but I think Martin really was deluded to start selling hardware under the Sega name.

@Honkshot Good to see Tallarico won in the end! 😉

@PZT Okay that made me laugh. 😂

Re: Anniversary: Street Fighter's Live-Action Movie Is 30 Years Old Today


One of the best video game movies in my opinion. It's a lot better than some give it credit for. It's both knowingly camp but serious. The best way to look at this film is as a 90's version of Flash Gordon. Both movies have the same kind of tone. 👍

@KitsuneNight I got it as a birthday present from someone who later regretted buying it. I kept telling him it was a great present! 😊