Apple has caught a tremendous amount of heat for its new iPad Pro ad, which shows a bunch of items – including a piano, camera and TV screen – being crushed by a hydraulic press.
The backlash against the commercial – which was shared by boss Tim Cook on social media – has been so bad that the company has actually issued a public apology and has stated that it will not be showing the ad on television.
One of the items crushed in the commercial is a replica arcade cabinet, which is shown playing a fictional game, Space Imploder.
However, Apple's attempt to disguise the cab with a made-up name didn't work – and the company which makes the unit, Arcade1Up, has commented on its inclusion.
"We were surprised to see one of our Arcade1Up Midway Legacy machines re-wrapped [and] crushed in the recent iPad Pro ad,” said David McIntosh, head of brand and communications at Arcade1Up, in a statement to Variety.
“We share the creative community’s feelings on the ‘misdirection’ of this ad content and believe that true arcade gaming involves standing up, joystick in hand — not just holding a tablet," McIntosh added. “This moment has sparked a positive dialogue about the authentic arcade experience, which we continue to celebrate and champion.”
Arcade1Up has leveraged the negative response to Apple's commercial by issuing its own take on the concept via Instagram.
Arcade1Up produces a range of licensed third-quarter arcade cabinets which run classic coin-ops via emulation. The company's previous products include Ridge Racer, Pac-Man, Mortal Kombat, NBA Jam and Street Fighter II.