Without further ado let's post one of the first forum games here at this Retro sister site of Nintendo Life and Push Square "Because it isn't a forum without some good forum games!"
As the name implies the video games alphabet is played by naming various video games in alphabetical order.
Ex: i say Alundra.
then some one else would post Bust A Move Plus.
and then another poster would say Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Makes sense, yes?
Rules would be to try not to post the same game everytime.
Don't make up names so all your game names must be legit.
Also don't use peripherals or consoles just games.
You can use games from any platform from Gameboy, to PC, to Cellphone games, to PS5, etc.
Feels like I'm cheating with this one seeing how well-known it is, but I couldn't think of any other games.
Your first anything is important; a memory you don't want to forget. That's what makes nostalgia such a fascinating concept. That's why many people enjoy games that have aged well.
Your first anything is important; a memory you don't want to forget. That's what makes nostalgia such a fascinating concept. That's why many people enjoy games that have aged well.
Your first anything is important; a memory you don't want to forget. That's what makes nostalgia such a fascinating concept. That's why many people enjoy games that have aged well.
Truly I am mankind's natural foe! Evil Incarnate! A walking cataclysm! A shapeless insanity! GUNDHAM TANAKA!
Kelpies. Be they hound or horse?
Currently Playing on Switch: Chaos Head Noah, Emio - The Smiling Man, Terraria.
Truly I am mankind's natural foe! Evil Incarnate! A walking cataclysm! A shapeless insanity! GUNDHAM TANAKA!
Kelpies. Be they hound or horse?
Currently Playing on Switch: Chaos Head Noah, Emio - The Smiling Man, Terraria.
Topic: The Video Games Alphabet
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