Comments 5

Re: Interview: The Wizard's Luke Edwards


That's letting them off light. I am jealous though. I never got to see them. I know she started a solo career at some point. I'll have to listen to it again some time, but I don't remember liking it as much.

Re: Interview: The Wizard's Luke Edwards


Yikes, are you aware that a guy you worked with is now a sex offender? Haha.

I have one of Rilo Kiley's albums and really enjoy it. I often wonder if people harass her at shows with some of the awkward lines she was given like randomly shouting "He touched my breast!" (Unfortunately, I don't think it was referring to the guy who's now a sex offender, as interesting as that would be.)

I mean, I totally would. (Shout the line, that is.)

Re: Feature: The Making of The Wizard


Hushed, reverent tones? I think you guys are alone there. It features some of the worst writing and acting I've ever been witness to, second only to the Mario Bros. movie, of course. Poor Nintendo, your film record is not too hot. The one thing I give it credit for is the SMB3 race competition / commercial at the end. I miss the high school days when my friends and I would gather a few TVs and Nintendos and do the same, an idea I'd never have had if not for this awful excuse for a movie.