For a system that was never officially released, the SNES PlayStation has certainly eaten up plenty of column inches over the past few years – and understandably so.
This union between Nintendo and Sony could have revolutionised the 16-bit market, but ultimately, the deal was broken off when Nintendo became fearful that Sony would gain too much from software sales. The fallout was that Sony turned its attention to the stand-alone PlayStation, and the rest is history.
Despite the fact that it was never released and, therefore, didn't get any games, there's an endless fascination with recreating this system – and the modder who gave us the custom Sega Neptune motherboard appears to be working on making it a reality.
Cosam the Great has shared an image of a new Super Famicom motherboard which is shown booting up the Super Disc BIOS – Sony's custom BIOS that would have powered the SNES PlayStation, had it been released.
"Don't get too excited," says the modder. "At the moment, this is just the world's most overcomplicated yet incomplete Super Famicom."
It's clearly very early days for this particular project, but if it goes the distance then we'd imagine people will be willing to pay a lot of money to own one. Wesk Mods has already made available 3D modelling files for the casing, so the externals are sorted, at least.
We'd also imagine that homebrew SNES CD software would become very popular, too.