26. Viva Piñata Pocket Paradise (DS)
Although the company was still active on Nintendo handhelds long after Microsoft purchased it, Viva Piñata Pocket Paradise represents something of a homecoming for Rare. The entire Viva Piñata series has a Nintendo feel to it, and parallels can easily be drawn between it and the Pokémon series. Pocket Paradise feels perfectly suited to Nintendo's DS portable, and is one of the highlights of the entire franchise.
25. Conker: Live & Reloaded (Xbox)
One of Rare's biggest projects following its sale to Microsoft, Conker: Live & Reloaded includes a remastered version of the single-player story mode as well as an online component which is made up of game modes such as Deathmatch and Capture the Flag. This portion of the game – intended as an advert for Xbox Live – pokes fun at WW2 movies like Saving Private Ryan. Despite the technical enhancements, many fans prefer the N64 original.
24. Monster Max (GB)
It may say Rare on the title screen, but Monster Max is very much a Jon Ritman and Bernie Drummond game. The pair had previously developed isometric adventures such as Batman (1986) and Head Over Heels (1987), and joined Rare after failing to complete the arcade football game Final Whistle for Ocean. Monster Max has been hailed as one of the Game Boy's greatest games, and rightly so; not only is it a technical masterpiece given the humble nature of the hardware, it's incredibly enjoyable, too.
23. Diddy Kong Racing (DS)
Diddy Kong Racing DS is good but not quite great. Generally, it's very well presented with clear menus, pleasant visuals, and nice sound. However, the controls aren't quite there, probably to do with the fact the DS only has a D-pad, so it just doesn't feel as good as the original N64 classic. If you had to choose between this and Mario Kart DS, there's no competition.
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