

The Italian Nintendo/Sony gamer

Comments 8

Re: Feature: The Making Of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes


I have Metal Gear Solid on my PSN account but, in a crazy twist of events, never bothered to download it on my PSP. I'd be glad to do my usual "home-handheld double dipping" with my PSP and my GameCube... once I manage to get a copy of the GCN version cheap enough, that is.

Re: Feature: How Rik Mayall Helped Bring Anarchy To Nintendo UK


Believe it or not, I'm Italian and I know who the guy was anyway.
Other than being the eponymous Drop Dead Fred, Rik Mayall gave his voice to all characters in a slightly more obscure PC/PS1 title from Infogrames called Hogs Of War, a polygonal and swine-based counterpart of Team17's Worms. I have fond memories of his politically incorrect voice clips lampooning national stereotypes in a Monty Python-esque take of World War I.
So long, Rik, and thanks for all the--SQUEAL!