What an awesome tiny little Game Gear with the best GG shoot em ups all loaded up on it! I'd love to have one of those things, but won't fork over the cash for it. Just got the Aleste Collection and it is absolutely awesome. Worth the $73 or so I paid for it, even though that is ridiculous and will keep too many people from enjoying such an awesome collection of perfect shoot em ups with amazingly great music.
@PickledKong64 Yeah, it was just a poor attempt at humor. Emulating NFL games might become something real though if Covid 19 keeps having the path cleared for it to spread.
This system sounds pretty awesome based on all the hands on reports. I'm curious to see how it turns out, and if it feels worth it to me when it's actually released.
Nice article! The PC Engine is one of the finest game systems ever released. It's astonishing how badly things got bungled after such an explosive start.
Yeah, I was totally excited for a crank powered device! I've got a radio/flashlight that is crank powered with a small rechargable battery built in. I love that device and thought this would be similar. Hopefully it is! The crank could totally be used for games and for charging. I don't understand the black and white display. I mean, I like minit, downwell, and West of Loathing as much as anybody, but I still want color games too! I suppose Slime-san could easily be black and white and still be just as fun. And maybe The End is Nigh too. It seems like a $150 Gameboy could have color these days... All that said, I'll probably really want to try this thing out.
Comments 7
Re: Say Hello To The Most Desirable (And Expensive) Game Gear Micro
What an awesome tiny little Game Gear with the best GG shoot em ups all loaded up on it! I'd love to have one of those things, but won't fork over the cash for it. Just got the Aleste Collection and it is absolutely awesome. Worth the $73 or so I paid for it, even though that is ridiculous and will keep too many people from enjoying such an awesome collection of perfect shoot em ups with amazingly great music.
Re: The RK2020 Is Another Chinese Handheld Which Aims To Play Absolutely Everything
@PickledKong64 Yeah, it was just a poor attempt at humor. Emulating NFL games might become something real though if Covid 19 keeps having the path cleared for it to spread.
Re: The RK2020 Is Another Chinese Handheld Which Aims To Play Absolutely Everything
@mesome713 I happen to love emulating NFL games! I didn't know I was breaking the law...
Re: The RK2020 Is Another Chinese Handheld Which Aims To Play Absolutely Everything
@Rhaoulos I read the article and didn't feel like it strongly suggested I share ROMs or go try to get ROMs. I'm left wondering what you read.
Re: Polymega TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine Module Includes Five Pack-In Games
This system sounds pretty awesome based on all the hands on reports. I'm curious to see how it turns out, and if it feels worth it to me when it's actually released.
Re: Feature: The Making Of The PC Engine, The 8-Bit Wonder That Took On Nintendo
Nice article! The PC Engine is one of the finest game systems ever released. It's astonishing how badly things got bungled after such an explosive start.
Re: Introducing The Playdate, Panic's New Handheld Video Game System With A Crank
Yeah, I was totally excited for a crank powered device! I've got a radio/flashlight that is crank powered with a small rechargable battery built in. I love that device and thought this would be similar. Hopefully it is! The crank could totally be used for games and for charging. I don't understand the black and white display. I mean, I like minit, downwell, and West of Loathing as much as anybody, but I still want color games too! I suppose Slime-san could easily be black and white and still be just as fun. And maybe The End is Nigh too. It seems like a $150 Gameboy could have color these days... All that said, I'll probably really want to try this thing out.