
Topic: What (retro) game are you currently playing?

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What are you playing at the moment and on what console? Tell us all here! These threads are quite popular on the other sites so I look forward to reading about what you are currently playing!

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


Currently I am finishing up Shredder's Revenge on the Series X. I got distracted for a bit with WWE 2K22 GM Mode. When I am at work, or the TV is in use I play Diablo Immortal which isn't as bad as people are saying.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


I'm not really sure this could be considered retro, but I had recently started a playthrough of the original Bayonetta on Xbox 360, although I was playing on my Xbox One. It is a good 12-13 years or so in age, so retro enough in my books. Whether I keep playing is another story. I tend to hop from game to game a bit these days. I have mainly just been booting up UN Squadron/Area 88 for SNES. It's a good distraction/time killer, and has an awesome soundtrack.



@exit I loved the soundtrack to UN Squandron. The first level music always gets me pumped up to play and the victory music when you beat a level awesome. Every once in awhile it pop into my head and I will start humming it and it's been a good 20 years since I last played it.

I remember starting Bayonetta one awhile ago not sure if I bought it or borrowed it from a friend or rented it but you remind me that I need to go back and finish it one of these days.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


I've been dabbling in a lot of puzzle games recently: Pokemon Puzzle League which, for looking like one of those really old tie-in PC games of the 90's is shockingly well-made and fun, Dr Mario 64 (that final boss has been beating me to a pulp every time I return to it so I'd like to make a little bit of headway at least) and the three Puyo Puyo clones of Kirby's Avalanche, Mean Bean Machine and Super Puyo Puyo 2 ok, I know that last one isn't a clone but they're all the same gameplay wise so I may as well lump it in with the rest). Couple that with a lot of on and off playing of the sports/racing games on N64 (Mario Tennis, Golf and Kart 64 and F-Zero X) and it's been a good time all around.

Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: YT1-0Q2-YFF
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Switch Friend Code: SW-3505-5480-3330


Fizza wrote:

I've been dabbling in a lot of puzzle games recently: Pokemon Puzzle League

I'm just curious if you are playing that on N64 or Nintendo Switch Online? I recently gave the Switch copy a go, I had never actually played it back in it's day.



@exit Basically everything's through Switch Online. It may not be the most optimal way to play them, but being able to play them on the go more than makes up for it.

Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: YT1-0Q2-YFF
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Switch Friend Code: SW-3505-5480-3330


I bought true crime streets of la for gamecube to play on a nintendo wii. Just something to remember, the wii sensor remote does not work for gamecube game's on wii, you need a gamecube controller ( not sure if the controller for the wii works )



I'm currently playing a lot of the Sega Genesis Classics collection on the Switch. So, so good! I have a lot of great memories renting quite a few of these games, but I am also enjoying playing some other Genesis games for the 1st time.

Playing through Ristar again makes me wonder why this game never got a sequel?



@Guitar_bard I am always booting up the classics collection just to go through some of the games, its a heck of a collection.



Currently have a schmup binge on the 360 at the mo. Playing through DoDonpachi resurrection , Death Smiles, Mushiesama Futari and others on the Xbox 360. That console had some great shooters.



I just came back on Crystalis.
It's the first time that I'm playing it.
Last year I was stucked without being able to understand what to do.
Well, today I just booted it up and was randomly chatting around with npcs to catch up with the story, suddenly one gave me the item I needed to go on!
Love it



andreverts wrote:

I just came back on Crystalis.
It's the first time that I'm playing it.
Last year I was stucked without being able to understand what to do.
Well, today I just booted it up and was randomly chatting around with npcs to catch up with the story, suddenly one gave me the item I needed to go on!
Love it

I was just thinking of starting up Crystalis again. I have never beaten it!



For some reason, I was in a retro mood today, so my son and I fired up Midway Origins. We played through Smash TV and played several rounds of Rampart, which was alot of fun.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


@Tasuki You don't hear much love for Rampart I think its a really fun game



Guitar_bard wrote:

andreverts wrote:

I just came back on Crystalis.
It's the first time that I'm playing it.
Last year I was stucked without being able to understand what to do.
Well, today I just booted it up and was randomly chatting around with npcs to catch up with the story, suddenly one gave me the item I needed to go on!
Love it

I was just thinking of starting up Crystalis again. I have never beaten it!

Don't forget to download the official manual availabe through the Nintendo archieves, it contains a lot of useful information



@kerr9000 Yeah it's definitely a unique game. I play it ever so often on the home consoles but that's mainly due to the controller, you definitely need a trackball for the game, especially when it comes to the port on the Midway Origins. The controller isn't responsive enough and a few times I lost was due to the controller responsiveness it's hard to make finite adjustments when placing the blocks during the repair phase. Still though it's fun to play against someone every once in awhile till the controller get to annoying.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


Tasuki wrote:

@exit I loved the soundtrack to UN Squandron. The first level music always gets me pumped up to play and the victory music when you beat a level awesome. Every once in awhile it pop into my head and I will start humming it and it's been a good 20 years since I last played it.

Ah likewise. I love that first track. There are a few SNES games that have that effect on me. Choplifter III comes to mind.



Recently (re)started Simpsons Hit & Run on PS2 although, like all the other stuff I was playing at the time, got temporarily abandoned when I started playing SnowRunner.


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