As long as there have been video game consoles, there have been video game controllers.
What started out as simple, single-button affairs have evolved into surprisingly complex and ergonomic devices which can be used without the need for wires and – in some cases – across more than one platform.
Given that these controllers are our primary means of interacting with the video games we play, it's not all that surprising that everyone has a personal favourite; a pad or stick which brings back happy memories thanks to the fact that it was your trusty companion for hours of your favourite RPG, or because it offered the kind of precise control required to beat your opponent in Street Fighter.
Trying to ascertain which is the 'best' controller of all time is both difficult and rather pointless, as you could argue that early controllers – such as those seen in the '80s and '90s – are going to be at a distinct disadvantage as they have fewer buttons and came too early to benefit from creature comforts like solid wireless connectivity.
Instead, we're simply asking you which controller is your personal favourite; it could be one that you don't use today but have fond memories of gripping years or even decades ago; a pad which made a unique impression on you as a gamer.
Also, it's worth noting that we're mainly sticking to controllers that came bundled with their respective systems or significant first-party controllers which became near-essential to serious players – rather than attempting the thankless task of listing every single controller ever made, official or otherwise. Down that road lies madness, as we're sure you'll agree – but if you think we've missed a controller that deserves a place on this list, let us know and we might even add it to the poll.
Thanks to Ashley Day for supplying some of the photos found in this feature.
Comments 69
Honestly, for the longest time I would have said the GameCube controller, but these days, I think the DualSense, Series, And Switch Pro Controllers are all better options, but, to me, the Series controller takes the win, because it feels the most comfortable in my hands. Plus, and feel free to disagree, but I prefer having the left stick parallel to the face buttons, unlike the DualSense.
I almost picked the SNES controller, for nostalgia reasons. But I had to be honest with myself and pick the DualSense, because it’s the culmination of everything that came before it, and learned what worked and what didn’t over the years. There may still be some room for improvement - back paddles should be standard, and the sticks should have a deeper indentation - but it’s the best controller I’ve ever held in my hands.
I'm tied three ways:
Dualshock, specifically the PS2 version (and by extension the PS3 Sixaxis version). Something about the controller has always felt comfortable and accessible, while also being lightweight but not flimsy.
Switch Pro Controller, for similar reasons to the above, with the primary difference being it's much weightier. It a bulkier feel for when I want a tighter experience.
But not listed above and just as great: Wii Classic Controller. Whether the version with grips or without, the feel in the hands was always slightly superior to the SNES controller. Used it so much during that generation that I have tons of memories with it.
For 2d games the Japanese Saturn pad is the best controller I've used, the combination of rolling dpad, 6 face buttons and the top triggers should you need them is just perfection.
As for 3D then the Gamecube would have to be up there but it would probably be between the Dualsense and Xbox pad for more functionality
It breaks my heart to only pick one but had to go for the Wavebird in the end. It's just so nice to hold, looks great and was a technical revolution at the time.
Shame it splits the vote on GameCube. Otherwise it looks like that would be the clear leader right now.
People like the n64 more than the GameCube controller? I really don't agree! 😂
Although I never owned one because I'm a Nintendo only guy, I can still feel that original Playstation Dualshock controller, and it was magnificent! Loved playing with that thing at friends!
Someone voted for the jaguar controller? O.o
I picked Game Cube. Loved it when we got it with our Game Cube. 'kept using it for Mario Kart and Smash on Wii, Wii U and Switch. Only downside is it is wired and missing buttons for the Switch.
So, now, more likely to use a PDP Wired Fight pad connected through an 8BitDo GBros Adapter.
Now . . . if the 8BitDo SN30 Pro was on the list, that would be my current pick. Wireless. All the required buttons / sticks. And the SNES feel.
played games since Atari.. have a lot of great memories with a bunch of these controllers, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Saturn, but felt like DualSense was my most honest answer.
GameCube is nostalgic and unique, but not viable for most non-GC titles let alone modern games. 360 comes REALLY close but that dang spongy d-pad ruins it all. I'll have to give the edge to Switch Pro. Perfect amount of bulk without overdoing it, every button feels and responds perfect without being too noisy/clicky.
Xbox Series X|S which is really just a slight update to the GOAT Xbox One controller. Though for ones not on that list - the Xbox Elite Series 2.
Hmm, I went for PS4 in the end. I have a lot of love for some of these, the Master System one looks awesome, as does the original PS1 controller. I love the Dreamcast pad too. I think the Game Cube pad is overrated, but maybe I just didn't spend enough time with it back in the day. The PS5 controller is a close second, but I don't think it's quite as nice to use as the PS4 controller was.
I have to go with the Wavebird, such an awesome controller. I remember trying wireless controllers during the NES days and they were so shoddy. Because of them I thought there would never be a wireless controller. Then one day thanks to an employee at Gamestop (before they turned all stupid and only cared about selling you something) he was talking with another customer about the Wavebird. I was skeptical at first but then my friend bought one and I tried it OMG I was in love. I still use Wavebirds to this day on my Wii, and prefer using that controller especially when it come to Soul Caliber II.
Such a great controller.
The Arcade joystick (dutch 9 pin joystick for c64; amiga etc) all the way
I thought the Xbox 360 controller was near perfect ar the time. You could easily nudge the bumpers with the inside of your finger whilst resting on the triggers without needing to support the controller beforehand. The little quarter lights letting you know which player you were was an inspired design choice. Plus it used AA batteries which is still a useful backup.
It's either the Dog Bone NES controller, the SNES controller or the N64 controller for me. They're all excellent to use and represent most of the key DNA in all modern controllers. I voted for the N64 expecting it to be the lowest but actually it's doing quite well! 😂
I'd also say the Saturn Analogue pad and the Dreamcast controller are very important for introducing analogue triggers (which so many companies seem to struggle to do well, with Nintendo having just given up on them entirely it seems).
The original PlayStation (one) controller (not the dual shock version), because it simply was miles a head of its time ergonomically and functionally and worked really well with the best PlayStation (one) games, like Tomb Raider, Resident Evil etc.
Other really good ones are the SNES controller (I own the 8bitdo clone of it and it's excellent) and the Xbox 360 one (it was much better than Playstation 3's Dual Shock 3 for the action games of the time imo).
Someone mentioned the PS2 Dual Shock 2. I don't know if I got a defective one or not, but I had issues with that one. It wasn't responsive. I got one very late in the run, so maybe that was it. For me, easily it's the Japanese Saturn pad. Say what you want about Sega, but their controllers were amazing in that small window of time with the Genesis 6-button bad being similarly great. The Saturn pad made small improvements over it since it didn't need a lot. Surprisingly, I liked the PS1 standard and original Dual Shock more than I expected, along with the PSP. PC Engine also surprised me as better than expected, but the lack of buttons does hold it back. SNES pad isn't bad either, but I was recently using it for fighting games and it wasn't doing it for me, and the ergonomics aren't the best for me now in hindsight.
I just got a current XBox controller for PC, and it's also not bad, but the D-pad is also weird for fighting games for me. D-pads are hard to get right it seems. 8bitdo does a great job with those in my opinion. I have the Pro+ and the D-pad feels really good. Too bad the membranes are a weak point and I'll need to get replacements.
Dreamcast, a thing of beauty.
I would give it to the Switch Pro Controller but the D-Pad is just terrible (I heard the newer ones fixed it? Only one I have experience with is my launch model though so I’m going based off that). Gave my vote to the Wii U Pro controller which was excellent all around and had a ridiculously long battery life; the only downside being no gyro. If it had gyro it would still be my go to on whatever platform I could get it to work with.
Honourable mention for the Xbox One/Series controllers, damn near perfect but no gyro is a huge shame
@KayFiOS I know some people like the offset sticks, it does make sense for certain games - ones that have 3D movement, but don’t require much camera movement, and rely on the face buttons to perform actions.
I find that nowadays, most games require you to have both thumbs on the sticks, for simultaneous movement and camera control. The face buttons are only used for quick, infrequent actions - like jumping and reloading - but you have your thumbs on the sticks constantly. All FPS games do this now, and some other games - like Soulsbornes and God of War - are starting to popularize using the triggers for hacking and slashing, by default. And when playing 2D games, I like using the D-pad for moving and face buttons for actions.
In each of those cases, I find it better to have both thumbs in the same alignment. And that seems to be the majority of games these days.
Either that, or maybe I’m just a sucker for symmetry 🤷♂️. To each their own.
No love for the OG Xbox Controller S?
The black and white buttons are a poor substitute for shoulder bumpers, but the thing feels so good to hold- just the right amount of heft. (I guess the Xbone/Series do objectively edge it out in functionality.)
GameCube has probably the best analogue stick of any controller ever, and that button layout is brilliant, but it has too many flaws holding it back: not enough buttons, D-pad is too small, and the triggers feel a bit delicate and are sometimes prone to getting stuck.
Top 5:
Bottom 3:
WiiU Gamepad was awesome... way more comfortable than Switch and you could play games ON it. I probably had 100 hours of Mario Kart 8 on my Gamepad. It was also fantastic for level maps or item inventory when playing on the TV screen.
Switch Pro would be my choice for standard controller, if the D-Pad worked... the false inputs ruin it for 2D games.
Had to go with SNES. While controllers have made obvious advancements since then and the SNES pad would be useless for most modern games, it's also the last time a first-party controller had a legitimately great d-pad, and that breaks my heart. It's such an afterthought on modern controllers, even when Nintendo makes them.
The N64 votes are baffling. That controller was the weirdest combination of forward-thinking and hopelessly backwards. They correctly recognized the need for an analog stick and a d-pad, but just couldn't imagine why the player could ever want to reach both at the same time. What a mess.
There was a point where I felt controllers were too simple to do games/gaming true justice (home console games anyway), and that was any time up until the SNES controller. And there was a point where I think (home console) controllers got too complicated for their own good, which was any time after the original PlayStation controller. That puts the SNES controller and original PlayStation as pretty much the pinnacle for me personally. And, just because I honestly don't think the second set of shoulder buttons were truly essential, I'm gonna go with the SNES controller. Honestly, I consider it quite perfect for what it is and the generation of games it was made for.
Now, I understand modern games are designed in such a way that they need more complex controllers, but that's also part of the reason why I'm not such a huge fan of modern games for the most part; it's all so convoluted and overkill now as far as I'm concerned. Although, I'd maybe rate the Xbox One controller up the top (or probably the Series one at this point, although I haven't tried it). I haven't tried the PS5 DualSense either, so can't really say how good it is, but, if it's as good as it sounds, it could be top of the modern pile.
And, I haven't tried them, but, based on my experience with the Rift CV1 and Quest 2 controllers, I'm gonna go ahead and say the Quest Pro controllers are probably the best in the VR space. Also, I do actually really enjoy VR gaming in modern times, far more so than all the modern cutting-edge flat-screen games. In fact, other than play retro games, mostly 16-bit games, it's the most fun I've had in gaming in recent times.
So, simple version:
Retro: SNES controller
Modern: Xbox One/Series, or potentially DualSense
VR: Quest 2 Pro controller
I went for the Wii U GamePad. It looks bulky but it's surprisingly comfortable to hold, and I love having the second screen built into the controller. The only downside is that the picture quality and colours on the screen leave something to be desired sometimes, but I can forgive that given that this poll is for your favourite controller rather than the objective best.
My favourite is the elite series 2. But I love the GameCube wavebird and original Xbox s controller
@kyleforrester87 I find the battery to be shockingly bad in that controller
@smoreon I love the s controller
I voted the Dreamcast arcade stick as I’ve had mine 22 years and it still works and feels amazing every time I use it (I did vote for it but it says 0% lol) as far as modern controllers go the elite series 2 is a thing of beauty and has a hefty feel to it my worst has to be Wii mote absolutely awful pain inducing kids toy the Wii u classic controller was amazing it’s battery was outstanding very easy to live with
Wii U Gamepad is hands down the most ergonomically pleasing controller I have ever used. Almost every other controller on this list is a hand/wrist cramping nightmare for me.
Never used an xbox series controller (looks like the one but somehow better) but you really can’t beat the xbox one controller. Never owned an xbox but i own one for my pc/mobile and its the best controller i’ve ever touched!
@Baler true, true - didn’t really factor that into the user experience. I never minded plugging it in so much, and in theory you could put a better on one it (hassle, or course). I was thinking more in terms of pure hand feel I guess.
Here's my top 50 of the best controllers of all time that I used and to this day still used, only the top 5 matters but the rest also need a mentions:
1. 8BitDo SN30+ Pro Controller
2. Super NES Controller
3. Sega Saturn Controller 2
4. Sega Genesis 6-Button Controller
5. NES Dogbone Controller
6. NES Classic Controller
7. Super NES Fighter Pad
8. Sega Genesis Fighter Pad
9. PlayStation 2 Sega Saturn Controller
10. Hori GameCube Digital Controller for Game Boy Player
11. 8BitDo M30 Controller
12. NeoGeo Arcade Controller
13. Sega Master System Classic Controller
14. Wii U Pro Controller
15. Wii Classic Controller Pro
16. PlayStation Dual Shock 4 Controller
17. 8BitDo SN30 Controller
18. 8BitDo SN30 Pro Controller
19. SN Pro Pad
20. NES Advantage
21. Super NES Advantage
22. NES Max Pad
23. Wii Remote
24. Switch Pro Controller
25. Sega Dreamcast Controller
26. N64 Controller
27. Xbox One Controller
28. Xbox Series S Controller
29. Wii U Game Pad
30. Sega Genesis 3-Button Controller
31. Turbo Grafx-16 6-Button Controller
32. FC Twin Controller
33. Super Retro Trio Controller
34. Retro Fighter N64 Controller
35. GameCube Controller
36. PlayStation 5 DualSense Controller
37. PlayStation 3 Sixaxis Controller
38. Hori Super Game Boy Controller
39. Switch Joycons
40. Hori Fighter Pad for Sega Dreamcast
41. Atari 2600 Joystick Controller
42. Atari VCS Classic Controller from PowerA
43. Atari VCS Modern Controller from PowerA
44. Atari Jaguar 6-Button Controller
45. Sega Saturn 3D Controller
46. Steam Controller
47. OnLive Controller
48. Google Stadia Controller
49. Amazon Luna Controller
50. Ouya Controller
Surprised none of the 8bit-Do controllers are on here, they definitely improved upon their original counterparts. The SNES controller is great for people with small hands, but for adults the 8Bit-Do offerings just feel so much more comfortable.
I voted Xbox 360, since that controller can basically do no wrong for modern PC gaming, and it's in the correct stick format
wavebird, neogeo pro stick, Dreamcast agetec stick, Saturn 6 button pad (the real one,) dualshock 2 are the best controllers ever made.
I voted DC stick.
I had a similar thought. my sn30pro+ and m30 are two of the best controllers I've ever had, and cover SO much ground!
This is such a loaded question. I got trigger happy; nostalgia, comfort and those d-pad & face buttons made me go with the Japanese Saturn Pad. But if I could vote again, I would go with the Wii U Pro Controller. I only wish it had analog triggers, gyro and a matte finish, but other than that, everything else about it is perfect.
But in any case, I feel I have to do a list.
Xbox controllers have always been super, super comfortable, but the dodgy d-pad designs on the Controller S and Xbox 360 controller, and the clicky d-pad plus patchy Bluetooth of the Xbox One version take them out of the running for me. And now with all the third-party re-issues and newer options, I am pretty much set for any kind of game.
10. Nintendo 64
09. 8BitDo SN30 Pro
08. Sony Playstation OG Dual Shock
07. 8BitDo Ultimate 2.4g
06. Retro-Bit SEGA Mega Drive 8 Button 2.4g
05. SEGA Saturn 3D Controller
04. 8BitDo Pro 2
03. Nintendo GameCube
02. Retro-Bit SEGA Saturn 8 Button 2.4g
01. Wii U Pro Controller
If we got a proper 2.4g wireless re-issue of the Nintendo Gamecube controller with gyro & rumble, that actually KEPT the analog triggers (unlike all the Switch versions) then my number one may change. Yet that too would likely get knocked off the perch if we happen to get an 8BitDo Pro 3 with Hall Sensor sticks and 2.4g wireless connectivity.
Also, I find the Switch Pro Controller to be incredibly overrated. It's SUPER comfortable with a nice weight to it, however, that makes it all the more insulting that the d-pad and buttons ended up being such trash. I have owned three of them over the years, hoping they would quietly get some under-the-hood upgrades, but each time, I got nothing but inaccurate d-pad directions and missed inputs on those horrifically mushy face buttons. A real shame.
I have to forsake my namesake and go with the PS1 dual shock. Once they added dual analogues and rumble, Sony perfected the controller so completely that they have effectively never needed to change it since. With a split d-pad for precision and beautiful symmetry, the dual shock is literally iconic for gaming in general; it's everything a controller should be.
Wii U gamepad because of my massive man hands.
The Wii U pro was also excellent.
Before the Wii U gamepad came along I would say that for me the Wavebird was my favourite.
Joy-cons are the worst controllers ever made.
They're cramp inducing and the drift I've had with them is so bad I want to throw them.
More drift than a Fast and Furious movie
For pure nostalgia I went for the classic 3 button Mega Drive controller; as a kid it felt futuristic (3 buttons? The NES only has 2!). Not surprised about the GameCube controller getting it; it was much derided at the time but on reflection it is very comfortable to use and the button layout and feel is great. Just a pity about that d-pad, though tbh that’s only really an issue in a handful of games or if you are using the GameBoy Player (personally I used to plug my GBA into the system with the connecting lead to control the games as they were meant to be controlled). However, modern controllers like the Switch Pro or the Xbox Series controllers are objectively better.
What about some 3rd party controllers? I have a few 8bitdo ones and have just taken delivery of the Pro 2 for Switch. Will be interesting to see how it compares to the Nintendo Switch Pro controller…
@Browny totally slipped by me that the Classic Controllers for the Wii weren’t on the list! I love the original one for its nostalgia but the Pro version is superb. The buttons are really responsive and it has a really good d-pad. Plus they are really well made: hundreds of hours on Monster Hunter Tri and various virtual console games over the 12 years I’ve had it and not one bit of drift or unresponsiveness.
Gotta go with the SNES pad. While not the best for every kind of game, it's the only controller that I think is perfect for certain genres. Mainly 2D games platformers.
Genesis 3-button, U.S. Saturn, do I choose just one?
N64 and Dualshock were both great...for their time. Imagine if Nintendo had just remade the N64 controller for every new system these past 27 years. Kind of shocking how Sony can claim to have the worst controller four generations in a row now.
@Gamecuber I felt the same about the Mega Drive controller's three buttons at the time too. Funny though that it really has the same number of buttons, just configured to have three action buttons. Goes to show you how useless a dedicated select button always was.
I can't pick a winner, since I keep at minimum 2 controllers on my desk. Xbox Series for games where analog motion is primary, Dualsense for anything that uses the d-pad primarily, and the Switch Pro for games that use gyro controls.
If one controller was shaped like the Xbox Series, had the Dualsense triggers, with gyro sensors and swappable stick/d-pad locations, I'd almost never need another controller.
@Herna The Wii U classic is great. The battery lasts forever.
For me, probably Switch Pro, N64, and Wii U classic. Xbox is up there, but the d-pads are useless. I only went as far as the 360, however.
The Atari joystick has the childhood sway. I ate that console up.
Of the ones you’ve listed, the ZipStik will always have a special place in my heart, because I started out in the 8-bit era, and that was the first stick that could stand up to the rigours of C64 HyperSports.
If I’m going off-survey though, I’m loving what 8BitDo are putting out. The SN30 Pro and the Pro 2 are both fantastic, and I will pounce on an Ultimate in a heartbeat once I have the bank for one.
At the other end, however, for my gorilla hands, the Joycon can get in the sea. So much cramp even holding the damn thing. Still, at least it does mean mine won’t ever get drift…
I had to choose the Japanese Saturn controller from Sega, it's always been my favorite 2D gaming controller, and as this is a retro gaming site, I think that's what I should focus on.
Favorite modern controller is easily the Xbox Series controller, it's just perfectly comfortable and usable, with all the right features and no gimmicks.
@Coffeemonster Zipstik dominated the era things became a little more sophisticated on the amiga / st with flightstick style Quickshot. Then crap D-pads for the SNES, seemed so regressive trying to knock out a super dragon punch was hard slog on them things. First controller was actually the binatone in early eighties, like a crude dimming switch on a stick. Not my favourite I'll go with the latest and greatest
Hmm lot of strange responses..not sure why the gc controller gets so much love when its only designed for like a handful of games, mario kart, smash bros and resident evil 4 and maybe mario sunshine, I like the series x controller over the xbox one only for the grippyness but it feels very small with tiny sticks and it drops connection all the time on pc without the dongle which is stupid, right not my favorite controller is the duelsense which feels fantastic and heavy, i never really care for the offset stick conversation as in any shooter its the right stick that matters and its always in the same spot so duelsense for the win, the switch pro probably feels the most fantastic in my larger hands but the dpad is garbage also need to mention the best addition to controllers in a long time is the touchpad button on the ps4/ps5 controller very quick to go to the menu or map in games and its great to see it used for multiple things like in ghost of Tsushima... 3rd party mention the 8bitdo sn30 pro is waaaay better than expected and can't be topped for 2d action
Zipstick all the way. Base held in the palm of the hand, thumb over the button. More buttons don’t always mean more. I got through three or four of those (maybe more) on Sensible Soccer alone.
Shout out to the Xbox One controller - an excellent joypad for a console I have absolutely no feelings for.
SNES was the perfect controller. Beautiful d-pad and introduced shoulder buttons, and 6 buttons in total made for far more control in games. If the GameCube controller had a better d-pad, it would be number one. As it stands, that tiny thing was problematic at times. Similarly the Switch Pro Controller: the d-pad is horrendous by Nintendo standards. Response is poor and it's prone to inadvertent actions. Just try play Tetris 99 with it, and it's a disaster. The Wii U Classic Controller at least has a great d-pad and everything else feels nice; it's just not my preferred layout.
On other systems I'd say PS4, albeit, it's mostly an evolution of previous dual stick PS controllers. I've hated the PS d-pad from day one, and the sticks themselves don't have as good a feel as the Nintendo ones, and the left one is awkwardly placed. The original Xbox controllers were horrific, especially the d-pad, button design and size. While the S version fixed the size, the rest of it is still rubbish. It took until the Xbox One controller for me to like Xbox controllers. It fixed most of the issues, had a great d-pad, and would be in my top echelon of best controllers ever. The X series was a backwards step, especially the d-pad. Of course, Xbox still persist with those horrible, raised and hard face buttons, and their ridiculous decision to stray from Nintendo's naming convention still causes much anguish when switching between Nintendo and Xbox multiplayer games.
Among "classic" retro controllers, I'd have to say the SNES controller is my favorite. My most-used of the last five years is definitely the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, which is excellent. But once I got a PS5 last year, I was blown away by the DualSense. I dislike all prior PlayStation controllers, but this one is just so darn great. It feels like what Nintendo should have done years ago.
Joycons, all day every day. Man, it’s great to be able to really lounge to the full extreme and have joycons in hand. Feels like controlling the game with you mind, except not your mind… feels like pure instinct.
And honestly Dualsense is in second place for me. Love that haptic feedback. At first, I thought it was clunky otherwise, but as time passes, the design grows fonder and fonder to me where it just “feels right” in a lot of places. It’s like the PlayStation’s controller finally got to level up from a Squirtle all the way to a Blastoise, if you know what I mean.
GameCube is in third place. Never even had a GameCube and every day I probably regret it a little bit.
Let’s be honest about the old controllers. They feel weird to return to at this point. The NES controller feels like the most awkward feather in the world at this point. For all my time playing mine, it just doesn’t seem right when return to it all these years later. The N64 controller is almost more natural feeling now… almost….
Wow, can't believe some of you guys be doing my boy dirty up above.
My favourite is the Wii Remote. Beautiful and iconic to look at and hold, versatile, and when you put the outer jacket on it feels like an adult entertainment product. Love them.
@romanista Agree absolutely, scrolled through the list twice, but the arcade (or competition pro i believe) joystick for C64 is missing from the list, I voted for the one that resembled it the most the zipstick which I don't know of, but yeah very durable those were, still have one in a box somewhere I believe.
@TheSilverFalcon I still use it every year for the world cup of sensible soccer (this year in berlin), and have an usb adapter for it to use it for emulaton purposes...
(and did vote for the zipstick as well for the same reason, although i do like my wavebird)
For modern games my favourite is probably the Switch Pro controller, although I’ve recently realised that, while the D-pad is totally serviceable for modern titles, it kinda sucks for 2D games. The nostalgia vote goes to the Mega Drive pad, even though objectively it kind of sucks 😅
I wish this was a Pick 4 vote!
SNES pad is a classic and great for everything 2D
PS1 is a SNES pad with handles so also great for everything 2D
GameCube is probably the most comfortable controller I ever had only let down by it's stiff mini d pad
The DS4 is very comfortable controller
The XBOne and Series controllers are both very comfortable, the loud clicky buttons are annoying though
The Wii mote was a "revolution" pardon the pun. Splitting the pads was an amazing idea and I love holding my hands comfortably to play.
The Joy Cons take this a step further but are way less comfortable than the Wii and nunchuck.
To summarise, my perfect controller would be a split pad with all the buttons, sticks, rumble, gyro etc in a one handed form factor somewhere between the Wii mote and joy cons. I'd say have GameCube or Series handles on them but I think the buttons would make it top heavy so the handles would have to be unique to a split controller.
I voted GameCube. To be honest I don't have one favourite, but it inovated in ways I liked: comfy shoulder buttons, and a face button layout with some ergonomic pros (can "feel" the buttons and they all have a distinct siloette). But the sticks wear out fast and the c-nub isn't amazing for FPSs, so not perfect!
I'm amazed at how well time has treated the GameCube controller. When it first came out I can't tell you how much people were hating a complaining about that controller. I really surprised that it's gained so much love over the years. It actually wasn't as bad at controller as many people made it out to me.
Mine has to be the "Cruiser" for my C64:
So the nearest to that was the Zip-Stick, but there was a resistance toggle on the stick so that if you playing a waggle game (Summer Games, etc) you could turn that down and hold the base to shake the stick
SNES for 2D games, with the original PS controller close second.
For 3D games I would say that the GameCube one is the most comfortable but the XBOX one controller might be better overall.
Xbox series x/s. I dont even own an Xbox. It's what I use on the switch through a converter and on pc.
Where is the Wii U Pro Controller?! I personally love those. I like them much more than the Switch Pro Controller. It's a shame that Nintendo didn't add support for those on the Switch. They'd have been perfect.
I'd have also voted for the SN30 had they listed the 8BitDo controllers. It's one of the best controllers I've used in my 40+ years of gaming!
Gamecube controller is just so comfortable. I haven't held an N64 controller in years but the analogue stick that is hard plastic means that the N64 pad isn't up there among the best. I think there should be an option for the Wii Remote PLUS Nunchuk. That combo has always had potenital.
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