It's the weekend, and a great time to reflect on the past few days and take stock of this week's retro gaming news.
This week, we discovered that the RPG classic Eye of the Beholder is coming to the C64 with dual-screen functionality, and we also went a bit wobbly at the knees when we laid eyes on new Secret of Mana merchandise. Oh, and we found a tiny new handheld that can run Doom and really fit in your pocket!
In terms of features, it was a pretty packed week, as well:
- The Making of Micro Machines, The Best Racer On The NES
- GTA Rapper 'Robert De Negro' Spills The Secrets Of Its Iconic Theme
- Have You Checked Your Floppy Disks Recently? They Might Be Dead
- Video Gaming's Most Famous Anecdote Might Not Be True After All
- Best Golden Axe Games - Every Golden Axe Game Ranked
After all of that, it's little wonder that we feel like relaxing with a few video games. Here's what we're planning on playing this weekend.
Ant Dickens, CEO, Hookshot Media
So, I think I might be a little late to the party, but this week I finally got my hands on a PSP. I went for the 3000 model in 'Pearl White', and I'm actually really impressed with the classic handheld that completely passed me by back in the day. It was some GIFs on Twitter of Ridge Racer(s) last week that piqued my interest, so I'll be drifting my way around the various locations of Namco's ultimate handheld racer this weekend and doing some research into the Best PSP Games I should get next.
Damien McFerran, Editorial Director
I'm still heavily into Radiant Silvergun on the Switch; it's one of my favourite games of all time and being able to play it in portable form is a revelation. I'm slowly but surely making my way through the Story Mode, levelling up my weapons with each successive attempt – it's still one of the most ingenious ways to get you to play a shmup over and over! Outside of that, my Analogue Pocket has a bunch of freshly-installed cores for the SNES, Mega Drive, NES and much more besides, so I've been tinkering with that, too; Super Castlevania IV looks stunning on this thing.

Jack Yarwood, Staff Writer
I’ve been playing through Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon 2 for the first time (that’s Goemon’s Great Adventure for American readers). I played the first Mystical Ninja when it originally came out back in 1998, and its 3D world and quirky Japanese humour had me hooked right from the start. I finally bit the bullet recently and picked up the sequel, as I’ve been playing through all the other Ganbare Goemon games again. I’ll also likely be checking out some other N64 pickups, like the DMA oddities Space Station Silicon Valley and Body Harvest.
So, what are you playing this weekend? Let us know with a comment below!
Comments 14
Probably pick something from my N64 collection, Robotron 64 is usually a good game for short bursts.
Also playing Whitewater Wipeout on my Playdate which is a great little game that uses the crank well.
"Wizorb" has been around STEAM for many years now but it was only release on Switch this past week and it is by far the most brilliant "Breakout"/"Arkanoid" clone ever made. I must also try to "gather the gang" around "Prodeus" so we can set up some online matches and scratch that old school FPS itch I did not even knew I had.
I’ve been on a master system trip of late, all on my original master system 2. I’ve got 100% completion on alex kidd in miracle world down to 34 mins with $3700 and 70000 points. Also 100% sonic the hedgehog (probably one of my fave sonic games) done in 44 mins. Also a bit of bomber raid and shinobi thrown in. Cheers!
‘Tis spooky season so I’m going through some horror related games this month. So far I’ve completed Super Castlevania IV on the Konami collection on Switch and I’m currently up to Death in Castlevania Generations on the same collection.
I’ve also blasted through the original Doom this month and I’m on another playthrough of Doom 2, again on Switch. I’ve been playing these games since the shareware release of the first game in 1993 and they are still awesome today!
@Slinkeepie Sonic 1 SMS was the first game I ever completed back in ‘92, except I played it through a converter on my Game Gear back then. Excellent version of the game, easily up there with the Mega Drive version.
@Gamecuber yes definitely! I’ve always enjoyed the sms version, it also one of the first games that i managed to complete. I bought the wii virtual console version which i’ll play if i crank up my wii u but nothin’ better than original hardware, CRT, sms sonic!
@Slinkeepie agreed! I don’t have my original copy for the SMS from the 90s (I gave my small Master System collection away along with a power base converter model 2 a long time ago). Luckily I too have it on Wii VC (my go to retro system plugged into a CRT tv with the entire VC library on it (through, erm, ways and means…) but I managed to track down another copy of the cart and got another power base converter 2: That means I can play it on my Mega Drive 2 through RGB SCART. Looks fantastic!
I also have an SMS 2 that I got cheap about 10 years ago and it happened to be the more uncommon model with Sonic built in. Funnily enough I just assumed there would be more of the sonic model than the Alex Kidd version which seemed to be everywhere when I was a kid.
@Gamecuber Here in NZ we only really got the sms2 with alex kidd built in as the one with sonic built in was only available real late in the sms lifespan/midway megadrive lifespan. So the “Sonic version” is quite rare here. I have 2 sms’s, both with alex kidd, and my library of games is around 50, all from when i was younger right up until now where I’ll purchase carts if I see them. It’s quite an under-rated console imo and I’m hoping that Nintendo bring out a sms app for their online retro games.
I’m from the UK where the SMS was quite popular (I saw far more of them than the NES growing up). I have around 20 games on cart I think, including the handful I had as a kid which I have since rebought. Luckily I also have the 16 games for the Wii VC after modding a spare console I found cheap, which includes some real gems like R-Type, Phantasy Star and the Wonder Boy series.
I’m not sure about a SMS app, as the console while successful in Europe and HUGE in South America, especially Brazil, didn’t do well in the US or Japan, which is why I think we only got 16 VC games (compared to 70+ NES/SNES/Mega Drive games released). I’d buy a SMS mini in a heartbeat though, even if it was just 30 games like the NES mini.
Castlevania SotN (Xbox Series X) Doing my yearly playthrough of this great game and just in time for Halloween too!
TMNT III Radical Rescue (Switch) I never played this game before getting the Collection. It's a pretty good take on the Metroidvania formula.
Overwatch 2 (Xbox Series X) Been a few years since I played Overwatch and with the release of 2 it sounded like a good time to jump back in and of course it hooked me all over again.
Shadow gangs Dreamcast it’s quite tough been really enjoying it load times are pretty long but hey it’s a new Dreamcast game in 2022 also been playing castlevania collection on switch
I am likely to get in some time on my trusty DSi. I want to get stuck into some LotR Aragorn's Quest co-op with my husband... Rings of Power has put me in a bit of a mood I've always wanted to fully get into Phantasy Star Zero also, so we might go that route too.
I’m most of the way through Resident Evil Code Veronica X on the GameCube. I much prefer the old style of Resident Evil. Not into the over the shoulder view where your character blocks most of the screen so it’s annoying looking around finding stuff.
I also have Mystical Ninja 2 on N64 in my ‘soon to play’ list. I played the first one last year for the first time and really enjoyed it, so might do this one next.
I am gonna undust my N64 and play Mickey's Speedway USA and try to fimally beat the game (i never actually finished the game)
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