@jeanshortswag Yeah, that version is not a patch on this current one; I always found the Bloodlines version disappointing. The take on the Password theme and Forest of Monsters is amazing too.
Although the myth was already broken by Savaged Regime, who proved it 10 years ago with THIS amazing rendition of Simon's Theme - it's even better! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm7sT87AXFA
I've started a YouTube playlist for all the MEga Drive versions of other CastleVania tracks - there's a killer Dawn of Sorrow Wizardry Lab cover out there - love it!
At least we'll be getting a game that you can put into your NES and play.
I'm just grateful that such a competent, unique NES title will be released. There's nothing like it, and that's awesome. Regardless of how it's achieved, it's still a video game.
The art is awesome. The music is great. The controls are actually pretty damned good too, as far as the updated demo is concerned.
I'm not even the biggest NES fan. I generally find the library quite brown and uninteresting, and find most of it's lauded titles personally overrated (I was a SEGA kid, after all) but there's something different happening here, so I couldn't let this one pass by.
Orange Island is another I'm really looking forward too - some awesome use of colour there!
I backed this, and I find the prices fair on the digital front. I mean, you get two copies of the game for the first Digital tier; A PC version via Steam and the NES ROM. I think that's a good deal?
The demo is very impressive, and the music is insane.
@KingMike Taken from the dev's reply a few comments above:
"The truth is, our mapper could have existed around 1990 because it is not doing anything fundamentally different than what conventional mappers did by 1989. It's not very far off from combining MMC5 and Namco 163 into a single chip and then giving that chip a few more address lines to access more memory."
@oceanvoyager You're a better human than I, because I feel like anybody that ponies up for this deserves to lose it if that comes to pass. They'll learn a lesson from it, that's for sure.
He's incredibly obnoxious and completely off-putting to watch. First comment hit the nail on the head - it all feels like a segment from the V/H/S horror films.
Not to mention that he seems to be a living breathing ad for bad eating habits.
Even if this is all legit, no way in hell could I ever see where giving this guy anything resembling money is a good idea.
Backed this just now. I had to because the Basic Digital comes with a Steam Key AND the NES Rom file; perfect for my Ally X and my Powkiddy devices.
Also, I know the bosses are turn-based, but I am really happy that general combat is in real-time. There's not enough real-time ARPG's for these older consoles, it's always good to see more!
I really dig his stuff, for some bizarre reason. Loved the first RE movie, killer soundtrack too. Definitely not high art, though, but I like the weird take on the games.
@slider1983 Yeah, it's got a bit of a hipster vibe, which entirely put me off from the start, but I do love that monochromatic screen; it's pretty spunky
Super Castlevania IV is one of my faves of ALL time, the soundtrack, visuals AND the game, and it's nuts that the music in this fan-port is nigh-on identical. I love it!
Until all the special effects and rest of the animations are in, the visuals still look relatively incomplete. And the speed seems (intentionally?) a bit off to me, but it's really getting there on that front
The game is coming along very, VERY nicely. Can't wait to dig in when it's available!
@jmbenetti I didn't even get that far, to be brutally honest! I discovered that page, got super inspired, tried to teach myself to program and promptly gave up, haha.
So I am yet to learn to code. It's on my bucket list of things to do, but with a couple of other creative hobbies that take up my time, I very much doubt I'll ever get around to it, unfortunately.
Yeah, this is very cute - interested to see how this one shapes up! With all the GB and GBC games coming out lately, it's nice to see a raster racer in the mix!
I ended up backing this. I was a maaaaasssiive Hyper reader back in the day, being Aussie and all, and an occasional Mean Machines, Gamepro and EGM one.
I never read CVG back in the day, I'm not sure we got it at all here. I could be wrong, but I am sure I would have picked up at least an issue had it been available
@Pigeon This is the perspective that is missing these days.
I don't understand why Arcade Racers can't exist just for the joy of it without all the extras? I mean, they have stopped selling all that much anyways after becoming kart racers or huge open world things anyways, apart from a couple of mass-appeal juggernauts.
Arcade Racers would be much easier to make these days than back then, and don't need to last forever in a Campaign sense. Victory Heat Rally does it right, and I hope to see a million others following their lead, because personally, I feel like my gaming tastes are being properly catered to for the first time in a long time
@NinChocolate There's things called Joker challenges that do amp up the crazy! It's things like avoiding vehicles, collecting balloons, drift challenges all that kind of stuff. They're very much in the vein of some of the stuff from OutRun 2's Heart Attack mode. I specifically love the Moonshine Mile Joker challenge toward the end of the game. I don't want to spoil it though!
"Unlike Mario Kart, there are no weapons to use, which reduces the scope of its appeal..."
I am SO glad there are no contrived weapons that turn this into YET ANOTHER Kart Racer. Arcade Racing can exist outside of a weapons set
I don't find it shallow at all either, it's all about the controls. The drift system is deep and flexible. I find half the fun is figuring out how to best bank and maximize boost use, and which combinations of vehicles and parts to use on any given course. The depth is there if you look for it, but different strokes, I guess.
I've personally found that it's a Time Trial players dream. There's 46 tracks in the game, and they're all super high-quality, and I find that quite insane to have at launch these days. If you like competing against yourself - or against friends - with legitimate racing, then there are multiple reasons to come back. I've clocked the Championship mode, done some Time Trials and I'm sitting at about 9 hours so far. I haven't really stepped into the GP or Multiplayer Modes yet either.
If you miss legit Arcade Racers, not just from the arcades, but 32-bit style racers too, then I reckon Victory Heat Rally will be right up your alley. It's a true-blue Arcade Racer, and the best Arcade Racer in an age, in my books.
@PopetheRev28 Jim Power barely functions, I can attest to that. I think their Street Racer release on GOG and Steam is very average too, and requires you to do most of the heavy lifting to get to the version you want. It's literally easier to emulate with those two.
Their more modern releases seem to be fine, though.
@PopetheRev28 They aren't horrible or anything, but yeah, maybe try their Jim Power Collection on Steam. They've come a long way since then, but it's one of the laziest cash-grabs I've come across so far, unfortunately.
I did really love the Zero Tolerance re-release though, despite the inconsistent controller mappings across the games.
Once upon a time I would have thought this was neat, but being old now, I feel like it's just more useless trash for people to buy to fill that void.
I've gotta pull myself up on this stuff all the time, and ask myself if these things actually serve a purpose in my life. Games are awesome, and showcase the creativity that lies within people. Collectible junk like this just to collect, not so much, unfortunately.
I'd love to see content creators just stop giving Nintendo the time of day. They obviously don't want a mindshare, so let's stop covering their, IMO, overrated IP and see how long that lasts?
There's so many great OTHER games that Nintendo didn't have a hand in, but made it on to their platforms. Cover those.
When I get my project off the ground, there'll be very little Nintendo coverage, partly because of Nintendo Dick Moves™, but also because I feel there are other people out there that have always been better, but for whatever reason never had the mindshare, luck, vision or inclination to become the nasty corporate entity with the family friendly veneer that Nintendo has.
@Bu1ld0g Whatever, man. How does a Switch cart not count as Physical Media? You're the one putting arbitrary restrictions on a purchasing method. And it's happened plenty on disc too.
I think I might block you, since you seem irrational and unwilling to converse properly.
@-wc- Yeah, pretty much. I got burned by Spyro and Assassin's Creed The Rebel Collection for before I just decided to go all-digital on Switch (hundreds of games deep, still can't fit them all on a 512gb SD card) and just 'download' the ones I cherish on PC
I've got ROMS on current hard drives I've had since before I finished High School. If I re-write the law for me, I guess I own those, since they've travelled with me everywhere and nobody has taken them from me
How many Switch games have launched with horrible performance over the years on cart, only to be patched and improved? Once you can't update those games any more whenever in the future, then you'll only ever have the original buggy launch version on cart. Same as all those that come with mandatory installs because they cheaped out on smaller carts.
How is this a scandalous? Are you trying to justify your own purchases? It has been a talking point all of this generation :/
@Bu1ld0g Literally everything with DLC that doesn't get a GOTY edition?
For example, try buying Ridge Racer 6 on the 360 now. I hope you purchased all that extra DLC and music, because the marketplace is closed now and there's no way you're getting that. Pop it in and play it as it is? It's incomplete.
More recently? Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate on the Switch. It's the Ultimate version, not just the regular edition, and there's $100 worth of DLC for it. Not so Ultimate, eh?
EDIT: Oh, and all the seasons of content deleted from Destiny 2 recently.
C'mon, this is common knowledge and practice, do I go on?
@Bu1ld0g Well, physical releases suck these days too, since most of the time, it's an incomplete version of a game that is bound to get a million patches, if it's on a disc at all.
I'm the same when it comes to Ray Tracing and 4K. New games generally don't float my boat, but regardless, I choose to game on my 1080p monitor rather than my older, larger 1440p monitor I've got.
I'm not perfect either, but yeah, as long as we make strides toward our goals, then it's all good! If I'm in the same spot in 5 years, then I'll know I'm doing something wrong, haha.
I don't recognize the person I was before I moved to the country 8 years ago, let alone who I was before that, haha!
@RootsGenoa This is a very city-folk thing to say. Have you done much to reduce your carbon footprint? I'm legitimately interested, btw, it's not a dig!!!
I moved to the country in 2016, and now live on a small block of land in a 65sqm house running off solar and using water tanks. I've sold off my old gaming PC and almost entire retro gaming collection to go low-power digital.
I've got city-folk family that will spout this stuff, but use an incredible amount of power and water, and rely on a lot of disposable products for just one person. Tell them to cut back when they stay with you, and it's like they've been shot in the heart.
I game on a laptop and Switch, and will be replacing my laptop with an ASUS ROG Ally X next month.
I'd love to get to know you if you're like-minded that way - I don't think there's enough people out there vocal about saving power when it comes to gaming as a hobby.
I usually intensely dislike stuff like this, but the Shenmue one is actually really impressive, in a way. Super, SUPER held back by ancient NPC animation routines, but impressive. Once the technology improves, this will become way less creepy.
The Mario 64 one can burn in hell.
Comments about AI tech being a trend will age like milk.
I'm not super about it all myself, but it's not a trend and it's not going anywhere. It'll be the norm, because humans can't help but only care about themselves and the bottom-line by cutting costs and ruin things that are awesome. See THE INTERNET.
Games crafted by humans will become boutique and expensive, just like music, music on Vinyl and analog synthesizers, because the general masses won't be able to tell/give a hoot.
It's already written, and as a collective, we've proven already exactly the way this will all play out, unfortunately.
I wish I could stomach sim-racing because GT3 & 4 look great! I can play GT 1 & 2 these days, because they're relatively arcadey now due to being pretty old, but I just can't get along with these two.
Which is a shame, because the Japanese soundtracks are phenomenal, and the course design and visuals are fantastic.
I will be grabbing this, for absolute sure. Can't pass up a 30th Anniversary celebration of my favourite OST of all time to my favourite game of all time!
Mizuguchi, Mitsuyoshi and Hataya are my own personal Holy Trinity <3
@JonathanChapman @BLAZINOAH
Couldn't have said it better myself. The internet is full of entitled people that think they deserve things, just because they scream loud enough.
We don't 'deserve' ***** when it comes to hobbies and interests. We're lucky, and we should be appreciative that we get anything at all. Most of the cool progress that happens in retro gaming these days comes from people's volunteering of their OWN FREE TIME to do cool things. We should really remember that.
I was literally JUST thinking about this game the other day! And on those exact reasons... I always did wish the game wasn't so ridiculously difficult.
I love the OG Tomb Raider, so I never had a problem with the controls, it was the camera I had issues with. Here's hoping with the improved controls there is an improved camera!
I'd love to play through this again, I never did end up finishing my Saturn copy back in the day.
@Hexapus This got a laugh out of me. Also found this on the Steam Page:
"AI Generated Content Disclosure The developers describe how their game uses AI Generated Content like this:
Dall-E 3 was used to help generate the textures and pixel art, no artist prompts were used, just generic terms. Suno was used for the music. Eleven labs was used for some of the voice work."
Might explain the oddness But seriously, I don't mind AI-generated content like this.
Comments 314
Re: The Genesis Just "Broke Another Myth" With This Amazing Rendition Of A Classic Castlevania Tune
@jeanshortswag Yeah, that version is not a patch on this current one; I always found the Bloodlines version disappointing. The take on the Password theme and Forest of Monsters is amazing too.
Although the myth was already broken by Savaged Regime, who proved it 10 years ago with THIS amazing rendition of Simon's Theme - it's even better! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm7sT87AXFA
I've started a YouTube playlist for all the MEga Drive versions of other CastleVania tracks - there's a killer Dawn of Sorrow Wizardry Lab cover out there - love it!
Re: Interview: How NES RPG Former Dawn Is Bringing CD-ROM Power To Nintendo's 8-Bit System
At least we'll be getting a game that you can put into your NES and play.
I'm just grateful that such a competent, unique NES title will be released. There's nothing like it, and that's awesome. Regardless of how it's achieved, it's still a video game.
The art is awesome. The music is great. The controls are actually pretty damned good too, as far as the updated demo is concerned.
I'm not even the biggest NES fan. I generally find the library quite brown and uninteresting, and find most of it's lauded titles personally overrated (I was a SEGA kid, after all) but there's something different happening here, so I couldn't let this one pass by.
Orange Island is another I'm really looking forward too - some awesome use of colour there!
Re: 36 Years After It Released, There Are So Many New Genesis Games Someone Has Built A Site To Track Them All
@slider1983 I actually meant to reply to the message above, but nothing wrong with that. I do too
Re: 36 Years After It Released, There Are So Many New Genesis Games Someone Has Built A Site To Track Them All
@Bod2019 Indeed!
Re: Interview: How NES RPG Former Dawn Is Bringing CD-ROM Power To Nintendo's 8-Bit System
I backed this, and I find the prices fair on the digital front. I mean, you get two copies of the game for the first Digital tier; A PC version via Steam and the NES ROM. I think that's a good deal?
The demo is very impressive, and the music is insane.
Re: We Can't Quite Believe That Former Dawn Is Running On Real NES Hardware
@KingMike Taken from the dev's reply a few comments above:
"The truth is, our mapper could have existed around 1990 because it is not doing anything fundamentally different than what conventional mappers did by 1989. It's not very far off from combining MMC5 and Namco 163 into a single chip and then giving that chip a few more address lines to access more memory."
Re: SuperSega Boss Rocks Up In His Lamborghini To Beg For Your Pre-Order Cash
@oceanvoyager You're a better human than I, because I feel like anybody that ponies up for this deserves to lose it if that comes to pass. They'll learn a lesson from it, that's for sure.
He's incredibly obnoxious and completely off-putting to watch. First comment hit the nail on the head - it all feels like a segment from the V/H/S horror films.
Not to mention that he seems to be a living breathing ad for bad eating habits.
Even if this is all legit, no way in hell could I ever see where giving this guy anything resembling money is a good idea.
Re: We Can't Quite Believe That Former Dawn Is Running On Real NES Hardware
Backed this just now. I had to because the Basic Digital comes with a Steam Key AND the NES Rom file; perfect for my Ally X and my Powkiddy devices.
Also, I know the bosses are turn-based, but I am really happy that general combat is in real-time. There's not enough real-time ARPG's for these older consoles, it's always good to see more!
Re: Monster Hunter, Mortal Kombat And Resident Evil Director Paul W.S. Anderson Is Making A House Of The Dead Movie
@Digglerdig Yeah, he's kinda punk - I like how he triggers people. It's been a comment section certainty for years, haha.
Re: Monster Hunter, Mortal Kombat And Resident Evil Director Paul W.S. Anderson Is Making A House Of The Dead Movie
I really dig his stuff, for some bizarre reason. Loved the first RE movie, killer soundtrack too. Definitely not high art, though, but I like the weird take on the games.
Monster Hunter was a snooze, though.
Re: New Playdate Update Showcase Airs This Halloween
@slider1983 Yeah, it's got a bit of a hipster vibe, which entirely put me off from the start, but I do love that monochromatic screen; it's pretty spunky
Re: Fan-Made 'Mega Castlevania IV' Project Is Alive And Well In This New Footage
Super Castlevania IV is one of my faves of ALL time, the soundtrack, visuals AND the game, and it's nuts that the music in this fan-port is nigh-on identical. I love it!
Until all the special effects and rest of the animations are in, the visuals still look relatively incomplete. And the speed seems (intentionally?) a bit off to me, but it's really getting there on that front
The game is coming along very, VERY nicely. Can't wait to dig in when it's available!
Re: The Game Boy Color Is Getting A New Top Gear-Style "Pseudo 3D" Racer
@jmbenetti I didn't even get that far, to be brutally honest! I discovered that page, got super inspired, tried to teach myself to program and promptly gave up, haha.
So I am yet to learn to code. It's on my bucket list of things to do, but with a couple of other creative hobbies that take up my time, I very much doubt I'll ever get around to it, unfortunately.
Re: The Game Boy Color Is Getting A New Top Gear-Style "Pseudo 3D" Racer
@jmbenetti 100%, and boy, that page takes me back! I was trying to get into doing it myself way back when.
Re: Review: Victory Heat Rally (Steam) - A Fun But Shallow Tribute To Sega's "Super Scaler" Classics
@Soupbones You can change it back, there's a 'loggle' mode. It is an .ini tweak, however. Found that info in the Discord
Re: The Game Boy Color Is Getting A New Top Gear-Style "Pseudo 3D" Racer
Yeah, this is very cute - interested to see how this one shapes up! With all the GB and GBC games coming out lately, it's nice to see a raster racer in the mix!
Re: Forgotten Worlds Digs Into Some Of The Greatest Magazines Of All Time
I ended up backing this. I was a maaaaasssiive Hyper reader back in the day, being Aussie and all, and an occasional Mean Machines, Gamepro and EGM one.
I never read CVG back in the day, I'm not sure we got it at all here. I could be wrong, but I am sure I would have picked up at least an issue had it been available
Re: Industry Veteran MicroProse Is Publishing Desert Strike Spiritual Successor, Cleared Hot
The graphical style is completely off-base and definitely off-brand, but the controls look niiiiiiiiiiice!
Not too sure about the 'Murica' stuff though, but I get that it's tongue-in-cheek enough to mock the OG series.
I'd give it a crack, for sure!
Re: Review: Victory Heat Rally (Steam) - A Fun But Shallow Tribute To Sega's "Super Scaler" Classics
@Azuris Yeah, Cruis'n Blast is great! It's definitely one of my go-to's on the Switch
Re: Review: Victory Heat Rally (Steam) - A Fun But Shallow Tribute To Sega's "Super Scaler" Classics
@NinChocolate They are challenges spread throughout the Championship Mode. There's around two per Championship
Re: Review: Victory Heat Rally (Steam) - A Fun But Shallow Tribute To Sega's "Super Scaler" Classics
@Pigeon This is the perspective that is missing these days.
I don't understand why Arcade Racers can't exist just for the joy of it without all the extras? I mean, they have stopped selling all that much anyways after becoming kart racers or huge open world things anyways, apart from a couple of mass-appeal juggernauts.
Arcade Racers would be much easier to make these days than back then, and don't need to last forever in a Campaign sense. Victory Heat Rally does it right, and I hope to see a million others following their lead, because personally, I feel like my gaming tastes are being properly catered to for the first time in a long time
Re: Review: Victory Heat Rally (Steam) - A Fun But Shallow Tribute To Sega's "Super Scaler" Classics
@NinChocolate There's things called Joker challenges that do amp up the crazy! It's things like avoiding vehicles, collecting balloons, drift challenges all that kind of stuff. They're very much in the vein of some of the stuff from OutRun 2's Heart Attack mode. I specifically love the Moonshine Mile Joker challenge toward the end of the game. I don't want to spoil it though!
Re: Review: Victory Heat Rally (Steam) - A Fun But Shallow Tribute To Sega's "Super Scaler" Classics
"Unlike Mario Kart, there are no weapons to use, which reduces the scope of its appeal..."
I am SO glad there are no contrived weapons that turn this into YET ANOTHER Kart Racer. Arcade Racing can exist outside of a weapons set
I don't find it shallow at all either, it's all about the controls. The drift system is deep and flexible. I find half the fun is figuring out how to best bank and maximize boost use, and which combinations of vehicles and parts to use on any given course. The depth is there if you look for it, but different strokes, I guess.
I've personally found that it's a Time Trial players dream. There's 46 tracks in the game, and they're all super high-quality, and I find that quite insane to have at launch these days. If you like competing against yourself - or against friends - with legitimate racing, then there are multiple reasons to come back. I've clocked the Championship mode, done some Time Trials and I'm sitting at about 9 hours so far. I haven't really stepped into the GP or Multiplayer Modes yet either.
If you miss legit Arcade Racers, not just from the arcades, but 32-bit style racers too, then I reckon Victory Heat Rally will be right up your alley. It's a true-blue Arcade Racer, and the best Arcade Racer in an age, in my books.
Re: Bleem, The Company That Took On Sony And Won, Rises From The Dead (Again)
@PopetheRev28 Jim Power barely functions, I can attest to that. I think their Street Racer release on GOG and Steam is very average too, and requires you to do most of the heavy lifting to get to the version you want. It's literally easier to emulate with those two.
Their more modern releases seem to be fine, though.
Re: Bleem, The Company That Took On Sony And Won, Rises From The Dead (Again)
@PopetheRev28 They aren't horrible or anything, but yeah, maybe try their Jim Power Collection on Steam. They've come a long way since then, but it's one of the laziest cash-grabs I've come across so far, unfortunately.
I did really love the Zero Tolerance re-release though, despite the inconsistent controller mappings across the games.
I've got The Immortal re-release wish listed.
Re: Square Enix Announces Sega Genesis, Saturn And Dreamcast Die-Cast Miniatures
Once upon a time I would have thought this was neat, but being old now, I feel like it's just more useless trash for people to buy to fill that void.
I've gotta pull myself up on this stuff all the time, and ask myself if these things actually serve a purpose in my life. Games are awesome, and showcase the creativity that lies within people. Collectible junk like this just to collect, not so much, unfortunately.
Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For A Tekken Collection
@smoreon You're bang-on. Dead or Alive on the Saturn is stunning, still. As is Tobal 2 on the PS1.
Re: Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated
I'd love to see content creators just stop giving Nintendo the time of day. They obviously don't want a mindshare, so let's stop covering their, IMO, overrated IP and see how long that lasts?
There's so many great OTHER games that Nintendo didn't have a hand in, but made it on to their platforms. Cover those.
When I get my project off the ground, there'll be very little Nintendo coverage, partly because of Nintendo Dick Moves™, but also because I feel there are other people out there that have always been better, but for whatever reason never had the mindshare, luck, vision or inclination to become the nasty corporate entity with the family friendly veneer that Nintendo has.
Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For A Tekken Collection
I much prefer 3D fighters to 2D fighters, and it makes me a little sad that most 3D looking fighters today play like 2D games.
Yeah, I disagree with his statement too, haha.
Re: Jaleco's 'Saiyūki World', 'Magic John', & 'Pizza Pop!' Are Coming To Nintendo Switch
@PinballBuzzbro YES! Agreed. I had to use Brave's Block Element feature to rid myself of it.
It's absolutely foul.
Re: Review: Legacy of Kain Collection (Evercade) - Take A Bite Out Of Two Gothic Classics
I owned Soul Reaver on the Dreamcast back in the day, and I always found it hard to wrap my head for some reason.
I think I might wait for the remaster to give it another crack!
Re: New Storefront Law Tells Us What We All Should Know: We Don't Own Digital Games
@Bu1ld0g Whatever, man. How does a Switch cart not count as Physical Media? You're the one putting arbitrary restrictions on a purchasing method. And it's happened plenty on disc too.
I think I might block you, since you seem irrational and unwilling to converse properly.
Re: New Storefront Law Tells Us What We All Should Know: We Don't Own Digital Games
@-wc- Yeah, pretty much. I got burned by Spyro and Assassin's Creed The Rebel Collection for before I just decided to go all-digital on Switch (hundreds of games deep, still can't fit them all on a 512gb SD card) and just 'download' the ones I cherish on PC
I've got ROMS on current hard drives I've had since before I finished High School. If I re-write the law for me, I guess I own those, since they've travelled with me everywhere and nobody has taken them from me
Re: New Storefront Law Tells Us What We All Should Know: We Don't Own Digital Games
@Bu1ld0g No, incomplete is incomplete.
How many Switch games have launched with horrible performance over the years on cart, only to be patched and improved? Once you can't update those games any more whenever in the future, then you'll only ever have the original buggy launch version on cart. Same as all those that come with mandatory installs because they cheaped out on smaller carts.
How is this a scandalous? Are you trying to justify your own purchases? It has been a talking point all of this generation :/
Re: New Storefront Law Tells Us What We All Should Know: We Don't Own Digital Games
@Bu1ld0g Literally everything with DLC that doesn't get a GOTY edition?
For example, try buying Ridge Racer 6 on the 360 now. I hope you purchased all that extra DLC and music, because the marketplace is closed now and there's no way you're getting that. Pop it in and play it as it is? It's incomplete.
More recently? Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate on the Switch. It's the Ultimate version, not just the regular edition, and there's $100 worth of DLC for it. Not so Ultimate, eh?
EDIT: Oh, and all the seasons of content deleted from Destiny 2 recently.
C'mon, this is common knowledge and practice, do I go on?
Re: New Storefront Law Tells Us What We All Should Know: We Don't Own Digital Games
@Bu1ld0g Well, physical releases suck these days too, since most of the time, it's an incomplete version of a game that is bound to get a million patches, if it's on a disc at all.
There is no proper solution, and everybody loses.
Re: AI, Please Leave Our Favourite Video Games Alone
@RootsGenoa Not triggered, but thanks for the clarification, yeah, these particular kind of videos are trendy, indeed.
Re: AI, Please Leave Our Favourite Video Games Alone
@RootsGenoa Awesome to hear!
I'm the same when it comes to Ray Tracing and 4K. New games generally don't float my boat, but regardless, I choose to game on my 1080p monitor rather than my older, larger 1440p monitor I've got.
I'm not perfect either, but yeah, as long as we make strides toward our goals, then it's all good! If I'm in the same spot in 5 years, then I'll know I'm doing something wrong, haha.
I don't recognize the person I was before I moved to the country 8 years ago, let alone who I was before that, haha!
Re: AI, Please Leave Our Favourite Video Games Alone
@RootsGenoa This is a very city-folk thing to say. Have you done much to reduce your carbon footprint? I'm legitimately interested, btw, it's not a dig!!!
I moved to the country in 2016, and now live on a small block of land in a 65sqm house running off solar and using water tanks. I've sold off my old gaming PC and almost entire retro gaming collection to go low-power digital.
I've got city-folk family that will spout this stuff, but use an incredible amount of power and water, and rely on a lot of disposable products for just one person. Tell them to cut back when they stay with you, and it's like they've been shot in the heart.
I game on a laptop and Switch, and will be replacing my laptop with an ASUS ROG Ally X next month.
I'd love to get to know you if you're like-minded that way - I don't think there's enough people out there vocal about saving power when it comes to gaming as a hobby.
Re: AI, Please Leave Our Favourite Video Games Alone
I usually intensely dislike stuff like this, but the Shenmue one is actually really impressive, in a way. Super, SUPER held back by ancient NPC animation routines, but impressive. Once the technology improves, this will become way less creepy.
The Mario 64 one can burn in hell.
Comments about AI tech being a trend will age like milk.
I'm not super about it all myself, but it's not a trend and it's not going anywhere. It'll be the norm, because humans can't help but only care about themselves and the bottom-line by cutting costs and ruin things that are awesome. See THE INTERNET.
Games crafted by humans will become boutique and expensive, just like music, music on Vinyl and analog synthesizers, because the general masses won't be able to tell/give a hoot.
It's already written, and as a collective, we've proven already exactly the way this will all play out, unfortunately.
Re: 20 Years On, PS2 Classic Gran Turismo 4 Gets A Fan-Made Retune
I wish I could stomach sim-racing because GT3 & 4 look great! I can play GT 1 & 2 these days, because they're relatively arcadey now due to being pretty old, but I just can't get along with these two.
Which is a shame, because the Japanese soundtracks are phenomenal, and the course design and visuals are fantastic.
Great work to the mod team, nonetheless!
Re: Sega Rally 30th Anniversary Soundtrack CD Is Coming Next Month
I will be grabbing this, for absolute sure. Can't pass up a 30th Anniversary celebration of my favourite OST of all time to my favourite game of all time!
Mizuguchi, Mitsuyoshi and Hataya are my own personal Holy Trinity <3
Re: Creator Of PS1 Emulator DuckStation Threatens To "Shut The Whole Thing Down" Following License Change
@JonathanChapman @BLAZINOAH
Couldn't have said it better myself. The internet is full of entitled people that think they deserve things, just because they scream loud enough.
We don't 'deserve' ***** when it comes to hobbies and interests. We're lucky, and we should be appreciative that we get anything at all. Most of the cool progress that happens in retro gaming these days comes from people's volunteering of their OWN FREE TIME to do cool things. We should really remember that.
Re: 'Utopia Must Fall' Is A Stylish Vector-Based Shooter Inspired By Missile Command
Looks amazing. I love Datassette, so anything he's cooked up, be it music, games or both, I'm all for.
Got the notification from Bandcamp for the game the other day, thanks for the additional reminder to purchase, haha!
Re: The Mega Drive / Genesis Racer 'Combat Cars' Has Just Got A Promising New Fan Patch
I was literally JUST thinking about this game the other day! And on those exact reasons... I always did wish the game wasn't so ridiculously difficult.
Will definitely give this a crack, cannot wait!
Re: The PC-98 Dungeon Crawler 'Slayers' Has Just Got An English Fan Translation
The art and OST looks like it all makes it a must-play for me, even though turned-based games are not my favourite, haha.
Seriously, that art... it looks so well drawn!
Re: R-Type Shown Running On The Atari 7800
Amazing stuff. Super capable hardware only being taken advantage of now - I'll be here for this stuff all day, every day
Re: New Streets Of Rage 2 Hack Adds Levelling System To The Classic Sega Beltscroller
@WileyDragonfly That's what Streets of Rage Remake is for, haha! It's the best SOR out there
Re: Star Fox Studio Argonaut Is Back, And It's Remastering Croc
I love the OG Tomb Raider, so I never had a problem with the controls, it was the camera I had issues with. Here's hoping with the improved controls there is an improved camera!
I'd love to play through this again, I never did end up finishing my Saturn copy back in the day.
Very happy Argonaut is back, too
Re: MechWarrior Fans, Take Note - Boomer Shooter 'Mekkablood: Quarry Assault' Is Coming Soon
@Hexapus This got a laugh out of me. Also found this on the Steam Page:
"AI Generated Content Disclosure
The developers describe how their game uses AI Generated Content like this:
Dall-E 3 was used to help generate the textures and pixel art, no artist prompts were used, just generic terms. Suno was used for the music. Eleven labs was used for some of the voice work."
Might explain the oddness But seriously, I don't mind AI-generated content like this.