
Number of Players
Release Date


  • US 22nd Mar 2010, 200 points
  • EU 26th Mar 2010, 200 points
  • JP 15th Jul 2009


Screenshots 2

Game & Watch Judge Screenshot
Game & Watch Judge Screenshot

About The Game

Experience a piece of Nintendo history with the Game & Watch series for Nintendo DSiWare. Each title is a perfect recreation of a classic LCD game from the early 1980s, including normal Game A and alternate Game B modes.

And no Game & Watch title would be complete without the ‘Watch’ function - each title includes a fully functional clock.

Judge is a game of quick reactions, starring the character that would later become known as Mr Game & Watch. Two characters hold signs, on which numbers appear after a countdown. The player with the higher number can hit the opponent, but the opponent can also dodge. Each player can also try to attack before the countdown ends, risking that they may have a lower number. Game A pits you against the computer while Game B lets you play against a friend.