FPGA developer Jotego has just released his Patreon update for this week, and it includes a revised core for Analogue Pocket and MiSTer which grants access to Konami's Missing in Action coin-op.
Also known as Green Beret 2, the 1989 run-and-gun action title is very much more of the same; inspired by the Hollywood action movies of the '80s, it places you in the role of a fearless soldier who must rescue POWs from enemy bases.
As well as releasing Missing in Action – which runs on the same arcade hardware as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Jotego has also updated his Aliens core, which fixes issues with games related to that core as well.
"Following last week’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' beta, we add support to MIA (Green Beret 2) to the JTTMNT core," explains the Patreon update. "The two arcade PCBs are very similar, but TMNT was a more expensive system. It had more chips and memory for sound and the video ROMs were larger. MIA feels like a vitaminated Green Beret where the essence of the original has been kept. Even to the point of keeping the character frame halted in the middle of the run when you stop, like the old game did."
Jotego also adds that "Analogue Pocket has missed configuration savings on my cores for too long," and that he plans to add this feature to his cores next week. "Other than that, there will be one more arcade PCB added to the JTTMNT core next Friday," he concludes.