For 2D I I'd go with Sonic 3 locked on with Sonic & Knuckles.
For 3D I'd go with Sonic Adventure 1.
Its the only 3D game that actually felt like playing the 2D games, but in a 3D space. After Adventure 1, I felt that the character momentum and movement were heavily changed to be less responsive and with plenty of 'locked in' animations. A lot of moves also purposefully ruined your momentum which hurt the flow of the games. As an example, using the front flip attack in Adventure 2 as Sonic or Shadow stops all the speed you had prior to front flipping, and then you have to start from a slower jog before picking up the pace again.
Oh boy, here we go.
I know that it’s not necessarily the best Sonic game, but it is my favorite. Sonic Adventure (the first one) is in my opinion everything a Sonic game should be. People make fun of the cheesy graphics and plot sometimes but the game takes itself seriously and your actions don’t feel inconsequential. The 90’s vibe it oozes is perfect to me, and the multiple campaigns are awesome. Dare I say that the music sits next to Sonic 3&K on the tier list.
The SNES and the Genesis have their strengths. They both do what they do so well. Nothing beats the echoed SNES sound or the Full-Sounding FM synthesis of the Genesis. Did you know that the N64 had built in audio effects, like delay too?
If you’ve never played Sonic 06, now is the perfect time to do so with the restoration project Sonic P-06. I played the game a bunch as a younger kid and the glitchy mess it was made it all the more fun to me and my brother. Looking back, if it had been a completed game with an extra 6 months of development time, it could have been the best 3D Sonic game.
The SNES and the Genesis have their strengths. They both do what they do so well. Nothing beats the echoed SNES sound or the Full-Sounding FM synthesis of the Genesis. Did you know that the N64 had built in audio effects, like delay too?
@RetroGamer5491 It would require UPGRADES and not just a straight and boring port of a game I already own. Not just better visuals, but added content, new playable characters, fixing bugs, and fixing flaws in the game design or game mechanics.
As an example, if Sega were to ever re-release Sonic Adventure 2 or Sonic 2006, they have to fix the stupid controls where the main action button is also the light speed dash button. This is moronic because you could accidentally perform the wrong move (and thus accidentally kill yourself) because they combined too many functions onto a single button.
This was fixed in Unleashed and Generations, but then they made light speed dash on the left analog stick button with Frontiers which I didn't like since you could accidentally move in the wrong direction while pressing down and not light speed dash at all.
Sonic Team can be such a pain sometimes, for no good reason.
@ChocoBurger The last problem could probably be fixed with the added buttons on new controllers, but Sonic team might be Sonic team and ignore it entirely🙄
It's enn-eee-ess, not ness and ess-enn-eee-ess, not sness
Sonic Colors on Wii has 3 control schemes, Wiimote and Nunchuck, and I never want to play the game that way. Next is Classic Controller, but they screwed up the face button placements, the button layout they chose was strange. Finally there's GameCube controller support which is great, except for the fact that the all-important Whisp power up button is mapped to the very uncomfortable Z button. Meanwhile the GameCube L and R triggers are NOT USED AT ALL!
What? Why are L and R un-used, but the terrible Z button is being used? Why would anyone decide for Z button to have a function but not the much more comfortable L and R triggers?
When I played Sonic Colors on Dolphin, I used an Xbox 360 controller, and I mapped the Whisp power up button to the triggers, and it felt so right. Sonic Team being Sonic Team for no reason.
When I played Sonic Colors on Dolphin, I used an Xbox 360 controller, and I mapped the Whisp power up button to the triggers, and it felt so right. Sonic Team being Sonic Team for no reason.
Emulation is always the antidote to stupid control schemes😆
Well, or the switch's "Remap controller" setting
Topic: Favourite sonic game
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