

Plays videogames on everything

Comments 20

Re: Fan Translation And ROM Hack Site CDRomance Is No Longer Being Updated


Massvice thanks to the owner of CD Romance, as I've played games I've otherwise would've never heard of/gotten to play. Thanks for that man, you've been awesome!!

Edit: you guys at Time Extension also need to stop covering this issue, as you keep exposing sites like this. The log-in is but one way to decrease the demand, he will require you to donate if you keep this up

Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?


@Spider-Kev if you have to send your Switch to Nintendo for repairs, and the system detects that certain hardware has been changed, it will wipe all data on the console. So you subscribe to Online to backup your save data, because they don't allow you to use a USB like Sony allowed on the PS4 (PS5 lacking that feature is also BS). They also won't let you dump the save data to a microSD, and considering I have a 1TB card, I got the space.

"Security Policy" is really code for "Control Policy"

Re: Etsy Accuses Game Boy Publisher Of Piracy For Selling Its Own Games


@KingMike as a retro gamer, you should know how to identify counterfeits, and either avoid them or take a gamble whilst knowing. You should also be examining the pictures given with the listing. It's not always on the platform to protect you from malevolent sellers. Also, reproductions aren't always bad when it comes to game manuals... many older games DO require the manual to play them, and manuals are rather prone to wear and tear.

Re: PSA: Check Your PSP Battery Right Now


I remember taking to Reddit and warning people about swollen PSP batteries back in 2019, when one of mine turned into a spicy hand grenade. Also, as a PSP Go owner, they're insanely easy to get at the battery as well... all you need is a #00 Phillips screwdriver, 5-10 minutes of patience, and a spare battery. That said, if you're gonna go thru the effort of doing the bigger battery mod, do yourself a favor and also do the M2-Memory Stick to SD adapter mod and USB-C mod.

Re: GameStop Announces Launch Of New "Retro GameStop" Stores


@JDCII SqueEnix actually continues to print and sell FF VII - IX for PS1, and sells them on their site. Also, quick question, ever thought about getting an Evercade, or a Hyper Mega Tech Super Pocket? I'm waiting on the Atari edition Super Pocket to launch, and they recently re-released the PS1 versions of Tomb Raider 1-3. Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain and Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver are next (and that's why I'm getting into Evercade).
Edit: they might also have PS1 Chrono Trigger/ Cross as well.

Re: GameStop Announces Launch Of New "Retro GameStops" Stores


They should've never phased out old console games to begin with... when they started phasing out 360/PS3 game sales, my trips to GameStop went from about once a week to once a month when PS4/XB1 launched... and then it went to once in 5 years when they started filling the shelves with Funko Pop instead of GAMES. Don't get me wrong, having game-themed Funko Pop in GameStop is perfectly fine. But when you have it in excess, and none of the games I'd actually be looking for, why bother?