Comments 101

Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment


Woah woah, hold on. There's nothing wrong with the stock DC dpad IMO. It was still wonderfully rollable, albeit it could hurt your thumb after prolonged use due to the sharpish edges of the directions. But I could still pull off all moves in CvS no problem, in fact I preferred it to the green goblin stick as I was a home gamer and not an arcade one.

Only problem was the lack of shoulder buttons, using the analog triggers wasnt the best experience for beat em ups.

Re: ZUIKI Reveals A Better Look At "The X68000 Z 2"


Why do Jap computers looks so much more badass than x86 variants. And this design is from the 80 fgs! Honestly, we need a case manufacturer to start looking at Jap pc designs for inspiration. If this was available in x86 with modern specs then I would fully consider getting rid of my pc and get one of these for work and use an hidden egpu tucked away for gaming.

Re: True "All-In-One" MiSTer FPGA Multisystem 2 Console Is Coming In 2025


@GlamorousAlpaca no, I believe it will be circa £349 at least but happy to be proven wrong. I'm more than happy with my atarashai emulations front end with everything setup for bezels and scanline filters (and the occasional BFI) to ever need something like this anyway. 10 years ago I craved original controllers as well but we have amazing usb and wireless options now too.

Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For A Tekken Collection


The first 2 Tekken games are really simplistic and lack depth, it's not until Tekken 3/Tekken Tag that things get rerally interesting, espeically with parries and side steps. T4 is the black sheep of the family but by no means bad. A lot of fans agree the game peaked around T5/6 but they made for boring tournament games which is why Namco evolved the franchise with the more crowd friendly T7/8.
Similar applies to Virtua Fighter.
Hell, even the first Street Fighter is a load of crap that no one plays seriously so its not just 2d games that have early entries that havent aged well.
Most importantly is that Namco dont believe a collection would sell very well to be worthwhile, otherwise they'd release one. I'm inclined to agree with them tbh.