Digital Eclipse took to Twitter recently to promote its upcoming Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration collection and in doing so revealed a 3D-printable paddle adapter for Xbox One controllers.
While the PlayStation versions of the collection allow you to use the DualShock's built-in touchpad and the Nintendo Switch features touchscreen controls, there are no such options for Xbox platforms, making games like Breakout a bit less precise. Digital Eclipse has come up with a DIY solution to this, though, provided you have a 3D printer lying around or a skate bearing handy.
The developer has designed its own paddle adapter to sit comfortably over the controller and has released the STL files publicly online. So if you're lucky enough to have those resources available, you should be able to download the files yourself from Thingiverse and put together your own adapter. This will give you more precise paddle controls for games like Breakout and Warlords, letting you play them closer to as originally intended.
The Digital Eclipse president Mike Mika even showed off the adapter being used on the MiSTerFPGA to play Activision's Kaboom for the Atari 2600, and it looks like it works a treat on hardware emulators too!
Below the tweet for the Xbox adapter, Digital Eclipse posted another link to a prototype of a Nintendo Switch version. It warns that this adapter may require a controller mod to work though, and claims that this is just an alternative and not a necessity due to the existing touchscreen controls.