On certain days it's my favourite console of all time. Just when I thought I'd seen everything games had to offer, it came along with entirely new ways to play and blew me away. I ended up collecting and playing hundreds of games for it and have some great memories.
Some of the games I really loved on the system...
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Ghost Trick
Trauma Center
Another Code
Etrian Odyssey
Retro Game Challenge
On certain days it's my favourite console of all time. Just when I thought I'd seen everything games had to offer, it came along with entirely new ways to play and blew me away. I ended up collecting and playing hundreds of games for it and have some great memories.
Some of the games I really loved on the system...
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Ghost Trick
Trauma Center
Another Code
Etrian Odyssey
Retro Game Challenge
Really glad to see someone else mention Trauma Center , I love that/those games.
The Nintendo DS changed so much for me. I was never really a handheld gamer (my brother had an Atari Lynx, but as cool as it was, it never really grabbed me).
When I played the DS for the 1st time, though? I was hooked! There are just a ton of great titles, and it led me to start collecting gamesa few years later. My NDS collection is awesome, but I am still looking for some like Ghost Trick.
I remember playing Mario Kart DS online for the 1st time and it was so fun!!!
I still play DS games quite a bit. The system that had EVERYTHING.
I still play quiet a few DS Games as well, and despite having a big collection there is more id like. I do kind of play the games more on a 3ds though as its just nice having something that can play both sets of games.
I didn’t get a DS until two years after I got a 2DS. I realised what I had been missing out on, especially as I had been living abroad during the DS’ heyday. The DS Lite is a fantastic system with a great library (including making GBA games look great).
Funnily enough I was put off getting one back in 2004 when I tried out the original phat model in a store. The system looked terrible, like a cheap LED toy from the back of the Argos catalogue! The touch screen felt like a gimmick (now that’s a funny thought in 2022!) and brain training wasn’t exactly Tetris to me. Oh, how wrong I was!
‘You swapped three different N64 games for Pokemon Stadium? Where’s your pride? Your dignity?!?
Etrian Odyssey shows it's age, but there is nothing like it out there.
The SNES and the Genesis have their strengths. They both do what they do so well. Nothing beats the echoed SNES sound or the Full-Sounding FM synthesis of the Genesis. Did you know that the N64 had built in audio effects, like delay too?
@Anti-Matter YES, it was my first own console, but saddly I only had 3 physical games for this one, Pokémon Platinum, Explorers of Darkness and Black 2, the rest of games I love in this console where played on a R4 or emulated many years later
Shame that no-one else is commenting on this thread, or the forum for that matter.
Been playing my DS a LOT recently. Both Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Sonic Advance on the GBA, and again, Final Fantasy Tactics A2 for the DS, with Hoshigami waiting for me soon after.
I've also just ordered Super Mario 64 DS for the system. Didn't give it enough of a chance when I first bought it at launch, but going to try and play through it again with an open mind.
In the mood for playing other DS titles, but don't know where to start. Games outside of JRPGs. I need some good action games for the system.
My DS collection is the biggest one within my collection with about 80 games, most of them CiB.
I believe the latest game I've gotten for it was Another Code/Trace Memory back in 2021.
To this day I still cannot believe it's been 7 years since I got Pokémon Black Version CiB for 30 Mexican Pesos, about $1.50.
I got it from a Gamers store, a video game store that also sells second-hand games, the curious thing is that at the same time they had Pokémon White Version for 500 pesos. Even the employees were flabbergasted when the system said it was just 30 pesos.
Rusty's Real Deal Baseball is now a hidden gem of the Nintendo 3DS.
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