Comments 314

Re: Genki Confirms We're Getting A New Tokyo Xtreme Racer


Yeah, this is brilliant news. Not only will we have NightRunners to play, but also a new Genki-developed Shutokou Battle game.

My most anticipated racer bar none right now - with maaaaaybe Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown being up there, too.

Re: Sega's Spirit Is Alive And Well In DDI Rally And Super Retro GP


I purchased DDI Rally and refunded it immediately. I could absolutely see what it's going for, and I WANTED TO LOVE IT, but the quality just isn't there. I'd love to give it another crack, but all the dodgy crashing in the trailer above (which shows no high-level gameplay play at all) doesn't really inspire much confidence that things have changed on that front.

I've also tried the demo for Super Retro GP, and it's much the same. There's a strange positive buzz around the demo, which I just can't see myself. I love the passion on display, but I just wish the dev were better able to execute his vision. Maybe all they need is more time, and he's shared the games waaaaaayyy too early.

I've found the Early Access for Super Polygon GP much, much better. The physics, while still a work in progress, are sound and feel like a legit SEGA/NAMCO racer. Not at all like Virtua Racing, but much more like Indy 500 & Ace Driver. And though there are serious performance issues right about now, I can see them being sorted out, and the game is making good progress with the updates.

Re: This Adorable New Super Mario Fan Game Looks Absolutely Incredible


@Azuris I'm not saying you can't disagree and have an alternative opinion. You can, and that's fine. I usually am not all that into western pixel art myself, I get it. Having now played the demo, this game doesn't adhere to that imo, it's got it's own thing going own.

But calling is 'generic western slop' is a bit mean. Also, the rest of their comments are almost always cutting something down in a poo-pooing fashion. That's what I meant by negative.

Re: Sega Rally 2's PC Port Is Now Playable On Modern Computers


@Scollurio The thing about SEGA Rally that stands out is that it has amazing track design. That would kinda go out the window in yet another open-world racer, I would think.

But yeah, I'd love to see SEGA own their racing heritage - nobody did it better in the arcades.

Re: Final Fight MD Dev Working On 'Driftin' Rage', A New 16-Bit Racer For Mega Drive/Genesis


@GOmar It absolutely doesn't look exactly the same as OutRun? The only way it's like OutRun is in the way that Lotus was like OutRun, or Top Racer was the same as OutRun.

And I don't think it's fair to judge the eventual game on what is an early peek at some cool, and obviously early, technology. You're talking about it like it's finished.

I guess Earthion is redundant too. And ZPF.

Also, I guess my beef is that I just really don't like watching people piss on indie passion-projects that are obvious labours of love. If it's not for you, move on, but... eh.

Re: Metro Siege Is A Fantastic New Beat 'Em Up Coming To The Amiga


@KitsuneNight That's the fun of it - the rabbit hole, haha!

Ahh well, fair enough - it'll always be there for you if you decide to give it a crack one day

YouTube a few best-of lists (Kim Justice has some pretty amazing Amiga coverage) and you'll be on your way.

On a side note, I've almost entirely stopped playing new games, well at least those that aren't in the retro-vein. Large libraries like this that I'm working my way through slowly actually keep me gaming.

If it weren't for retro gaming, retro game hacks, new games for retro systems or indie games that are like retro games, there'd not be a whole lot out there for me any more!

Re: 8BitDo's Anniversary Celebration Includes Gold And Silver Controllers


@Azuris It's laggy on even PC. And I've never used bluetooth audio on the Switch ever, mine is used 100% docked.

To be honest though, I refuse to use any Bluetooth controller these days anyways. There are better Bluetooth controllers than any of the the 8bitdo units in regards to lag (the best I've found on Switch were the BigBig Won Blitz and the PXN 9607x), but over the years, I've come to despise it as a controller technology - if a controller doesn't come with a 2.4ghz dongle, then it's out for me.

Re: 8BitDo's Anniversary Celebration Includes Gold And Silver Controllers


@Blast16 Pairing used to be an issue, but not these days. Other than that, it'll be the Bluetooth lag that gets you - they're some of the slowest controllers I've ever experienced on the Switch, either wired or wireless.

Which is a shame, because they are perfect otherwise. I love the amazing build quality, buttons, d-pad and all the rest.

They really need to get onto a 2.4ghz variant.

Re: Mega Drive / Genesis Shmup 'ZPF' Smashes Kickstarter Goal In Just 19 Minutes


@GOmar I apologize for assuming. Most of the time it's an internet way of passive-aggressively telling people to basically love it or leave it, I definitely read it wrong then.

And I don't feel like I should support them that way. I mean, I have in the past: I backed Mikael Tillander's Tanzer on Kickstarter years ago, and I'm a big fan; we got digital copies with that too. I've also purchased most of the games Mega Cat Studios has physically on their site via Itch or other means, which is why I'm not a fan of this wave of suddenly making things physical only.

Physical games are great, but also I feel even the retro development community is reaching a point where it's quite obviously exploiting people, their nostalgia, and their love of just buying things and accumulating stuff.

It just rubs me the wrong way, I guess.

My issues with this are beyond gaming though, and is a global thing that drives me crazy in general, though.

Basically, what I'm saying is that I'd love a ROM option in the Kickstarter to legitimately support the devs. If they don't want a distribute a ROM file out there themselves, then that is their prerogative, but somebody else will do it for sure. I'd rather just not play the game that way. We should have learned the lessons of that whole thing already.

Re: Mega Drive / Genesis Shmup 'ZPF' Smashes Kickstarter Goal In Just 19 Minutes


@GOmar Why highlight 'plastic and cardboard' like I'm the one in the wrong for not wanting them? Retro gamers come in many different shapes and forms these days, and I've gone from a physical collector to preferring to keep a mostly platform-agnostic digital library.

Also, that's a convoluted way of helping them out and getting access to the rom. Admittedly one I've thought of, but it just feels wrong to wait for a ROM dump when I could have had the option to just straight-up pay for a ROM myself.

Ultimately, it's their decision in how they choose to distribute their game. I'll wait and see if they end up offering the ROM file for purchase after the fact, but if not, then I can definitely live without the game; no FOMO here.

Re: Mega Drive / Genesis Shmup 'ZPF' Smashes Kickstarter Goal In Just 19 Minutes


@belmont Yep, I'm out too. Which is a shame, because I'm generally not shmup fan, but I really, really loved my time with the ZPF demo rom.

I have a few handheld emulation machines and that's how I choose to get my retro fix these days. I'm pretty minimalist in general at this stage of my life, and have mostly sold off my large physical collection because I live in what is basically a Tiny House now.

I'd love to support the team, but not all of us want shelves and walls stacked with plastic and paper just to play video games :/

Re: Meet The Solo Dev Whose Sega Rally Tribute Could Become An Official Sequel


Literally my favourite game of ALL TIME. I do hope this can shake the typical Unreal Engine look though, and really take on a SEGA Rally vibe. The whole charm was in the hand-crafted tracks and their iconic scenery. I really dislike the look of stuff like UE5's nanite, because it just screams procedural generation. I know it is, but I dunno, I guess it looks sterile to me. Although, at least I can tell which parts of which track each of these featured screen shots are - that's promising!

I did actually try the 2022 demo, and it ran like garbage on my gaming laptop back then, so I'm hoping it was an optimization issue and UE5 will run on my laptop

Also, please please PLEASE nail the physics, and base them on SRC. I don't even think any of the rally sequels got near the OG handling, despite being a lot of fun!

Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Jo's New Look In Perfect Dark?


As a gay dude, I miss the days when characters of all sexes were unapologetically going for sex appeal. By making characters more true to life, they're looking lazy, boring and forgettable to me. Besides, real people irritate me these days, why would I want them in video games I play?

So yup, not a fan of the new Joanna. I have a soft spot for early 2000s Joanna, because the Y2K styling was ON POINT, haha!

Re: Nightdive Studios Teases 'The Thing' & 'Killing Time' Remasters


This is amazing. I'm all down for Nightdive doing whatever they want - I'll be here on day one for both games. The Thing is an brilliant game too, I used to own it on OG Xbox.

On a related note, I can't believe people had the nerve to complain about PO'ed being released instead of 'something good'. Preservation isn't just for those top games. PO'ed is actually playable and fun now, thanks to the remaster.

It wasn't released in place of other games, it came out in addition to the other stuff they have cooking.

Love Nightdive and I'll be picking up each and every game they do. It's like they know my exact gaming tastes

EDIT: Killing Time now has High-Res sprites, and they look even sharper than the 3DO version! It now looks like the screenshots/bullshots that they promoted the game with in Next Generation magazine back in the day! So cool!!!

Re: Mullet Madjack Is A New Retro FPS Inspired By Classic '80s & '90s Anime


This looked great, but I tried the demo and hated it.

This kind of gimmicky FPS game is definitely not for me. The aesthetic is very nice, but I don't think the constant visual crazy thrown at your eyeballs is actually in keeping with its inspirations; these Anime Cyberpunk 90s classics had a lot of down-time inbetween the visceral over-the-top bits, and this has none of that.

Also, the gameplay just does nothing for me. A bit of a shame, really!

Re: Sega Saturn Is Getting A Fan-Made Remake Of Revenge Of Shinobi


@Sketcz Noooooo, Redbook is UNDERATED!!!

Seriously, I love chip-tunes, but I love Redbook more; it's a snapshot of a certain golden era of 80s and 90s Synthesizers, Samplers, Drum Machines and MIDI modules.

It's probably why I love the Mega Drive sound chip so much, because it sounds so much like a DX-7

Re: Limited Run Games Apologises For Shipping 3DO Games On CD-Rs


Limited Run basically turned me off Physical media. I kinda figured if the only real choice we have to nab physical copies of games was a company quite obviously and shamelessly capitalizing on the death of physical gaming media, then I'd rather just go all digital.

I've been going more and more minimalist these days generally, and GOG, ROM and ISO collections are the ultimate in preservation anyways, so I think it's more fun to find devices you can tinker with and play ALL your games on. I've even still got ROMS floating around on a hard drive somewhere that I downloaded when I was in High School...

I think finding suitable controllers take you most of the way there anyways. 8bitDo and Retro-Bit have the PSX, SNES and SEGA Experiences down pretty well.

There's definitely something to be said for the original hardware experience, but I'll always have those memories and that is enough for me.

That was the long way of saying that I've never trusted Limited Run Games and their overt exploitation of the last bastion of gamers who want to hold onto physical media

Re: FPGA Vs Software Emulation - Which Is Best? We Asked Four Experts To Find Out


I love to tinker, so as soon as an FPGA solution comes out that is affordable AND lets me customize the look to make it look like a legitimate console (similar to the mini Mega Drive & SNES cases for Raspberry Pi units), then I'll be all over it.

At the moment though, it is prohibitively expensive to get into, and I get absolutely fine results from software emulation, so I don't feel like the cost is worth it to jump on board just yet.

Re: All Is Not Well In The World Of FPGA Retro Gaming


@jbrodack Agreed. FPGA emulation HASN'T revolutionized retro gaming. Ripping ROMS and ISOS and using Software Emulation did, way back in the 90s. Because of those things, flash carts are possible. I'd argue that dedicated handheld emulation machines have revolutionized retro gaming too. So many options to have 100,000 + retro games on your person at any one time.

FPGA hardware emulation is amazing, but definitely isn't as user-friendly as software emulation solutions, and has yet to reach any point of critical mass.

And if all this in-fighting is an indication, it'll take a while for that to happen.