Have you ever wanted to see the GameCube get the mini treatment? Well, you're in luck, as two dedicated fans named Wesk Retro-Fit and Crazy Gadget have started offering players the chance to own a new Nano version of the classic Nintendo machine.
This mini-machine was first unveiled in a forum post back in May 2023 and has since found its way into the hands of retro enthusiasts such as Retro Dodo and Macho Nacho Productions, who have been able to provide a closer look at the device in a couple of videos (which you can view below).
As documented in both videos, the device contains a trimmed-down version of the Nintendo Wii motherboard (with RVLoader installed) that allows its user to play both Nintendo Wii and Nintendo GameCube games on original hardware. That's right, there's no emulation here!
The device comes in a cute GameCube-style case with a Nano logo on top and contains an HDMI port on the back, which allows it to provide a much-improved image over a standard GameCube (that is, if you aren't already using HD upscalers).
There's also a USB-C port included on the rear in order to both provide power and allow users to download games to the SD Card inside, in addition to four headphone jacks on the front that can be used to plug in a bunch of GameCube controllers. These ports will require the use of a "headphone jack to GameCube controller" adapter cable in order to connect everything up, and, as noted in RetroDodo's review, it's currently advised that users don't unplug these while playing, to avoid the risk of blowing some of the internal components.
There are also a few other limitations too for people to be aware of, which are detailed in both videos.
Thanks to the "Omega Trim" (which is required to build the device), the MX chip has been removed and is in need of relocation. This essentially prevents players from being unable to use the wireless Wavebird controller as well as the real-time clock (used in games like Animal Crossing). There's also no Bluetooth receiver installed at present, to enable the use of the Wiimote, so users will have to make do with remapping the Wiimote's controls (using the loader) if they are planning on using the console as a mini-Wii. Solutions for some of these issues are coming in the future though, as Macho Nacho Productions notes.
The device is currently made to order, so if you're interested after all that, your best bet for getting one at the moment is to contact CrazyGadget directly. You can also attempt to build your own by performing your own Omega Trim, but you should only try this if you have the necessary skills.