Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse (3DS)
As an RPG sequel, Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse is just about perfect. It lets players revisit a familiar world from a new perspective, keeps what made the original so special, and adds in several small but significant mechanical improvements that make for a smoother, better game throughout. We recommend playing through SMT IV first if possible, both to get the most out of Apocalypse and to experience one of the 3DS' finest JRPGs, but however you arrive at it, this is a game that begs to be played. It's a delightfully dark adventure that's dripping with dystopian charm, and between the personable demons, deeply satisfying combat and killer aesthetic, we couldn't get enough — the end times have never been so good.
Sega 3D Fukkoku Archives 3: Final Stage (3DS)
When Nintendo pulled the plug on the 3DS eShop recently, it also removed digital access to Sega's amazing range of system-exclusive '3D Classics' titles. These included Streets of Rage 2, Sonic the Hedgehog, Galaxy Force II, Gunstar Heroes, Ecco The Dolphin and Fantasy Zone II, all of which had been specially adapted to make full use of the console's glasses-free 3D display by Japanese emulation expert M2. In Japan, Sega released all of the games in three physical collections (the West only got two), with this third entry containing classics like Alien Syndrome, Turbo Outrun, Girl's Garden and Thunder Force III.
Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth (3DS)
Whether it’s your first foray into Yggdrasil or your fifth, playing Etrian Odyssey V is a true pleasure. Its addictive central gameplay loop combines engaging exploration, strategic combat and DIY cartography, all wrapped up in a charming presentation and a lush, organic aesthetic. It’s gorgeous to look at it, beautifully balanced, and polished to a sheen, but perhaps best of all Etrian Odyssey V feels like the culmination of a concept that’s uniquely tied to the 3DS. With its touchscreen mapping and masterful use of stereoscopic 3D, it feels utterly at home here, and while the little handheld may have plenty of life in it yet, we still can’t imagine a more fitting swan song for this extraordinary era of dual-screened RPG wonder. A must for any aspiring adventurer.
Yo-Kai Watch 3 (3DS)
The series bid farewell to the platform it first called home with the best version in Yo-Kai Watch 3, throwing in every extra monster and mode into one portable package. With a more nuanced battle system, larger sandboxes to explore, even more Yo-Kai to battle and add to your Medallium, this two-and-a-half-year-old game is a fresh as the day it first launched in Japan, and has given western 3DS owners one of console's best RPGs in the twilight of its years.
Rhythm Heaven Megamix (3DS)
Collecting many of the series’ finest rhythm-based minigames in one place, this ‘greatest hits’ manages to feel like more than a mere compilation. Rhythm Heaven Megamix’s stylish presentation and energy is more polished than ever before, and although much will be familiar for returning fans, it’s an unfettered treat for newbies. Can anyone ever truly tire of the Chorus Kids?
When did the 3DS come out?
The 3DS release date in Japan was February 26th, 2011. It would arrive in Europe on March 25th, 2011, and then in North American two days later on March 27, 2011. Australia would have to wait until March 31st, 2011 to get its hands on the console.
Is Nintendo 3DS discontinued?
Yes. Nintendo no longer manufactures any 3DS or 2DS consoles, sadly – although you might find some retailers still have new machines in stock. Failing that, you'll need to look to the secondary market if you're aiming to pick up a 3DS system.
What's the difference between the 3DS and 2DS?
The 2DS lacks the autostereoscopic display that makes the 3DS so special, but, given that there are issues with young children using the display, it's the perfect console for really young players.
What's the difference between the 3DS and New 3DS?
The New 3DS features more powerful hardware, a second analogue stick, more buttons, an improved camera (which tracks the user's face to make the 3D effect more solid) and other changes. It was first released in Japan in October 2014. Nintendo has also produced the New Nintendo 2DS, which has the same benefits but without the autostereoscopic screen.
What is the rarest Nintendo 3DS game?
Amazingly, the rarest 3DS game is Barbie Groom and Glam Pups, which was released in 2013. Also available on the Wii and DS, the 3DS port was never released in the United States, but got was distributed in small numbers in Canada. Those collectors aiming for a 'complete' North American 3DS collection have therefore driven up its value, with Racketboy claiming that it could be worth as much as $3400.
Are games still made for 3DS?
While it's likely that a homebrew community will grow up around the 3DS, no more titles are in production by mainstream developers or publishers, and Nintendo is now firmly focused on the Switch. The closure of the 3DS eShop means it's now impossible to download games to the console, but naturally, you can still pick up physical games on the secondary market.
Can you play DS games on 3DS?
Yes! This list should probably be much larger, as the 3DS is capable of playing all DS games. However, we'll be creating our own list of must-have DS titles in the future – but, in the meantime, check out Nintendo Life's list of the Best Nintendo DS Games.
Comments 15
Quite a few greats on that list.
I miss my 3DS. It's is indeed one of the best console ever made. Hopefully some of these games will get ported to the Switch.
I had a great time with my 3DS. Especially when I upgraded to the New 3DS XL for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. That was my main game for much of its lifecycle. I did play a good amount of other games like Lugi's Mansion 2 but I have to say Kid Icarus Uprising was my favorite besides MH4U. I'm begging for a Switch port of Uprising!
I love my 3DS! Great list with many great games. Do want to shout out for one of Nintendo’s great oddballs on the system: Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball. At one level a collection of super fun baseball mini games, on one level a silly game about a family of dogs in a charming Tokyo setting, and on another level a skewering of the greed ruining the games industry. I’ve never played anything like it!
Pilotwings Resort remains my favourite. Being able to perfectly complete it took all my skill and a ton of hours. I tried it again recently and I must have had a lot more time back then as it seems like far too difficult a task today. Also, on New 3DS it plays with a smoother frame rate!
Okay, Sega 3D games made the list, it’s a legitimate list now
Where's Kirby: Planet Robobot!?
Had a lot of fun times with the 3DS for sure, and there are still plenty of backlog games I need to return to, Zelda Link Between Worlds and Yokai Watch 3 (thankfully bought before the price went crazy) being big ones.
I bought my 3DS on day one because the 3D blew my mind (and still does) and because the DS was so great. If you remember, the console was overpriced and the launch lineup was bad. Rayman 2 rerelease? Steel Diver? Pilotwings Resort was genuinely good, and I spent a lot of time with it. But the crappy launch led to the Ambassador Program and all those GBA games they gave me that never got released otherwise.
It obviously did not live up to the DS though. While there were third party games, it doesn't compare to the almost limitless releases on DS. I still occasionally find hidden gems on DS, like Air Traffic Chaos (which turns out to be a localization of the "I am an Air Traffic Controller" series). Streetpass was really fun though, especially when my wife and I visited Japan and got more Streetpasses in a day than we ever did walking around our city in the US.
Amazing system, Amazing games. Such a special system that no emulation can come close to the real experience. Would love Switch 2 to have 3D capabilities.
@NicolausCamp definitely missing Kirby. Although I’d also accept Triple Deluxe as much as Robobot
@gingerbeardman Yes! Pilotwings is amazing and sneaky hard. The music and atmosphere are so chill, yet actually completing everything can be brutal!
I'd like to give a shout out to Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars. Maybe not one of the best, but one of the first (and I really enjoyed it).
Can't argue with that list. Would totally add "Picross 3D 2"!
@NicolausCamp You know gaming journalists don't like Kirby.
it’s weird as i played my 3DS a ton during its life (i’m an ambassador i bought it probably a few days after its release) and i have 3 working systems currently and all my games but i almost never play it anymore. maybe in a few years i’ll get some kinda nostalgia surge and want to go back to playing it but for now i play my gba and ds way more
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