Over the years, we've encountered a lot of different attempts to (unofficially) port The Legend of Zelda to systems outside of Nintendo's consoles. However, it was only recently that we learned of an in-development port of the game for the Super Cassette Vision, an old cartridge-based console from the toymaker Epoch Co.
News of this port comes courtesy of a Facebook post published by Retro Game Museum that included pictures taken at the MI68 convention (an event that happened earlier this month in Tokyo). The images show a working version of The Legend of Zelda running on a Super Cassette Vision and a mock-up box for the game alongside a cart and the Famicom Disk System version. These led us to want to seek out more information about the port, which is how we eventually ended up stumbling across its creator coke774's YouTube channel and their various progress diaries (which you can see below).
It all looks and sounds pretty impressive from what we can tell from the videos, minus some of the jittery scrolling that occurs and the fact that enemies can currently spawn outside of the play area.
The Super Cassette Vision, in case you're unaware, was first released in Japan and Europe (specifically in France) back in 1984 and was a successor to Epoch's earlier Cassette Vision console. It was designed to rival the Nintendo Famicom and Sega's SG-1000 and included a small number of games based on popular licenses like Doraemon, Dragon Ball, and Lupin III, as well as ports of a few Namco titles like Mappy, Sky Kid, and Pole Position II. However, as history tells us, none of this was enough to put a dent in Nintendo's dominance, ultimately leading to the console's failure in the market.
As far as we can tell, a ROM of the game isn't available yet, but if you want to keep up to date with its progress, we recommend following coke774 on YouTube to keep abreast of any new information.