
Topic: Genesis Flash Cart

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I think I’m gonna splurge and buy a flash cart. I guess the choice is between The MegaSD and Mega Everdrive Pro. They both will let me play MS, Genesis, SegaCD, and 32x(since I have a 32x). Anyone have strong opinions on either? Is there better support for one over the other?



I haven’t bought one yet, but I did land on the Mega Everdrive Pro. The biggest issue I read about the MegaSD was that firmware updates are tied to your device’s serial number. In my mind, that doesn’t jive well for long-term support.

Given that downside, I decided those six 32X CD games aren’t really that important. If I absolutely must play Slam City with Scotty Pippin, I’ll do it in an emulator. I’ll report back when I buy it.



Mega Everdrive Pro is great. Plays segacd games flawlessly. Hope you enjoy.


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