Following the release of Psygnosis & DMA Design's classic puzzle game Lemmings on the Commodore Amiga back in 1991, various developers (and determined fans) did their best to port the game to every machine under the sun.
One of the versions, however, that never ended up making it out to the general public amidst this endless stream of ports was an unofficial recreation of the game for the Commodore Plus/4 computer, which the developers Tamás Sasvári (code) and Csaba Kémeri (graphics) were working on back in 1993. This version of the game was believed to have been shown off at the 1993 Debrecen demoscene party but was unfortunately abandoned after the team ran into memory issues, according to an in-depth article on the website Games That Weren't. A demo of the port was released alongside this article to give people an idea of how far it got, and that was pretty much where most people expected this story to end.
However, as recently spotted by IndieRetroNews, it appears Tamás Sasvári (also known as TCFS) has now revived the project in 2023, showcasing it at Arok 2023, an annual demoscene that took place in Ajka, Hungary. Better yet, they've also released the project online on plus4world, allowing people to check it out for themselves.
That means, after thirty years, you can now finally play Lemmings on your Commodore Plus/4 computer. That's provided you still have one kicking about your house.
You can watch a video of the port in action below: