pretty amazing that the ps3 is still future proof, & can connect to modern wireless routers & 5G without needing a ethernet cord while pretty much every other (old) console i tried cant.
Well, PS3 connects to Wi-Fi, not to 5G. It supports 802.11b/g standards that are much older than PS3. So as long as there are such routers that support those standards (i.e. loooong time), PS3 wireless connection would work, no surprise there.
The PS3 has sadly Problems with Channels above 10, also other japanese Products.
If you are in a "crowded" Area, it makes it sadly harder to choose a not so much occupied Channel.
I did somewhere read that this has something to do with japanese Radio Laws, but i can't confirm it.
@Azuris That is very interesting, never heard about it. But my Switch has abysmal problems with all my routers, it barely works with them. Maybe I should investigate that.
Topic: Did You Know That The PS3 Can Connect To 5G?
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