@antdickens There's a Ridge Racer game on N64? I thought the series was made by Sony? Then again, that may be me conflating it with that....interesting E3 conference they held way back when.
Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: YT1-0Q2-YFF
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@Fizza It was made by Namco so the would be no problem in making a game for a Nintendo console. You are thinking of Gran Turismo, that is owned by Sony.
@antdickens@Fizza noice! I think it's commonly associated with Sony because of all the PS1 games (I had the original and Type 4). I did also have the one for DS as well!
I suppose my most recent purchases, retro or otherwise were all the Guitar Hero games on Wii. I already had 3 but I got a real hankering for it so I played through it again using the Wii U. Then I went out and bought every other Guitar Hero game that was released on Wii except Van Halen. So far I've played through 3, world tour and I've started Metallica.
Before that I bought Transformers Devastation and Turtles Mutants in Manhattan for Xbox One where they were much cheaper and Farpoint for PSVR, I haven't played any of those yet.
I remember when Guitar Hero Metallica came out. Of course it was the only Guitar Hero game I owned and ever played, not quite sure if it being Metallica had something to do with it.
I am quiet happy with it, its far from my First Wii but when they are cheap there a useful thing to grab, the only bad news is 2 wii=motes work perfect but the third the - and home buttons dont work.
It's mad these games were so expensive back in the day. Most can be picked up for a couple quid now. I even got a second guitar for £20. The drums are still quite expensive and fairly rare though!
@ralphdibny Haha Yeah it's amazing how often I see the instruments come through at my work on a daily basis, and how much the go for now. Another gaming fad gone haha. I think I payed 49.99 for GH Metallica back in the day then another $25 for the guitar.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
@Fizza It was a charity shop chap, I got better a month or two ago
This was £25 including a balance board, 2 wii-motes, 4 official nunchucks , 2 classic controllers, 1 classic pro controller, the sensor , power pack, standard TV lead better official composite lead, a bunch of those silly attachments a 2gig SD card
4 months before that I got one with 8 WiiMotes and that was like £30 or something. I love looking for stuff in charity shops.
Excellent charity shop hauls there. BHF have got a bit wise to the value of games so their stuff always ends up on eBay auctions and sold for its proper value.
Best to check out the more locally run charity shops but even then I've struggled to find anything decent in mine!
Made a double whammy of retro purchases and bought both Capcom Fighting Collection and Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection on Switch through the Capcom Fighting Bundle!
I've always been enamoured with Capcom fighting games from an outsider's perspective so to finally be able to play games like Street Fighter Alpha/Third Strike, Darkstalkers and Pocket Fighter makes me so unbelievably excited. I've already dabbled with SF2: Champion Edition and SF Alpha 1 and I'm already in love. Can't wait to continue playing later today!
Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: YT1-0Q2-YFF
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@andreverts I have hardly ever resold anything.... A lot of stuff I keep and some stuff I have given away to family or to new collectors who are just getting into the hobby... I have also sold a bit back to shops over the years but thats been more buy a console with piles of games and accessories and then sell the machine with the bear bones wires to the shop just so I dont drown in stuff lol
@Fizza That's an awesome bundle and glad to see you are enjoying them. I also wouldn't mind picking them up. Capcom Fighting Collection looks pretty cool.
Topic: Your Latest Gaming Purchase
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