Comments 8

Re: Rare Piece Of Italian Video Game History Dumped Online


@JackGYarwood Thanks for answering!
I read something about this company and I guess I now know why it was so unknown to me: I don't know anything about Atari microcomputers.
I thought Lindasoft was related to the tons of companies that operated here in Italy during the Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum 'official bootlegs' days (man, I love that moment) but apparently they didn't make anything for those computers.
And yet, this story about a company named after someone's daughter is familiar.
I have to dig out something more about this (and check these games, also).

Re: Flashback: The History Of Sonic's First Animated Commercial Outside Of Japan


I was looking at the title of this article, I clicked then I saw the photo of Calà and Sonic.
Wow, didn't expect that, and what a Read, thank you!
During those years I was 5-6 years old and I remember all of these commercial, very fondly indeed. It's great to see their story covered here, really.

Jerry Calá was Perfect for this role: yeah, it was involved in some Italian comedies "of the time" (I still love the first "Vacanze di Natale") but it was always a very funny guy overall, perfect for Sonic, in my opinion.
Thanks to Mazzoli and Bertè for their experiences and thank you all, again, for the article!

Re: Move Aside FIFA 23, Actua Soccer 2 Is Coming To Steam


Played the demo of it on the PS1 a couple of data ago: I enjoyed it, sure, but mostly for the commentary, I didn't remember it to be that good (maybe because I usually set Italian as a language, makes sense). Gameplay... Not so much, but wasn't bad! And the PC version was probably better.