Woah woah, hold on. There's nothing wrong with the stock DC dpad IMO. It was still wonderfully rollable, albeit it could hurt your thumb after prolonged use due to the sharpish edges of the directions. But I could still pull off all moves in CvS no problem, in fact I preferred it to the green goblin stick as I was a home gamer and not an arcade one.
Only problem was the lack of shoulder buttons, using the analog triggers wasnt the best experience for beat em ups.
Why do Jap computers looks so much more badass than x86 variants. And this design is from the 80 fgs! Honestly, we need a case manufacturer to start looking at Jap pc designs for inspiration. If this was available in x86 with modern specs then I would fully consider getting rid of my pc and get one of these for work and use an hidden egpu tucked away for gaming.
@MontyCircus Yeah agree, think I'll fire this up in Retroarch and stick some shaders on it. It looks so wrong to upscale the polys and still have low res backgrounds.
I must go back and complete the first Dino Crisis, I played like a fraction of it on the PSX back in the day and then got caught up with other games. Which version is considered the best?
If I wasnt already enjoying playing psx games via retroarch I'd be tempted but the Retro crisis shaders combined with BFI Crt shaders on a 32" 240hz OLED means I dont feel like I'm missing out.
Dont come at me with "accurate timing" waffle, I dont care lol
@poyo_pie Really? Do you honestly think they're strategising that much about it? Could they genuinely just not want their characters to get easy vulgar game mods? I dunno, maybe its 50/50.
Wouldnt surprise me if a buncha incel programmers with low self worth took umbridge with this request and made it their lifes mission to port this unofficially to PC.
Unfortunately asking online perverts to not be perverted is asking for perversion.
@KitsuneNight I did! If only I knew about the 9 pin gamepads being comptible sooner I could've played 2 player games FAIRLY instead of one bugger having the joystick and the other bugger using the keyboard.
I became an expert at pulling out Hadokens using the arrow keys via the worst port of SF2 ever.
@John_Deacon TBH when I realised that A) Sega 9 pin controllers worked on Amigas too and B) some developers were starting to develop 2 button gamepad games for it (TWO buttons??!!!) it did blow my tiny pubescent mind!
@GlamorousAlpaca no, I believe it will be circa £349 at least but happy to be proven wrong. I'm more than happy with my atarashai emulations front end with everything setup for bezels and scanline filters (and the occasional BFI) to ever need something like this anyway. 10 years ago I craved original controllers as well but we have amazing usb and wireless options now too.
I have a white themed office setup and a white M30 controller on my desk now just waiting for this keyboard to show up for it to reside beside . . . . . must reSIST!
Yes the DC is/was an awesome machine and almost like having an arcade in your house . . . . except for the loading times lol. They werent long by any stretch of the imagination (quicker than PS1 and Saturn) but they werent instant like arcades were at the time either.
For a split second I thought that image was announcing a Only Fools and Horses walk along shoot em up. Then I realised it was Alan Sugar and not Del boy and he was holding up an amstrad computer and not a machine gun.
Did Pixelcherryninja ask him who designed the infernal thing? They should be fired immediately, my 5 year old could design something better with Lego ffs.
The first 2 Tekken games are really simplistic and lack depth, it's not until Tekken 3/Tekken Tag that things get rerally interesting, espeically with parries and side steps. T4 is the black sheep of the family but by no means bad. A lot of fans agree the game peaked around T5/6 but they made for boring tournament games which is why Namco evolved the franchise with the more crowd friendly T7/8.
Similar applies to Virtua Fighter.
Hell, even the first Street Fighter is a load of crap that no one plays seriously so its not just 2d games that have early entries that havent aged well.
Most importantly is that Namco dont believe a collection would sell very well to be worthwhile, otherwise they'd release one. I'm inclined to agree with them tbh.
I suppose an angry old man version of me is thinking "If you'd have supported the bloody consoles, maybe they'd have fared better?" Although it was probably Dreamcast that was needing the support the most.
Comments 101
Re: "Nothing Has Ever Surpassed The Street Fighter II Boom" Says Japanese Legend Daigo Umehara
I mean, the kid ain't wrong. Talk about golden age of gaming!
Re: Capcom's SNES Shooter 'Super Pang' Is Getting An Unofficial Mega Drive Port
I liked the Amiga rip off oops up mainly because it featured a soundtrack from Snap of oops up.
Re: Over 30 Years Later, Someone Has Given Ocean's 'Jurassic Park 2' A Much-Needed Overhaul
"Laser gun works on Human enemies"
So good they had to list it twice!
Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment
Woah woah, hold on. There's nothing wrong with the stock DC dpad IMO. It was still wonderfully rollable, albeit it could hurt your thumb after prolonged use due to the sharpish edges of the directions. But I could still pull off all moves in CvS no problem, in fact I preferred it to the green goblin stick as I was a home gamer and not an arcade one.
Only problem was the lack of shoulder buttons, using the analog triggers wasnt the best experience for beat em ups.
Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment
What a shame, I was looking forward to this one for using with windows based emulators. I still have my 8bitdo M30 which isnt bad though.
Re: ZUIKI Reveals A Better Look At "The X68000 Z 2"
@Lowdefal Yeah you're right. I googled more images after I posted that and realised the same lol
Re: ZUIKI Reveals A Better Look At "The X68000 Z 2"
Why do Jap computers looks so much more badass than x86 variants. And this design is from the 80 fgs! Honestly, we need a case manufacturer to start looking at Jap pc designs for inspiration. If this was available in x86 with modern specs then I would fully consider getting rid of my pc and get one of these for work and use an hidden egpu tucked away for gaming.
Re: Dino Crisis And Its Sequel Dino Crisis 2 Are Now Available On GOG
@MontyCircus Yeah agree, think I'll fire this up in Retroarch and stick some shaders on it. It looks so wrong to upscale the polys and still have low res backgrounds.
Re: Dino Crisis And Its Sequel Dino Crisis 2 Are Now Available On GOG
I must go back and complete the first Dino Crisis, I played like a fraction of it on the PSX back in the day and then got caught up with other games. Which version is considered the best?
Re: Atari & Watchmaker Nubeo Team Up To Release $500 Limited-Edition Asteroids Watch
They look nice but I dont want to re-learn how to tell the time FGS
Re: Here's Your Best Look Yet At Taki Udon's SuperStation One FPGA PS1, And You Can Order It Now
If I wasnt already enjoying playing psx games via retroarch I'd be tempted but the Retro crisis shaders combined with BFI Crt shaders on a 32" 240hz OLED means I dont feel like I'm missing out.
Dont come at me with "accurate timing" waffle, I dont care lol
Re: Taki Udon Teases FPGA PS1's "SuperDock"
This is like merging the little PSone with a Mega CD. I look forward to the final reveal.
Re: Street Fighter's Critically-Panned Animated TV Series Is Getting A Blu-Ray Release
This is the best thing to come out of it IMHO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI5bkZcgvP0
Re: Dino Crisis Spiritual Successor Code Violet Will Be Console Exclusive To Avoid "Vulgar" PC Modding
@poyo_pie Really? Do you honestly think they're strategising that much about it? Could they genuinely just not want their characters to get easy vulgar game mods? I dunno, maybe its 50/50.
Re: Dino Crisis Spiritual Successor Code Violet Will Be Console Exclusive To Avoid "Vulgar" PC Modding
Wouldnt surprise me if a buncha incel programmers with low self worth took umbridge with this request and made it their lifes mission to port this unofficially to PC.
Unfortunately asking online perverts to not be perverted is asking for perversion.
Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?
Soul calibur on Dreamcast was one of the last games to truly make my jaw (and balls) drop. Incredible home conversion
Re: Flashback: One Of Gaming's Worst Pads Almost Led To A Controller That Promised To Change Gaming Forever
@KitsuneNight I did! If only I knew about the 9 pin gamepads being comptible sooner I could've played 2 player games FAIRLY instead of one bugger having the joystick and the other bugger using the keyboard.
I became an expert at pulling out Hadokens using the arrow keys via the worst port of SF2 ever.
Re: Flashback: One Of Gaming's Worst Pads Almost Led To A Controller That Promised To Change Gaming Forever
@John_Deacon TBH when I realised that A) Sega 9 pin controllers worked on Amigas too and B) some developers were starting to develop 2 button gamepad games for it (TWO buttons??!!!) it did blow my tiny pubescent mind!
Re: Flashback: One Of Gaming's Worst Pads Almost Led To A Controller That Promised To Change Gaming Forever
I was gifted this controller for my Amiga, it wasnt too bad when you got used to it (like most things!)
Re: Interview: Taki Udon Explains How His FPGA PS1 Aims To "Remove Barriers" To FPGA Gaming
@ChaseIQ Oh for sure, I dont doubt that one bit. Basically like the MiSTer Multisystem and its ilk
Re: Interview: Taki Udon Explains How His FPGA PS1 Aims To "Remove Barriers" To FPGA Gaming
Personally I'm not a fan of the Mister UI so any improvement on that front will pique my interest
Re: This New Final Fight 2 Strength Hack Rebalances The SNES Beat 'Em Up
I'm a simple guy, I see Final Fight, I click the link.
Re: Capcom And Bandai Namco Are Joining Forces For This Massive Handheld
Jeez Louise, that handheld looks like an unergonomic POC. Who signed off on that hideous looking dpad and button layout?
Re: Tokyo Xtreme Racer Hits Steam Early Access Later This Month
Do these games play more like ridge racer arcadey style or Grant Turismo simulation style?
Re: 21 Years After It Was Canned, This SAS Xbox Shooter Is Finally Playable
Are they sure it wasnt cancelled because it was crap?
Re: Here's A Better Look At The Promising "All-In-One" MiSTer FPGA Console, Multisystem 2
Jesus, how hard is it to design a sexy retro console these days?
Re: Random: 'Final Fight' Features An Obscure 'Akira' Easter Egg That Has Taken 35 Years To Discover
This isnt an easter egg either BUT I prefer this akira related uncovering: https://thesmartlocal.jp/akira-anime-easter-egg/
Re: PS3 Emulation Comes To ARM64 Devices, Including The Raspberry Pi 5
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard when you can just buy a dedicated retro handheld for the same sort of price!
Re: PS3 Emulation Comes To ARM64 Devices, Including The Raspberry Pi 5
@KitsuneNight yes but you then concede not many would want to play PS3 games at 273p res?
Re: PS3 Emulation Comes To ARM64 Devices, Including The Raspberry Pi 5
Why the hell would you want to play ps3 games at 273p??!! Unless you had the retrotink 4k to upscale it lol?
Re: Interview: Secret Of Mana Composer Hiroki Kikuta Reflects On The Timeless SNES Soundtrack
I only tried SOM around 2012 and even then remember hearing the soundtrack and thinking "Wow!"
Re: Anti Gravity Tournament Is A New Six-Track Album Inspired By WipEout
I love DnB as much as the next guy but this is not WipEout for me: https://x.com/mitch_murder/status/1842271662257135919/video/2
Re: True "All-In-One" MiSTer FPGA Multisystem 2 Console Is Coming In 2025
@GlamorousAlpaca no, I believe it will be circa £349 at least but happy to be proven wrong. I'm more than happy with my atarashai emulations front end with everything setup for bezels and scanline filters (and the occasional BFI) to ever need something like this anyway. 10 years ago I craved original controllers as well but we have amazing usb and wireless options now too.
Re: True "All-In-One" MiSTer FPGA Multisystem 2 Console Is Coming In 2025
I doubt this will be cheaper than £299 so will probably still be one for the already converted rather than someone taking a punt out of interest.
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
I read that as "Claims Arrogant Founder"
Re: 8BitDo Is Releasing A Retro Mechanical Keyboard To Mark Saturn's 30th Birthday
I have a white themed office setup and a white M30 controller on my desk now just waiting for this keyboard to show up for it to reside beside . . . . . must reSIST!
Re: Dreamcast Is Still Offering Up "Wild" Tech Secrets, 25 Years On
Yes the DC is/was an awesome machine and almost like having an arcade in your house . . . . except for the loading times lol. They werent long by any stretch of the imagination (quicker than PS1 and Saturn) but they werent instant like arcades were at the time either.
Re: Dreamcast Is Still Offering Up "Wild" Tech Secrets, 25 Years On
This is not exciting, this is an example of a slow day at the office.
Re: We Didn't Get 'WipEout Kart' Because Phil Harrison Thinks "Kart Games Are Where Franchises Go To Die"
Wipeout is already a "kart" game in the sense you were trying to win a race whilst trying to scupper those ahead and behind you.
Re: "Thanks For The Nostalgia Kick" - Devs Behind The Getaway Look Back On A PS2 Classic
It looked decent but the game was not the best, if only Rockstar would revisit GTA London, they could really show them how its done.
Re: Alan Sugar Wants Your Help To Build An Online Amstrad Museum
For a split second I thought that image was announcing a Only Fools and Horses walk along shoot em up. Then I realised it was Alan Sugar and not Del boy and he was holding up an amstrad computer and not a machine gun.
Colour me disappointed!
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Gets A New Design, Is "Closing In" On 200 Pre-Orders
Oh my god, its beautiful . . . . NOT!
Re: Rebellion Is Bringing Back The Amiga Classic Speedball As A Steam Early Access Title
Way too slow to capture the magic of the original, its like they're trying to turn it into a generic looking e-sport game.
Re: SuperSega Team Doesn't Think Sega Will Have Any Issue With Its Branding
@Kushan Or because they havent picked themselves up off the floor yet from pi$$ing themselves laughing at this project.
Re: SuperSega Team Doesn't Think Sega Will Have Any Issue With Its Branding
Did Pixelcherryninja ask him who designed the infernal thing? They should be fired immediately, my 5 year old could design something better with Lego ffs.
Re: Square Enix Announces Sega Genesis, Saturn And Dreamcast Die-Cast Miniatures
@Badboykilla187 Sarcasm clearly doesnt travel well online
Re: WipEout Co-Creator Throws His Support Behind Fan-Made Lego Set
I love Lego, I love Wipeout so this is a no brainer for me.
Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For A Tekken Collection
The first 2 Tekken games are really simplistic and lack depth, it's not until Tekken 3/Tekken Tag that things get rerally interesting, espeically with parries and side steps. T4 is the black sheep of the family but by no means bad. A lot of fans agree the game peaked around T5/6 but they made for boring tournament games which is why Namco evolved the franchise with the more crowd friendly T7/8.
Similar applies to Virtua Fighter.
Hell, even the first Street Fighter is a load of crap that no one plays seriously so its not just 2d games that have early entries that havent aged well.
Most importantly is that Namco dont believe a collection would sell very well to be worthwhile, otherwise they'd release one. I'm inclined to agree with them tbh.
Re: Square Enix Announces Sega Genesis, Saturn And Dreamcast Die-Cast Miniatures
I suppose an angry old man version of me is thinking "If you'd have supported the bloody consoles, maybe they'd have fared better?" Although it was probably Dreamcast that was needing the support the most.
Re: Square Enix Announces Sega Genesis, Saturn And Dreamcast Die-Cast Miniatures
I can hardly remember any Square Enix games on Sega platforms tbh.